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* In the second [[Goosebumps|Night of the Living Dummy]] book, the heroine, her sister, and her parents enter the sister's room to find that all her bedroom walls have been graffiti'd. The mother yells at the youngest brother, a notorious prankster, but he stops her by saying that ''this'' time he's innocent, and that [[Even Evil Has Standards|this is messed-up even for him.]] Of course it turns out that Slappy did it, but who'd believe ''that?''
* [[Harry Potter]]:
** Harry and Ron use Polyjuice potion ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Chamber of Secrets (novel)|Chamber of Secrets]]'' to imitate Crabbe and Goyle, Draco Malfoy's two mooks, in the hopes of getting Draco to admit that he's the heir of Slytherin, and thus the cause of all the shenanigans happening at Hogwarts that year. Instead, they hear Draco ranting about how thrilled he is that it's happening and how he'd love to congratulate whoever is actually behind it.
** Similarly, in the film version of ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Prisoner of Azkaban (film)|Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban]]'', Ron initially guesses when there is a long line towards the Fat Lady that Neville Longbottom must have forgotten the password again, only to learn from Neville's exclamation that he was behind Ron the whole time, and thus couldn't have been the one keeping them out of the common room. It's revealed shortly afterwards that the reason they aren't allowed access is because {{spoiler|the Fat Lady was scared away from her painting}}.
** In ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Goblet of Fire (novel)|Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire]]'', Snape blames Harry's trio for stealing the Polyjuice Potion ingredients missing from his stores. Although they were guilty of that 2 books ago, they are not responsible for it this time -- {{spoiler|Barty Crouch is}}. Since Snape didn't mention ''when'' the ingredients were stolen, Harry thought he ''was'' talking about the original theft, so he was simply lying that he wasn't behind it.
* Fainne says this exact line in ''Child of the Prophecy'', by Juliet Mariller. It's really {{spoiler|her grandmother who happens to have similar powers and much more motive...}}
* [[Destructive Savior|Hero version]]: ''"[[The Dresden Files|The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault]]."''
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** John is thrown into what looks very much like Earth, and immediately suspects Scorpius of messing with his head. However, when he finds Scorpius in the simulacrum, he protests that he's not the one doing it this time.
** Happens a whole bunch in season 4 when Scorpius joins our heroes on ''Moya'' and then again in "The Peacekeeper Wars." To be fair, John has good reason not to trust Scorpius after everything he's put him through.
* ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'':
** In the ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' episode "Firstborn", Lursa and B'Etor of the House of Duras are suspected of an assasination attempt against Worf. It turns out {{spoiler|a future version of Alexander, Worf's son, had traveled back in time to stage this attempt so as to motivate the young Alexander to become a Klingon warrior}}.
** The episode "Timescape" has a variation of this. Picard, Troi, Data, and La Forge are returning from a conference and encounter the ''Enterprise'' and a Romulan vessel, both frozen in a temporal field. At first, it looks very much like the two ships are fighting and the Romulans have both attacked and boarded the Enterprise, a suspicion that is only strengthened when they investigate the inside of the ship and find that Riker is unconscious, and worse, Dr. Crusher has been shot at close-range by a Romulan soldier (the temporal freezing the only reason she likely survives). {{quote|Eventually, after a way to reverse the temporal freezing is discovered, the more complicated truth emerges: The ''Enterprise'' was responding to a distress call from the Romulan vessel and helping them evacuate the ship, the true culprits in the case being shapeshifting aliens posing as Romulans. The soldier had tried to fire on one of the imposters; Crusher had simply gotten in the way.}}
* Not a recurring [[Big Bad]], but in one episode of ''[[Columbo]]'' the killers try to make it look like a repeat offender did their murder. Columbo doesn't seem convinced but pays a visit to that offender to be sure.
{{quote|'''Offender:''' Who are you?
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* The ''[[NCIS: Los Angeles]]'' episode "Exit Strategy" had the NCIS team thinking that the Sudanese dictator Khaled was responsible for the attempted assassination of Jada, his sister who had defected to America in his previous appearance, as he had the strong motive of keeping her silent in regards to his abuse of human rights in the region. However, when they contact him, he denies the attempt on his sister's life, citing that even he would not harm family, although the NCIS doesn't buy it. Turns out, the actual party responsible for the attempted assassination (or at least the one most directly responsible) was the CEO of an international French company that was also involved in Khaled's dictatorship, as Jada's exposure of Khaled's human rights abuses would also result in an investigation on their company and result in a tribunal against them, with France as a country also potentially getting into deep trouble.
* In the ''[[Smallville]]'' episode "Pariah", people start getting viciously assaulted from behind in locked rooms and other enclosed spaces. Everyone accuses Alicia Baker, as she can teleport and is a previously established psycho. Alicia protests that she has been cured of her insanity and was with her husband, Clark Kent, the whole time. {{spoiler|Eventually, Alicia gets assaulted and killed by the real culprit, Tim Westcott, a man with [[Super Strength]] and the ability to transform into living sand, which was how he entered those locked rooms. When Clark found out, he [[Unstoppable Rage|wasn't happy...]]}}
== Professional Wrestling ==
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* Hero example: in the ''[[Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes]]'' episode "Frightful", the Frightful Four are damaging the FF's reputation. Since Johnny's already known to be careless with his powers, it's very hard for him to convince anyone he wasn't responsible for burning down a building ... especially as he has to keep specifiying "I did not burn down ''that'' building".
* In an episode of ''[[American Dad]]'', Steve gets [[Mister Seahorse|pregnant]] after [[Face Full of Alien Wingwong|giving a choking Roger CPR]]. When Stan finds out, he turns to Hayley and starts yelling at her. She says she didn't do anything, and Stan responds that he always figured [[Teen Pregnancy|this sort of thing]] would happen to her so that's what he's prepared for.
* ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]'':
** In [[The"Lock New Adventures of Batman]]Up", Batman and Robin intercept Scarecrow after he escaped from Arkham Asylum. However, he reveals while they have him in custody that he wasn't even planning to do any crimes. Actually, he broke out just to get away from Arkham Asylum due to the new security chief (who was extremely abusive to the prisoners).
** In "Second Chance", Two-Face is kidnapped from the hospital before an operation to heal his scars (and hopefully restore Harvey Dent completely) can be done. At first, there are two suspects, Rupert Thorne (whose enmity with Two-Face goes back a long time) and the Penguin (who Two-Face had recently come to blows with) but both criminals give pretty convincing arguments for having nothing to do with it. {{spoiler| As it turned out, Two-Face himself, or rather his evil personality, engineered his own kidnapping; as Batman tells him, "You're your own worst enemy, Harvey..."}}
** In "Make 'Em Laugh", Batman and Robin discover the Mad Hatter's mind-control chips on people who inexplicably became ludicrous supervillains. However, the Hatter is still in Arkham, and seems to be a victim of his own device. The true culprit is the Joker, who swiped them to exact revenge for being snubbed at a comedy competition.
* [[Recess|Randall]] also had this trope invoked on him twice: The first time, most of the secrets that TJ and the others held were exposed to the teachers and staff, to which they ended up busted. They initially think Randall was behind their being ratted out, but Randall (who was in the garbage can to listen in) insisted that he did not. A chase to the bathroom later, and they end up discovering that Randall really wasn't behind their being ratted out that time: It was the so-called "cool kid" Stone who joined up with their possie who was in fact an undercover department of education individual who disguised himself as a student so Superintendent Skinner could find out the going abouts by the school who did it. The second time was when Randall hired the Ashley's younger brothers to act as proxies for him for his snitching job due to his getting cold at his sleuthing skills. One day, a lot more kids were put in The Box, including King Bob, whom he blamed Randall for it. However, Randall mentioned that reporting higher authority figures was a low even he wouldn't go as low as, and immediately told off the Ashley's brothers for it, and attempted to put a stop to it, although they were one step ahead of him and reported him for it as well.
* The ''[[Family Guy]]'' episode "Killer Queen" starts with Peter and Chris going to a "fat farm" after Chris gets sick by winning an [[Eating Contest]], which turns lethal after two campers are murdered. Peter suspects Patrick (from "The Fat Guy Strangler") is the culprit, seeing as Patrick is a [[Serial Killer]] who targets fat guys, and who has just that day been released from a psychiatric hospital. But Patrick has a pretty solid alibi, having still been in the facility when the first victim's body was found. {{spoiler|The true culprit is Charles Yamamoto, the now-''former'' champion hot dog eater, seeking revenge against Chris for defeating him.}}
* ''[[Superman: The Animated Series]]'':
** In the episode "Knight Time", Batman has gone missing and Robin tells Superman that Bruce left a phone call only saying he was away on business. Nightwing and Batgirl traced the call to Romania and, assuming Ra's Al Ghul kidnapped him, went there to save him. Supes and Robin later discover that Bruce has fallen victim to [[Mind Control]], so again, the primary suspect is the Mad Hatter. However, it's not him. Further, when examining the evidence for himself, the Hatter confesses that the technology used on Bruce is way too advanced to be of his own making and suggests an alien source, {{spoiler| and sure enough it belonged to Brainiac.}}
** "Target", Lois suspects that Lex Luthor is trying to kill her after a series of near-death experience, especially in the light of her writing an expose on LexCorp, and that one of the devices found in her car was made at Lex's company. However, Lex denies any wrongdoing and even promises to investigate how the device got there in the first place. Sure enough, he was telling the truth. The person who tried to kill her was an ex-employee of Luthor who acted as a informant on the article, and he took the device from the company shortly before Lex fired him.
** The Sequel Episode "Solar Power" has the aforementioned ex-employee become the supervillain Luminous, who blocks off the sun's yellow rays to cripple Superman. Again, Lois is quick to suspect that he's doing this on Lex Luthor's orders, but Lex is equally quick to defend himself:
{{quote|'''Lois:''' Come on, Lex! Those are your satellites up there, and Lightner’s worked for you before! How do you expect me to believe you have nothing to do with it?
'''Luthor:''' What you believe makes little difference to me. The fact is, I did provide Lightner resources while behind bars, but only for legitimate LexCorp research. I had no idea he’d escape, and I certainly didn’t tell him to hijack my satellites for his own revenge.
'''Lois:''' Heck, why not? You’d love to see Superman dead.
'''Luthor:''' Oh, please, Lois, forget that I’m losing millions in communications revenues, do you really think I’d jeopardize the welfare of the planet just to settle my personal grudge with Superman?}}
== [[Theme Park]] ==