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*[[Darker and Edgier]]: Blackspace, and Blackspace II in the Hikikomori route are much more horrific than the rest of Headspace, even when factoring in the Truth. Each room shows horrific images or plain creepy ones, where you can only escape by interacting with disembodied hands or finding key figurines. They are skippable, however, if you want to go straight to the red door. {{spoiler|There are also about five versions of Basil that ask for help, but each one dies. What's worse is the last death happens when Omori repeatedly stabs Basil and walks over his dead body.}}
*[[Dead All Along]]: As Aubrey in the real world reminds Kel and Sunny, while dropping a bombshell on the player, {{spoiler|Mari has been dead for four years. And this was after we may have opened the door for who we thought was Mari!}}
* [[Dead Hand Shot]]: During the Truth segment, {{spoiler|one photograph shows Mari's limp hand after Sunny puts her to bed, confirming she truly died shortly after Sunny pushed her down the stairs by accident.}}
*[[Driving Question]]:
**In Headspace, where is Basil? And why is it so hard to find him? It's almost like Headspace is deliberately hiding him from you. {{spoiler|That ends up being the truth: Dream Basil knows that Sunny killed Mari by accident and keeps poking towards the truth. Omori hides him away so Sunny never has to face reality}}.
** What was the great tragedy that broke up the original friendship group in the real world? {{spoiler|Mari died, and everyone thought it was a suicide since her body was hanging from a tree in her backyard. Sunny actually killed her by accident, and Basil took initiative to string her up so as to stop his best friend from being implicated}}
** The Main Route has this one: can you ever make up for the worst mistake in your life? The answer is that you may never succeed, but trying is worth the effort, rather than succumbing to despair. {{spoiler|Sunny knows that his friends may never forgive him for killing Mari by accident and lying about it for years, but hiding the truth turned him into a depressed recluse}}.
*[[Her Codename Was Mary Sue|Her Code Name Was Mary-Sue]]: A plot point as to why Omori in Headspace feels more vibrant than Sunny does in the real world. Omori is the leader of their little group, and the girl he crushed on as a kid is still infatuated with him. The friends all band together, even when their memories start fading.
*[[Groundhog Day Loop]]: It's revealed that this happens in {{spoiler|Headspace during the quest to find Basil, ''every time''. Omori resets every time Sunny gets too close to finding the truth. The move to a new town has broken the loop, if you choose to have Sunny step out of his comfort zone and face reality}}.
* [[Go Mad From the Isolation]]:
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**Omori and the others demonstrate [[Super Not-Drowning Skills]] when they get sucked into the hotel business in the Underwater Highway. Sunny attempts to rescue Basil from drowning in the local lake when Aubrey pushes Basil into the water. Only...he can't swim either. He nearly drowns, and Hero has to save them both.
*[[Sadistic Choice]]: This is ultimately the main difference between the Main Route and the Hikikomori Route: do you choose to save and mend the friendship group in the real world, or the one in Headspace? The Main Route emphasizes that {{spoiler|Headspace is comprised of outdated memories and sheer imagination on Sunny's part}}, and thus you do more good by actively trying to live in the real world, complete with the changes that have happened over four years. With that said, there is a sadness when {{spoiler|Sunny has to let go of Omori -- and Headspace's characters with it-- to forgive himself for Mari's death. You can see the dream friends heading to the hospital group in the good ending, and Sunny cannot follow them}}.
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: In the console update for the Hikikomori route, there is an extra section called a Boss Rush. You can complete it, having boss battles with holograms of your friends and even play against them. Mari then asks if she can face you in a boss battle, in hologram form. {{spoiler|If you agree, she spends the whole battle healing you and defusing your emotions. Keep attacking her, and she becomes Something in the wind. Omori becomes Sunny, as he and Basil's emotions revert to "AFRAID". A Hellmari jumpscare follows, before you end up back outside the Boss Rush room, and no one remembers what happened.}}
*[[Snipe Hunt]]: Played For Drama with {{spoiler|the quest to save Basil in Headspace. Omori and the friendship group set off to find Basil, but they never get even close to a lead. Instead, various bosses and quests waylay them, and Jawsum outright kidnaps the friendship group. Turns out that Omori manufactured the whole quest for two purposes: so that Dream Basil doesn't reveal the truth of Mari's death to the friend group, and that Sunny can find reasons to live in his dreams}}.
*[[Sudden Downer Ending]]: There are ''four'' possible options for this on the Main Route after the friendship group reunites the final foray into the Dreamworld that reveals the Truth:
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*[[Super Not-Drowning Skills]]: In Headspace, Omori and the others can breathe underwater without a problem when they get lured to the hotel located on the Underwater Highway. They can even take a taxi underwater when necessary. Blackspace shows a dark version of this where {{spoiler|copies of the friend group are locked in a room and forced to swim in lava endlessly}}.
*[[Super Drowning Skills]]: In the real world, Sunny has never been a good swimmer, even before he refused to leave his house for four years. His attempts to save Basil from drowning go poorly, and he hallucinates facing Something underwater. Hero has to save both him and Basil, noting it's lucky that Sunny can still walk.
* [[Tap on the Head]]: Subverted in {{spoiler|the truth about Mari's death. Sunny was in denial that she needed a hospital, after he pushed her down the stairs by accident. he thought that if he put her in bed, that she would be okay. Any doctor can tell you that head injuries don't work like that}}.
*[[Tomato in the Mirror]]: {{spoiler|Omori is ''not'' happy when you realize he's not real. He's a defense mechanism of Sunny's, to hide the truth about Mari's death}}.
*[[Tomato Surprise]]: At the end of Blackspace, {{spoiler|Omori ascends a throne of red hands after killing Basil. He gives us a long look, a cold stare. Slowly, we realize he's not the hero of the story but ''the villain''}}.