Omegle: Difference between revisions

106 bytes added ,  1 year ago
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{{cleanup|This is described as being legally available on the Internet, but no link to it is provided. }}
[[File:omegle2.png|frame|Single serving friends abound.]]
{{quote|It feels like that scene in [[Fight Club]] where the narrator sits down next to Tyler on the plane. [...] Except in this case, a lot of the time Tyler just screams 'COCKS', punches the [[No Name Given|narrator]], and jumps out of the window. Still, it's fun!|'''Randall Munroe''', [[Xkcd]] blag}}
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* [[A Date with Rosie Palms]]: A lot of guys and girls love Rosie here.
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: Widely assumed by most people on here. Often true.
* [[A Date with Rosie Palms]]: A lot of guys and girls love Rosie here.
* [[Dropped a Bridget On Him]]: Disguise yourself as a chick online (without saying so overtly), then, just when they ask, announce your gender. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[Engrish]]: Most likely when you talk to a non-native English speaker. Sometimes even people '''FROM''' an English-speaking country will use this, as brains are low for the most part. Or you're just being trolled.
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[[Category:Other Sites]]
[[Category:Pages with working Wikipedia tabs]]