Old British Money: Difference between revisions

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{{Useful Notes}}
{{cleanup|While this page iswas still good in September 2022, the paragraph discussing modern coins might need to be updated in 2023 with the passing of Elizabeth II and the ascendance of Charles III.}}
{{quote|''NOTE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND AMERICANS: One shilling {{=}} Five Pee. It helps to understand the antique finances of the Witchfinder Army if you know the original British monetary system: Two farthings {{=}} One Ha'penny. Two ha'pennies {{=}} One Penny. Three pennies {{=}} A Thrupenny Bit. Two Thrupences {{=}} A Sixpence. Two Sixpences {{=}} One Shilling, or Bob. Two Bob {{=}} A Florin. One Florin and One Sixpence {{=}} Half a Crown. Four Half Crowns {{=}} Ten Bob Note. Two Ten Bob Notes {{=}} One Pound (or 240 pennies). One Pound and One Shilling {{=}} One Guinea.''
''The British resisted decimalized currency for a long time because they thought it was too complicated.''|''[[Good Omens]]''}}
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[[Category:UsefulBritish Notes/BritainHistory]]