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* Dr. Nick Riviera in ''[[The Simpsons]]''. He also has a case of [[What the Hell Is That Accent?]].
** "Riviera" is actually the name of the Mediterranean region of France, and sounds like a mashup of two actual Latin names: ''Rivera'' (Spanish) and ''Vieira'' (Portuguese).
** Word of God <ref>(The audio commentary for "Homer's Triple Bypass")</ref> states that his design is based on [[wikipedia:G%C3%A1borGábor Csup%C3%B3Csupó|Gabor Csupo]] while his accent is a bad imitation of [[wikipedia:Desi Arnaz|Desi Arnaz]]
* The "Channel 9" broadcasters on ''[[The Fast Show]]'' were vaguely Eastern European/Mediterranean, but their language was a mixture of pure gibberish and British cultural references. Wherever country they were from, all we know is that the weather is consistently "scorchio".
* ''[[Eurotrash]]'' was full of this.
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* Ax in ''[[Animorphs]]'' comes off as this in-universe in his human morph. As it contains DNA from four different people (two of them white, one Latino and one African-American), and he introduced himself as being from various countries, culminating in Canada ("I am from Canada. I am Canadese.")
* Ishboo was a recurring foreign exchange student on ''[[All That]]'' with an abundance of bizarre cultural traditions that he'd insist others join in. Whenever someone asked where he was from, he'd brush off the question. It was sometimes implied that he wasn't a foreigner, and was just messing with everyone.
* ''[[Family Guy]]'' made a [[Cutaway Gag]] about two guys who don't really have much of an accent, but speak in a way that you can tell that they're not from the US. They've become occasional [[Recurring Character|Recurring Characters]]s
* The eponymous character of ''[[Yotsubato]]''. She's known to be an adopted foreigner from "an island to the left".
* Lampshaded with the Geico Gecko, a tropical lizard with a Cockney accent - one ad centers on people asking where he's from, and it deliberately cuts off before he answers.