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(→‎Video Games: It's a more serious fireworks show than one character imagines)
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{{quote|''"Selling books is like a game; it has rules, and you have to learn them and get serious about them ''[[Dissimile|because it's not a game!]]''"''|'''Evan''', ''[[Black Books]]''}}
|'''Evan'''|''[[Black Books]]''}}
A [[Stock Phrase]] used on characters frivolous -- or apparently frivolous -- in the face of a [[Matter of Life and Death]].
"This isn't a game." or "We are not playing a game." (Or sometimes "We are not playing.")
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[[Sister Trope]] to [[This Is Reality]], but with no invocation of the [[Fourth Wall]] (unless, of course, it's being said within a [[Video Game]]). [[You Watch Too Much X]] is a milder [[Sister Trope]]. Compare with [[And You Thought It Was a Game]].
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[MAR]]'', the evil Chess Pieces have created a War Game where the last remaining strong good guys can fight against them in a final struggle for the fate of the world. When attacking the land of wizards, Kaldea, the [[Big Bad]] Phantom comes across the protagonist Ginta, and fights him off without any effort. As said fight was not during the war games, Phantom let him live, saying that "today's fight was just for fun." Ginta promptly goes berserk, exclaiming that it is ''NOT'' a game.
* ''[[Digimon]]''
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* Speaking of Pet Monster series, ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' did this trope as well. In the episode spent in the Orange Islands, the [[Team Rocket]] tells the twerps that "this isn't a video game?"
* ''[[Summer Wars]]'' is about an A.I. hacking into an online virtual world that the real world uses for nearly everything. When the protagonists try to stop it, their families gradually realize the activities they have been playing on their handheld devices ''isn't exactly a game...''
* In ''[[Naruto]]'', Kakashi Hatake berates Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto for not taking their training seriously enough. He even says, "You think this is all a game"; he makes a point by holding Sasuke hostage and giving Sakura the option to either kill Naruto or he [Sasuke] dies. After explaining how dangerous the shinobi world can really be, and how many lives are lost from mistakes or childishness, the trio finally get what it means to be "a team".
== Comics --[[Comic Books]] ==
== Comics -- Books ==
* A number of DC Comics fans relate "This isn't a game" immediately to Batman and his various Robins, given how often this phrase is uttered between them (or from one Robin to another). Specifically, [[Dead Sidekick|Jason/Robin II]] is linked to the belief that it's a game; meanwhile, Steph/Robin IV yelled at [[Complete Monster|Black Mask]], before he beat her and started torturing her, that "this isn't a game!"
* When [[Cerebus Syndrome]] sets in during the 4th volume of ''[[Bone]]'', Gram'ma Ben tells the innocent Fone Bone, "Where do you think you are?! Back in Boneville!? It's high time you realized that this isn't a game, Bone!"
== [[Fan Works]] ==
== Fan Works ==
* In ''[[With Strings Attached]]'', when George asks what happens if they can't get a piece of the Vasyn during their quest, Jeft tells them that “this is not a game you can win on good intentions and points. You have victory conditions....” The other Fans think he's just using gamer terminology, but the irony is that {{spoiler|that this really ''is'' a kind of game that Jeft set up}} and is actually quite true.
== Other[[Film]] ==
== Films -- Animation ==
* ''[[The Incredibles]]'':
{{quote| '''Mrs. Incredible''': Remember the bad guys on those shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings? Well, these guys are not like those guys. They won't exercise restraint because you're children. They ''will'' kill you if they get the chance. Do not give them that chance.}}
* ''[[Megamind]]''. Titan has no use for banter or jibes. He is just a murderous, brutish thug.
* ''[[A Bug's Life|A Bugs Life]]'', when Hopper comes back and the ants have not collected all the food yet:
{{quote| '''Hopper:''' You think this is a game? Well, guess what: you just lost.}}
* Inverted in "[[Finding Nemo]]" : at one point, the only way that Marlin and Dorey make it out of a dangerous situation without completely dissolving into panic is by pretending that it *''is*'' a game.
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* ''[[Crocodile Dundee]] II''. Mick Dundee is about to go up against some gangsters.
{{quote| '''Sue Charlton:''' Mick -- be careful. This isn't a game.<br />
'''Mick:''' Tis to me. }}
* ''American Ninja 4: The Annihilation'':
{{quote| '''Sean Davidson:''' This isn't a game, Gavin, those were ninja!}}
* ''Antitrust'':
{{quote| '''Milo:''' This isn't a game! In the real world, when you kill people they die -- for real!}}
* ''[[Iron Man (film)|Iron Man]]'':
{{quote| '''Jim Rhodes:''' This isn't a game. You do not send civilian equipment into my active war zone. Do you understand me?}}
* ''[[GoldeneyeGoldenEye (film)|GoldenEye]]'':
{{quote| '''Natalya Simonova:''' This is not one of your games, Boris! Real people will die! You pathetic little worm...}}
** Bonus points: more people probably know ''[[GoldeneyeGoldenEye (film)|GoldenEye]]'' for [[GoldenEye 007 (1997 video game)|the game]] than they do the film.
* ''[[Titanic]]'':
{{quote| '''Ruth:''' This is not a game. Our situation is precarious. You ''know'' the money's gone.<br />
'''Rose:''' Of course I know it's gone! You remind me every day! }}
* In ''[[Magnolia]]'', while he is participating in a TV game show, Stanley's teammates stress that [[Serious Business|this isn't a game.]]
* ''[[Clue (film)|Clue]]'''s tagline:
{{quote| ''It's not just a game -- anymore.''}}
* ''[[Tron]]'': When Kevin Flynn plays his first game, he at first has fun, but when he realizes that the games are to the death this dialogue describes it all:
{{quote| '''Sark:''' FINISH THE GAME!<br />
'''Flynn:''' [[Big No|NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!]] }}
* The teaser trailer for ''[[Tron: Legacy]]'' plays a variation on this:
{{quote| '''Unknown program racing against Clu:''' It's just a game!<br />
'''Clu:''' Not anymore. ''(kills his opponent)'' }}
* ''[[Spy Game]]''. Inverted. [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Clue is in the title:]]
{{quote| '''Bishop:''' Ah, Jesus Christ, you just... You don't just trade these people like they're baseball cards! It's not a fucking game!<br />
'''Muir:''' Oh, yes it is. It's exactly what it is. And it's no kid's game either. [[Serious Business|This is a whole other game. And it's serious and it's dangerous. And it's not one you want to lose.]] }}
* The tagline for the infamous ''[[Super Mario Bros. (film)|Super Mario Bros]]'' movie was "This Ain't No Game."
* ''[[Fantastic 4Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer]]'': Right after Reed Richards explains that Johnny Storm's encounter with the Surfer earlier in the film has caused him to begin randomly swapping powers with other members of the team whenever he makes physical contact with them, Ben Grimm grabs Johnny's shoulder and knowingly causes their powers to switch.
{{quote| '''Johnny:''' Oh, come on! We just said this is serious!}}
:: The fact that it's Johnny, who is usually the jokester on the team, who says this only further emphasizes how serious the situation really is.
* ''[[Hard Candy]]'': "Jeff, playtime is over. Now it's time to wake up."
== [[Literature]] ==
* [[Dan Abnett]]'s ''[[Gaunt's Ghosts]]'' novels:
** In ''Only in Death'', {{spoiler|after the loss of Gaunt}}, Rawne informs his officers to tell the men that if they slip up, they will make {{spoiler|Gaunt's}} [[Heroic Sacrifice|sacrifice]] [[Senseless Sacrifice|in vain]]. When they are shocked:
{{quote| '''Rawne:''' I'm not playing around because ''they're'' not playing around.}}
** In ''His Last Command'', when Gaunt orders Ludd to leave him, and Ludd objects that his orders were to stay with him at all times, Gaunt answers that that was fine when it was just a game, but it wasn't a game any more.
* In [[James Swallow]]'s ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' novel ''[[Blood Angels|Red Fury]]'', when Kayne speaks of how interesting the Chapters' gathering is, Rafen rebukes him: "This is not a game."
* In CS Goto's ''[[Dawn of War|Blood Ravens]]'' novel ''Dawn of War: Ascension'', Gabriel threatens an eldar to try to get a translation from him, informing him that it was not a game.
* In ''[[Percy Jackson and The Olympians]]'', Percy rebukes Nico for not taking a game of capture-the-flag seriously, pointing out that they had real weapons that could really hurt: this is serious.
* In Jim Butcher's ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' novel ''Summer Knight'', EbneazerEbenezer, trying to get Harry to meet with the senior members, tells him this is not a game; later, the Summer Lady asks whether he thinks it a joke or game.
* In [[J. R. R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]]'s ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'', Gandalf tells Pippin that "this is a serious journey, not a hobbit walking-party" after he tosses a rock into a deep pit in Moria. Earlier in the book, just after the conspiracy is unmasked, Frodo uses a similar phrase to try to convince Merry and Pippin not to come with him.
* [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld/Small Gods|Small Gods]]'' has the repeated line(s), "This is Not a Game, Here and Now You Are Alive."
* Walter Jon Williams' appropriately titled ''This Is Not a Game'', about an [[Alternate Reality Game]] producer using her forums and players to get her out of a burning Jakarta, has the forum admins constantly reminding the players that this one is Not a Game.
* In ''[[The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe]]'', when all four Pevensies swipe coats from the wardrobe to wear in snowy Narnia, one of the younger siblings suggests they could pretend they're Arctic explorers. An older sib points out that their circumstances are already exciting and mysterious enough, there's no need to pretend anything. Not quite a [[Matter of Life and Death]], but same trope.
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* In [[Adrian Tchaikovsky]]'s ''[[Shadows of the Apt|Dragonfly Falling]]'', Drephos annoys a Wasp officer by speaking of the next move in the game (the war); when asked if it was a game to him, Drephos retorts that it is the officer, too, and they knew the stakes.
* In [[Dale Brown]]'s ''Sky Masters'', Patrick calls Dr. Masters out on his flippant, overly casual attitude with regards to the oncoming battle.
* In the very title of [[Walter Jon Williams]]' ''This Is Not A Game''. It isn't, either.
== Films -- [[Live-Action TV]] ==
== Live-Action TV ==
* ''[[Chuck]]''. Casey to Chuck, after the latter (a Geek Squad employee) claims he can defuse a bomb:
{{quote| "This is not an [[X BoxXbox]]. You are not an [[X-Men|X-Man]]."}}
* ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' has [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]] Derek Reese thrust into a mentor position for a bunch of teenaged military cadets, who talk about their aspirations. He does not approve.
{{quote| "Best of the best. Counting kills, like it's a game. Like it's just a game. I remember one particularly fun day: A guy in my squad got his stomach blasted open in a fire fight. He spent six hours, holding his own guts in. His buddy carried him on his back to the nearest aid station, just praying that someone could put the dumb son of a bitch together again. The game, Pyle... the game is played with your buddy's life -- with the life of your squad, your platoon. The game is played by you, on behalf of the whole damned human race!"}}
== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''Spider-Man'':{{context}}<!-- MOD: Which Spider-Man video game? There are at least three. -->
== Video Games ==
{{quote| '''Spider-Man:''' This isn't a game, Mysterio! The symbiotes will destroy ''everything'' in their path unless I can stop them!}}
* ''Spider-Man'':
{{quote| '''Spider-Man:''' This isn't a game, Mysterio! The symbiotes will destroy ''everything'' in their path unless I can stop them!}}
* On one [[Sidequest]] in ''[[Mass Effect]]'', Shepard has to convince a woman to stop working as an informant because her sister is worried about her. At one point, Shepard says "This isn't a game, Jenna. These people are dangerous!" which I found amusing because, [[Don't Explain the Joke|you know, it]] ''[[Don't Explain the Joke|is]]'' [[Don't Explain the Joke|a game.]]
* Naomi says a variant of it in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]] 4'' [[Lampshade Hanging|while images of the logos of all the previous canonical games come up on the screen]].
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* In ''[[Persona 4]]'', teen detective Naoto Shirogane drops by the main characters to inform them that the murders they have been investigating have apparently been solved, and that their 'game' is about to end. Of course, by this point many of them have either lost friends or nearly been killed themselves over the course of the investigation, and they angrily point out that if anyone thinks of it as a 'game' it would be Naoto, not them.
* The very first line spoken in ''[[Wheelman]]'' is "You think this is a game? Move!"
* A Cut USA General from ''[[Command and& Conquer]] Generals: Zero Hour'' has lines left over in the game's files. Amongst these is "What? Do you think this is a game? Well, do ya?" [[Lampshaded]], in that moments afterward he prompts the player "not to answer that," thus [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|finding a hole in that wall we never see.]]
* ''[[System Shock]] 2'', said by your [[Mission Control]]: "Why do you move so slowly? Do you think this is some kind of game?"
* ''[[Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time]]''
{{quote| '''Prince:''' If you want to be useful, try finding a book that'll tell us how to get out of here.<br />
'''Farah:''' This isn't that kind of game.<br />
'''Prince:''' Game? She thinks this is a game! }}
* In a [[No Damage Run]] of ''[[Thwaite]]'', one of the villagers thinks the action is [[All Part of the Show|just an elaborate fireworks show]], and another has a hard time convincing him otherwise.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* In ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'', which is based on a game, [ we get a different differentiation]:
{{quote| '''O-Chul:''' This isn't the dungeon. In a war, people on the winning side still die.}}
* In ''[[Girl Genius]]'', the Castle warns Agatha that claiming to be the Heterodyne is not a game.
* In ''[[A Distant Soil]]'', [ Jason warns Liana of that].
* In ''[[Alien Dice]]'', when Chel says something like "This is only a game." to Lexx, he screams "I am playing for my life!"
* [ Miss Leech and The Yard] starts with the inspector informing the [[Little Old Lady Investigates]] that
{{quote| "Crime is not a game, Miss Leech. Withholding evidence is against the law."}}
* ''[[The Dreamland Chronicles]]''
** [ here]
{{quote| '''Felicity:''' Stop playing around!}}
** [ here]
{{quote| '''Nicodemus:''' You think this is a game?}}
** Inverted [ here]
* ''[[Megatokyo]]''
** "[ It's not a game.]"
** "[ That part of me belongs to me. It's not part of any game.]"
** "[ Miho, this kid needs help! This isn't a game anymore!]<br />"I'm not playing a game!"<br />"'''Yes you are! Everything is a game to you!'''"<br />"Have you ever won anything that isn't a game?"
* In ''[[Endstone]]'', Cole declares "[ No more jokes, no more games]" -- before—before she [[Mind Rape|Mind Rapes]]s a man who had been a benefactor to her.
* In ''[[Sequential Art (webcomic)|Sequential Art]]'', [ Pip uses it -- and finds some skepticism.]
== Films --[[Western Animation]] ==
== Western Animation ==
* Used in the ''[[Code Lyoko]]'' episode "Final Round":
{{quote| '''Aelita:''' This isn't a video game, William.}}
::Which is ironic, since Lyoko does look a lot like a video game. William really should have listened, though.
* ''[[Transformers Prime]]'':
{{quote| '''Jack:''' Miko, Raf was almost killed! This isn't a game; when are you going to get that through your thick skull?}}
** And the lesson ''still'' hasn't sunk through her thick skull.
* Intro to ''[[Da Boom Crew]]'':
{{quote| "This ain't no game no more baby... this is REAL!"}}
* ''[[Invader Zim]]''. In the episode "Nanozim" Dib and Zim face off in a nanobot battle within Dib's body. Gaz walks by and sees Dib controlling his nanobot, and asks what game he's playing. Dib screams "This is no game, this is my life!". Gaz tells him to use the "quarter-circle-back" cheat to transform, which works, half subverting the trope.
== [[Other Media]] ==
* Used as the basis of humor in a "Shouts & Murmurs" column in ''[[The New Yorker]]'': [ "This Is No Game"].
== Other ==
* Used as the basis of humor in a Shouts & Murmurs column in ''The New Yorker'': [ This Is No Game].
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