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* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: Hera, though she had reason to be jealous since Zeus was constantly unfaithful.
* [[Clingy MacGuffin]]: The Ring of Polykrates, as recounted by [[The Histories|Herodotus]].
* [[Clockwork Creature]]: Myths about Hephaestus say he built two mechanical maidens of gold and silver to help him walk (as he was lame) and also built Talos, the giant bronze guardian of Crete. While some myths interpret them as [[Golems]], just as many say they are machines, possibly even ''living'' machines.
* [[Clothes Make the Superman]]: In the Greek myth of Perseus, the invisibility cap, flying sandals, and magic arms are what let Perseus kill Medusa.
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Gaius Valerius Catullus' Carmen 16.
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* [[Flash Back]]: [[Homer]]'s ''Odyssey''.
* [[Flipping the Table]]: Jesus does this with the moneychangers in the temple.
* [[Fluffy the Terrible]]: A nasty-looking dog named "Puppy" in ''The Satyricon''.
** A nasty-looking dog named "Puppy" in ''The Satyricon''.
** Cerberus (Kerberos), the name of Hades' monstrous three-headed dog, translates as "Spot".
* [[Food Chains]]: Eating some pomegranate seeds in [[The Underworld]] forced Persephone to return there every year. In the Homeric Hymns, Hades force-fed her. [[Odyssey|Odysseus]] almost loses several men to the lotus-eating addiction.
* [[Forbidden Fruit]]: The Adam and Eve story from Genesis is the [[Trope Namer]].
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* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]]: In [[Greek Mythology]], Zeus apparently did this sort of thing whenever he had an affair with a mortal woman, at least according to the story in which his true form turned the woman Semele to ash. In ''[[The Bible]]'', angels occasionally tried to appear in human form, since their true forms were bizarre [[Eldritch Abomination]]s.
* [[Funny Foreigner]]: A staple of ancient Greek and Roman comedy. An example is Triballos, a "barbarian god" serving as an ambassador to Cloudcuckooland in [[Aristophanes]]' ''The Birds''.
* [[Gag Penis]]: The Trope is ''at least'' this old. The original Greek dramas would often feature comedic actors dressed as satyrs who wore costumes with exaggerated genitalia. Which is, incidentally, where the word "satire" derived from.
* [[Gate of Truth]]: Described in [[The Underworld]] in [[Homer]]'s ''Odyssey'' and [[Virgil]]'s ''Aeneid''.
* [[Gender Bender]]: Tiresias in [[Greek Mythology]], Iphis and Hermaphroditos in [[Ovid]]'s ''Metamorphoses'', and Bhangasvana and Shikandin in the ''[[Mahabharata]]''.
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* [[Noble Savage]]: Used by Tacitus when describing the Germanic and Caledonian tribes.
* [[No Hero to His Valet]]: Jesus mentions that [http://niv.scripturetext.com/luke/4.htm "no prophet is accepted in his hometown."] for this reason.
* [[No, MisterMr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine]]: In the [[Book of Genesis]], Joseph does this to his brothers in Egypt. [[Subverted]], because he actually intends them no harm at all.
* [[No Place for Me There]]: In [[The Bible]], Moses could not enter [[The Promised Land]] because of his impiety at Meribah (never mind that the other Israelites frequently surpassed him by leaps and bounds). King David could not build the Temple of Jerusalem because he was a man of war, and the temple had to be built by a man of peace (his son Solomon).
* [[Nostalgia Ain't Like It Used to Be]]: In many myths of this period, the ambiguous "past" was much better than life at the time; for example, people lived much longer (Genesis), they mingled with gods, etc. [[Hesiod]]'s myth of the Five Ages explicitly describes the decline of humanity.
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* [[Preacher's Kid]] (diabolic type): In [[The Bible|Leviticus]] 10:1,2 the very first High Priest, Aaron (the brother of Moses), had two of his sons mess up.
* [[Prodigal Hero]]: [[The Bible|Moses]] exiles for some time, then comes back to free the Israelites from slavery.
* [[ThePromethean Punishment]]: In some versions of the [[Classical Mythology|Greek Medusa myth]], Medusa used to be a beautiful nymph. Being a hideous monster, and [[Taken for Granite|turning people to stone]], was a punishment from Athene for having sex (or rather, [[Jerkass Gods|getting raped]]) in her temple.
* [[The Promised Land]]: Canaan in the book of Exodus, which is also the [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Prongs of Poseidon]]: Poseidon's trident, the [[Trope Namer]].
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* [[Public Domain Artifact]]: Many such artifacts are drawn from very old stories, but it happened back then too. The Golden Fleece was used by various mythographers in their retellings of the Argonauts story, and Hercules's bow showed up in his stories and the [[The Trojan Cycle|Trojan Cycle]].
* [[Pungeon Master]]: [[God]] made some puns in ''[[The Bible]]''.
* [[The Punishment]]: In some versions of the [[Classical Mythology|Greek Medusa myth]], Medusa used to be a beautiful nymph. Being a hideous monster, and [[Taken for Granite|turning people to stone]], was a punishment from Athene for having sex (or rather, [[Jerkass Gods|getting raped]]) in her temple.
* [[Purple Is Powerful]]: In [[Ancient Rome]], the Patrician class were the only people allowed to wear Tyrian purple.
* [[Purpose Driven Immortality]]: ''[[The Bible]]'' contains several examples of people who were promised that they would not die until they saw some prophesy fulfilled, such as Simeon who was promised he would live to see the Lord's Messiah.
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* [[Roaring Rampage of Rescue]]: Essentially the entire plot of the ''[[Ramayana]]'' once the demon king Ravana kidnaps Rama's wife Sita, starting a war in the process.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: From [[Greek Mythology]]: Achilles avenging Patroclus, Odysseus killing the suitors, and Heracles on several occasions.
* [[Robot Girl]]: Hephaestus has these as servants in ''[[The Iliad]]''. [[Older Than They Think|Really]]. Seeing as he was lame, he built two maidens out of gold and silver to help him walk.
* [[Rock of Limitless Water]] - Several of these appear in Greek Mythology. In addition, Moses creates one with [[God]]'s power in ''[[The Bible]]''.
* [[Romance Arc]]: ''[[Book of Genesis|Genesis]]'': God creates Man. Next on the agenda—Introducing Man's love interest. [[Classical Mythology]] examples include Venus and Adonis, Jason and Medea, and Cupid and Psyche.
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* [[Stranger in a Familiar Land]]: [[Homer]]'s ''Odyssey''.
* [[Straw Character]]: Plato regularly used strawmen as opponents to Socrates in his Socratic Dialogues.
* [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]]: appears in [[The Bible]], starting off the book of Job.
* [[Suddenly-Suitable Suitor]]: In the classical Sanskrit play ''The Recognition of Śakuntalā''.
* [[Supernatural Aid]]: Gods granted Perseus the use of winged sandals and the Cap of Hades (which rendered all wearers invisible) so he could slay Medusa.
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