Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Difference between revisions

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This trope is about when [[Power Creep, Power Seep]] ''does not'' come into play. To be a Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond, you don't have to be a [[Mary Sue]], but you must be much more powerful than the locals, without gaining anything you didn't have before. Also, no attempting to Nerf powers.
Compare [[Like a Fish Takes to Water]], where the individuals transplanted have some unique gifts or knowledge, or [[Alternate Realm Boon]], where the individuals transplanted gain some unique gifts or knowledge during or immediately after the transplantation process. This one is just a normal guy or person in his/her universe, but is special in another. [[Fish Out of Water]] goes hand-in-hand with this trope. This is a staple of comic book alien supers. [[Invoked Trope]] for [[Summon Everyman Hero]]. See also [[Those Were Only Their Scouts]]. Contrast [[Outside Context Villain]].