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**The Truth: on the last night in the true ending, Sunny dreams about {{spoiler|entering the tree where Mari ostensibly hung herself. He-- and the player-- find out that it wasn't a suicide. What happened instead was Sunny was practicing for their duet recital, got frustrated as he heard Mari scoffing at his mistakes, and smashed his violin down the stairs. Mari saw, and got into a fight with him, and wouldn't let Sunny go to cool down. In a fit of anger, he pushed her down the stairs. She collapsed on the broken violin and lay still, her neck at an odd angle. Going [[My God What Have I Done?]], Sunny ran down, begged her [[Please Wake Up]] and dragged her into bed, hoping to make her better. He broke down, believing it was a dream. Basil witnessed all this with horror; rather than dial 911 or get the neighbors, however, he ordered Sunny to drag Mari outside and grab the jump rope. They strung her from a tree, making it look like a suicide}}.
**The scene following the revelation about {{spoiler|how Mari really died, whether or not you choose to save Basil. Either you choose to sleep, which leads to the friend group waking up and finding that Basil has stabbed himself with garden shears and bled to death, unable to live with the guilt of covering up Mari's death any longer. Or you head home and grab the steak knife from the kitchen, which leads to Sunny dying as well as he stabs himself in his sleep. There's a third option: talk to Basil, and try to reason with him as he's holding the gardening shears. Basil has a haunting [[Twitchy Eye]] as he says that Sunny didn't kill Mari or deface his photo album, that it was Something, and yells at him for moving away. He attacks Sunny while under the impression that Something is trying to kill his best friend. There is no way that Sunny can use his breathing techniques to regain health during the boss battle. He can only defend himself with his fists, and Basil ''stabs him in the eye''. Fortunately, offscreen the friend group hears the scuffle, breaks them up after Sunny faints from shock and blood loss, and dials emergency services to get them to the hospital.}}
*[[An Aesop]]:
**Nobody's perfect. Someone may seem like a paragon, but they are still a person, for better or for worse. Kel relates, rather bitterly, that because Hero was the golden child and he was the goofball, no one considered that Kel had feelings or even cared when Hero lashed out at him after {{spoiler|Mari died}}. Omori seems to be the hero of Headspace, with how the friend group looks up to him, {{spoiler|but the Main Route and Hikikomori Route both show that he's basically the creator of Headspace and tortures multiple dream copies of the friend group to hide the truth of Mari's death from Sunny}}. Then we have Mari, who is a sweet girl and generous with her time and food, but {{spoiler|in life, she could be oblivious to others' feelings, like when Sunny was struggling with practicing the violin. Hero didn't even get too mad at her for pranking him with bugs, though he had a severe phobia. It's the refusal to acknowledge that Mari was a great person and sister but imperfect that haunts Sunny and Basil for years after they make her death look like a suicide}}.
**Grief can make you act selfish. Even so, as Kel wisely puts it while telling off Aubrey, you can't grieve alone because it's not healthy, and it's not all about you. You have to reach out to people who care about you, and process the pain together. {{spoiler|The best ending has Sunny go to his friends in the hospital, while they are watching over a sleeping Basil, and come clean about what really happened to Mari. A bonus scene shows him smiling for the first time as Basil awakens and both of their Somethings fade}}.
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** Redspace: {{spoiler|Omori sees red hands holding Dream-Basil in place. Dream-Basil begs for help, but Omori draws his knife and stabs the kid repeatedly. Then he callously steps over Basil's body}}.
*[[Darker and Edgier]]: Blackspace, and Blackspace II in the Hikikomori route are much more horrific than the rest of Headspace, even when factoring in the Truth. Each room shows horrific images or plain creepy ones, where you can only escape by interacting with disembodied hands or finding key figurines. They are skippable, however, if you want to go straight to the red door. {{spoiler|There are also about five versions of Basil that ask for help, but each one dies. What's worse is the last death happens when Omori repeatedly stabs Basil and walks over his dead body.}}
*[[Dark Reprise]]:
** Mari has a piano leitmotif that plays in Headspace. We hear a [ haunting rendition] of it during The Truth when {{spoiler|Sunny dreams of finding a photograph on the stairs that reveals him carrying Mari's limp body. He finds another of himself coming down the stairs.}}
** Bo en's "My Time" plays in the [ 2016 trailer for Omori]. It does come up in the game as well... {{spoiler|during the ending in the Main Route where Sunny succumbs to Omori if the player chooses, and Omori throws Sunny's body off the hospital roof}}.
*[[Dead All Along]]: As Aubrey in the real world reminds Kel and Sunny, while dropping a bombshell on the player, {{spoiler|Mari has been dead for four years. And this was after we may have opened the door for who we thought was Mari!}}
* [[Dead Hand Shot]]: During the Truth segment, {{spoiler|one photograph shows Mari's limp hand after Sunny puts her to bed, confirming she truly died shortly after Sunny pushed her down the stairs by accident.}}
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**The same thing goes for the knife that both Sunny and Omori carry. In Headspace, no one bats an eye that Omori has a knife and uses it in boss battles. Omori also can only leave the dream world by stabbing himself When Aubrey attacks Sunny and Kel in Faraway Town? You can choose to attack her in self-defense with the knife. This stops the fight, as Aubrey starts bleeding, and calls Sunny a maniac. While holding a bat with nails. Kel confiscates the knife from Sunny, telling him he shouldn't be carrying that around. He's right: {{spoiler|in some bad endings, if Sunny goes to bed with a steak knife, he ends up stabbing himself while dreaming, and bleeds out in bed}}.
**Omori and the others demonstrate [[Super Not-Drowning Skills]] when they get sucked into the hotel business in the Underwater Highway. Sunny attempts to rescue Basil from drowning in the local lake when Aubrey pushes Basil into the water. Only...he can't swim either. He nearly drowns, and Hero has to save them both.
** In the Dream World, while Basil is horrified {{spoiler|after remembering what happened to Mari on the final night, he's philosophical about it, calm about the fact that maybe it's too late for him and Sunny to find redemption. He only asks for Sunny to forgive him. Then we cut to the Real World if you choose to save Basil after seeing the Truth...where the real Basil is having a nervous breakdown from the guilt of covering up Mari's death, and Sunny moving the next day. Turns out covering up a great crime like that means you won't think straight about it}}.
*[[Sadistic Choice]]: This is ultimately the main difference between the Main Route and the Hikikomori Route: do you choose to save and mend the friendship group in the real world, or the one in Headspace? The Main Route emphasizes that {{spoiler|Headspace is comprised of outdated memories and sheer imagination on Sunny's part}}, and thus you do more good by actively trying to live in the real world, complete with the changes that have happened over four years. With that said, there is a sadness when {{spoiler|Sunny has to let go of Omori -- and Headspace's characters with it-- to forgive himself for Mari's death. You can see the dream friends heading to the hospital roof in the good ending, and Sunny cannot follow them}}.
* [[Schmuck Bait]]:
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** Headspace is supposed to be a world as new to Omori as it is to us. We encounter all the fictional characters, and the friend group before going on a quest to find Basil. {{spoiler|Omori created this entire world, to shield Sunny from the truth of Mari's death. To that end, he's put Basil in Blackspace multiple times because Dream Basil subconsciously wants to reveal the truth. It also turns out that while he is serving his purpose, he is not helping anyone.}}
** Sunny, owing to his poor eating and hygiene habits, has regular dissociation episodes and hallucinates on a regular basis. These get even worse during the Hikikomori route as Sunny refuses to go outside and interact with the real world. {{spoiler|He even forgot that Mari was ''dead'', even though he was the one that killed her by accident}}.
* [[The Unreveal]]: The best ending doesn't show how {{spoiler|the friend group reacts to Sunny's confession about what really happened to Mari. Though a bonus scene shows Sunny smiling at Basil when the latter awakens, for giving him for the assault from the night before, and their Somethings vanish}}.
*[[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: This applies to everyone in the friendship group before the great tragedy that hit them. Kel is the only one who remained the same, albeit with chips on his shoulder. Aubrey in particular used to be a nice girl that would affectionately spray Kel with watermelon, and she has become a gangster.
*[[Video Game Caring Potential]]: There is one option in Headspace and one in the real world:
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** One in-universe stops Dream Basil in his tracks when he looks at a photo after the friend group gathers at his house. It makes the game glitch back to Whitespace. {{spoiler|The photo is of a broken violin, though its significance doesn't register until much later}}.
** After you first wake as Sunny, you can get sick eating steak in the fridge. Then someone knocks at the door, claiming to be Mari. You can open it for her. There's this weird blue wraith that appears, which is not the Mari that we know.
** Sunny can talk to Basil in the bathroom after having dinner at his house. A great Something is surrounding Basil as well. Basil then asks if Sunny can see it as well.
** During the final nightmare sequence on the Main Route, Sunny collects photos for Dream Basil's album while walking through a distorted version of his house. They're out of order, but one indicates that things are wrong: {{spoiler|Mari's limp body at the bottom of the stairs}}. That doesn't make sense; didn't Mari {{spoiler|hang herself from a tree in the backyard?}} Another photo complete with a [[Scare Chord]] has the piece of the puzzle: {{spoiler|Sunny and Mari at the top of the stairs}}, followed by a photo of him {{spoiler|pushing her down in a fit of anger}}. The player can put together that {{spoiler|Sunny killed Mari by accident, tried to tuck her into bed to make her feel better, and Basil came up with the idea to string her body from a tree}}.
* [[Whole Plot Reference]]: Blackspace and Blackspace 2 veer abruptly from the RPG adventure into a [[Homage]] for the game [[Yume Nikki]]. Omori wanders into different rooms from a central Blackspace, an inversion of Headspace, that reflect past traumas and strange nightmares. There are no puzzles to solve or boss battles; heck, any attempts to save Basil {{spoiler|will end poorly for the kid}}. It's only by facing these traumas in the Main Route that {{spoiler|Sunny is able to enter the dream world by breaking the black lightbulb in Headspace, and learning that he killed Mari four years ago.}}
*[[Wimp Fight]]:
**Sunny is not as strong as Omori, and the game is quick to point that out. When you spend four years as a recluse, forgetting to eat, not exercising and spending most of your time sleeping, it's not going to do wonders for your physical health. As a result, when he participates in a fight, he can lose easily unless wielding a "borrowed" steak-knife or pepper spray.