Nyaruko: Crawling with Love/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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*** Additionally, during the [[Working]] segment, [[Eri Kitamura]]'s role as Yachiyo is referred to with the comment about the beautiful waitress with a katana.
** Yoriko ([[Aya Hisakawa]]) has referenced [[Sailor Moon|Sailor Mercury's]] rollcall phrase "[douse yourself in water and] you should apologize" and [[Catch Phrase]] "Let's analyze that".
** The only difference between Cthugha and [[Hayate no Gotoku|Isumi Saginomiya]] are the lines themselves, they have the [[Miyu Matsuki|same delivery.]]
** There's a moment early in the second season's first episode when Mahiro tells the three aliens -- yes, including the one voiced by [[Rie Kugimiya]]: "[[Shakugan no Shana|Urusai urusai urusai!!!]]"
* [[Colbert Bump]]: The day the anime hit the airwaves sales of the collected works of HP Lovecraft surged in Japan.
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** [[Satomi Arai]] as Shanta-kun
* [[Mythology Gag]]:
** Considering the titular character, Nyarlathotep references are common:
*** In the Mythos, Nyarlathotep can change to a wide range of forms, including some horrific humans. For fans, it's hilarious (but not far fetched) that the unspeakable, world-ending abomination would take the form of a bubbly schoolgirl.
{{quote|'''Mahiro''': "I don't need a thousand-faced little sister!" }}
*** The three-lobed red single eye in darkness with bat wings is a form of Nyarlathotep described in ''The Haunter in the Dark''... and a description of Nyarko's [[Henshin Hero]] form's helmet.
*** Nyarko's brother, Nyar-o, has a pharaoh-like costume. Another usual trait of Nyarlathotep is being associated with [[Ancient Egypt]] (thus the -hotep suffix).
*** Related to the above, Nyar-o's Full Force Form resembles yet another known avatar of Nyarlathotep - ''The Bloody Tongue'' - which is encountered in the [[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]] adventure module ''Masks of Nyarlathotep''.
*** Nyar-o randomly crying out "Tezcatlipoca!". In the [[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]] RPG, the Aztec deity was also one of the Crawling Chaos' thousand masks.
*** Nyarko's police car is called... the Nephren-Car. Nephren-ka, otherwise known as the Black Pharaoh is, depending on the source (Robert Bloch's Mythos stories or [[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]), a corrupt Egyptian ruler using the name of Nyarlathothep, his worshipper, or actually '''is''' the Black Pharaoh, another of the thousand masks of the Crawling Chaos.
** Cuko having a crush on Nyarko is likely a reference to "The Dweller in Darkness" by August Derleth. Nyarlathotep and Cthugha appear in the story {{spoiler|one being used to fight off the other.}}
** Shantak-kun being weak against Nightgaunts. In "The Dream Quest Of Unknown Kadath", Shantaks fear the Nightgaunts. They are the servants of Nodens, hunter of Nyarlathotep's servants. Nodens himself plays a minor role in the tale.
** The superhero show in episode 1 mentions "Star Vampire Crusaders!" in [[Gratuitous English]]. Star Vampires are another mythos species.
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** ''YOU FOOL, CUUKO IS DEAD!'' from the fifth episode, is the last sentence in ''The Statement of Randolph Carter'' (well, the original says "Warren", not Cuuko).
** Cthulhu Inc. being rivals to the CCE, Hasta's father's company. This is an allusion to [[Cain and Abel|Hastur's and Cthulhu's]] own sibling relationship.
** Hasta previous employment as a "librarian at the Celaeno Library". In [[The Trail of Cthulhu]], Library of Celaeno is an repository of elder lore on another planet. Byakhee, the servants of Hastur, infest the place and can take travelers there.
** Episode 7: "The rats in the walls!"
* [[Shout-Out]]: This anime is like a geek test. Indeed, [http://nyaruref.blogspot.ca/ a blog was specifically set up to catalogue most of the references found per episode]. Some of the more ''obvious'' Shout Outs in the series can be seen below.
** The series loves to reference ''other'' (yes, there are more) "Moe Mythos" series. In Episode 1, a little figurine on the anime store is the version of Nyarlathotep from the manga ''Igyou tachi ni yoru to sekai ha...''. The cover of the "recalled [[Eroge]]" is from ''Maumi Shoujo R'lyeh ruru'' light novels. And two girls in Mahiro's class are characters from ''R'lyeh High School'', which shares the same illustrator with this series, Koin.
** "SAN" is an attribute in the classic Tabletop RPG ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]'' by Chaosium. You can even see a glimpse of a character sheet and the trademark percentile dice of the Chaosium RPG systems in the first episode, and a Storyteller screen in the ED. The roll shown is accurate as well, illustrating either a legitimate failed SAN roll (with the amount of lost sanity not shown), or the roll for said amount. Incidentally, a d100 like the one shown would be appropriate for seeing Nyarlathotep in one of its monstrous forms.
** At the sight of Nyarko giving a brutal beatdown on a Nightgaunt, Mahiro looks away, crouches and covers his ears while repeatedly telling himself "I hear nothing...", in the same way as [[K-On!|Mio Akiyama]].
** There are more than a few shout outs to ''[[Kamen Rider]]''. Nyarko is a big fan of the series and she drops poses and references to the franchise non-stop. You could make a whole subpage devoted just to these references.
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*** Cuuko does a pretty good [[Haruhi Suzumiya|Ryoko Asakura]] impersonation, sans the [[Stepford Smiler|cheerful disposition]] and plus a [[BFS]] for Ryoko's knife.
*** This is immediately followed by Nyarko in a [[Playboy Bunny]] getup attempting to play the Lovecraftian version of "God Knows".
*** The restaurant scene is taken straight from [[Working]], complete with Nyarko in a Poplar-esque ponytail.
*** In the fight scene, Nyarko is dressed as [[Virtua Fighter|Pai Chan]], Cuuko as either [[Dead or Alive|Kasumi]] or [[Fatal Fury|Mai Shiranui]], and Hasta as [[Guilty Gear|Bridget]]. The stats given are their actual ones from the [[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]] RPG.
*** The [[Gay Option]] ending from ''True Love 95'' gets brought up as a possible route by Yoriko, who tells her son that even Yoichi, his [[Bromantic Foil]], might confess to having feelings for him, just like how Kazuhiko Miyoshi, the foil in that game, did the same towards the end of the game if the player was unable to choose a girl for Daisuke.
*** Nyarko, Hasta and Cuuko strike a pose very similar to Keima from [[The World God Only Knows]], complete with glasses