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* In ''[[Technic History]]'' much of the series is centered on the planet Avalon which is home to a joint colony of humans and eagle-like Ythrian aliens. Most of what we see Ythrians doing among themselves is rather poetic looked at from the outside. But then just being an intelligent flying creature is rather poetic. On the other hand Ythrians often participate rather incongruously in human activities such as going to bars.
* In ''[[The Keltiad]]'' by Patricia Kennealy, the descendants of the Atlantean Celts who had migrated to another planet have no discernible pop culture or even mass media despite their futuristic technology. The Kelts' culture is stuck in a [[Mary Suetopia|heavily idealized pre-Christian iron age]] and party entertainment consists of someone playing traditional songs on the traditional harp in a way that apparently hasn't changed for thousands of years.
*In the [[JRR Tolkien]] franchise Elves are simply [[Can't Argue with Elves|elven]] though wood elves tell jokes and have boisterous parties. Dwarves enjoy getting drunk as well as making beautiful things. The oddest part is men who are often pictured talking routinely in [[Purple Prose]] and acting like epic heroes when they are just men. Hobbits however, who are a kind of men are mundane all over as are Bree men.
**Orc culture consists of torturing people. Hey a guy has to have some entertainment!
== [[Live Action TV]] ==