Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Difference between revisions

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What about humans? If you have psychic powers, but so does everyone else, then you aren't that special. But what if you were dropped into a world where subterfuge and spy work were the order of the day, but no one could read minds? You're suddenly the biggest VIP on the planet.
This trope is about when [[Power Creep, Power Seep]] ''does not'' come into play. To be a Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond, you don't have to be a [[Mary Sue]], but you must be much more powerful than the locals, without gaining anything you didn't have before - so no [[Realm Exclusive Effect]]. Also, no attempting to Nerf powers.
Compare [[Like a Fish Takes to Water]], where the individuals transplanted have some unique gifts or knowledge, or [[Alternate Realm Boon]], where the individuals transplanted gain some unique gifts or knowledge during or immediately after the transplantation process. This one is just a normal guy or person in his/her universe, but is special in another. [[Fish Out of Water]] goes hand-in-hand with this trope. This is a staple of comic book alien supers. [[Invoked Trope]] for [[Summon Everyman Hero]]. See also [[Those Were Only Their Scouts]]. Contrast [[Outside Context Villain]].