Not the Fall That Kills You: Difference between revisions

Halo Reach
(Halo Reach)
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** In the ''[[Halo 3]]'' beta if you turned up the movement speed as high as it could go, players could die by simply running into each other fast enough.
** ''[[Halo: Reach]]'' has your character thrown off a doomed Covenant Corvette, and you survive, despite the (relatively) old armor you have access to. How do they explain this? If you look closely enough at the thing on your back, you can see the words "REENTRY PACK" stamped on the side of it. It's [[Informed Ability|(apparently)]] able to lock the Spartan's armor like what Master Chief did in Halo 2/3 and/or augment the energy shield to better withstand the re-entry.
***Reach specifically includes the achievement "If They Came to Hear Me Beg", which requires the player to trigger an assassination animation against a Sangheili to "survive a fall that would’ve been fatal."
** In most gameplay situations, you automatically die in midair after falling about 30 feet.
* Averted with the summoning stones introduced in ''[[World of Warcraft|Burning Crusade]]'', where if someone is falling off a cliff and is summoned to the dungeon, they hit the ground with all the force they should Of course, this would require rather careful timing. When Wrath of the Lich King introduced a dungeon finder that allowed you to teleport to dungeons at will, they made the caveat that teleportation was not possible while falling.
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* [[EverQuest]] keeps similar physics to World of Warcraft: falling any significant depth will damage or kill you, with the damage being proportionate to the fall. A fall into [[Soft Water|any body of water]] (no matter now long the fall or how deep the water) will result in no damage.
* [[Final Fantasy Tactics]] has characters take fall damage if they fall a greater distance than their jump rating (4 for most classes), at a rate of 10% of Max HP per height level. A fall of 10 or more over the character's jump rating is always fatal. Given the scale of the game, this isn't actually all that high (roughly ten yards).
== [[Web Comics]] ==