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** The fifth room: We seem to be back at the playground, but it is similarly corrupted. Squares glitch out, and the music has broken notes. {{spoiler|Dream-Basil is delighted to see Omori, and Hero who leads them to the rest of the friendship group. Basil wants to go to them, only to notice them approaching him with their weapons. Kel repeatedly hits him with his toy balls, and Aubrey beats Basil to death}}.
** Redspace: {{spoiler|Omori sees red hands holding Dream-Basil in place. Dream-Basil begs for help, but Omori draws his knife and stabs the kid repeatedly. Then he callously steps over Basil's body}}.
*[[Darker and Edgier]]: Blackspace, and Blackspace II in the Hikikomori route are much more horrific than the rest of Headspace, even when factoring in the Truth. Each room shows horrific images or plain creepy ones, where you can only escape by interacting with disembodied hands or finding key figurines. They are skippable, however, if you want to go straight to the red door. {{spoiler|There are also about five versions of Basil that ask for help, but each one dies. What's worse is the last death happens when Omori repeatedly stabs Basil and walks over his dead body.}}
*[[Dead All Along]]: As Aubrey in the real world reminds Kel and Sunny, while dropping a bombshell on the player, {{spoiler|Mari has been dead for four years. And this was after we may have opened the door for who we thought was Mari!}}
*[[Driving Question]]:
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**If you choose to visit {{spoiler|Mari's grave}}, Kel relates that Hero refused to leave his room for about a year {{spoiler|after she died}}. Kel apparently tried to talk with him about it, only for Hero to yell at him, and for their parents to comfort Hero rather than a crying Kel, making it a family-wide [[Kick The Dog]] moment. While Kel has forgiven Hero, in part because his brother went to college and gave them both some necessary space, he's colder towards his guilty mother.
**Sunny is definitely not okay after refusing to leave his house for four years. Kel was even surprised that Sunny answered the door on the Main Route since apparently, he had been knocking once in a while to check on his former friend. Sunny barely eats, wakes up to do more than wander around the house. Heck, he doesn't even talk, {{spoiler|until the best ending happens}}.
**Poor Basil has been alone, and bullied by Aubrey to boot, ever since the friendship group broke up four years ago. {{spoiler|The guilt of faking Mari's death as suicide hasn't helped either}}. He has stopped wearing flower crowns and often looks uncomfortable around Sunny, not responding to Kel's cheerful banter. {{spoiler|If you choose to save him, the real Basil, on the Main Route, he has a [[Twitchy Eye]] and attacks Sunny with gardening shears while mistakenly thinking he is saving Sunny from Something]]}}.
*[[Hypocrite]]: Aubrey in the real world picks a fight with Sunny and Kel when they see her bullying, wielding a baseball bat with nails. She's also not afraid to use it. While Kel resorts to whacking her in self-defense with his basketball, Sunny has a steak knife and is not afraid to use it. When Sunny gives her a nick, however, Aubrey retreats and calls him a maniac for using a knife. Meanwhile, she's still holding the bat.
*[[I Lied]]: A silent version. Most of the Headspace story is a quest to find Basil, who has gone missing. In the Main Route, {{spoiler|Omori reveals that Basil is in Blackspace, multiple versions of him, and he never intended for you to find or save Basil. Instead, he ascends the throne of red hands in the last room after stabbing the last Basil, giving us a long stare. Indeed, to find the Truth you have to leave the dream version of Basil outside the tree where the real memories are}}.
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*[[Snipe Hunt]]: Played For Drama with {{spoiler|the quest to save Basil in Headspace. Omori and the friendship group set off to find Basil, but they never get even close to a lead. Instead, various bosses and quests waylay them, and Jawsum outright kidnaps the friendship group. Turns out that Omori manufactured the whole quest for two purposes: so that Dream Basil doesn't reveal the truth of Mari's death to the friend group, and that Sunny can find reasons to live in his dreams}}.
*[[Sudden Downer Ending]]: There are ''four'' possible options for this on the Main Route after the friendship group reunites the final foray into the Dreamworld that reveals the Truth:
**You choose not to confront {{spoiler|Basil}} and go back to bed, when you wake up, it's too late. {{spoiler|Basil has stabbed himself with kitchengardening shears and bled out before the kids could get help. Hero tells Sunny it's best for him to leave and start a new life. Sunny does this, erasing the room where Basil died from his mind}}.
**You go back to your home and sleep, wake up the next day, and move with your mother. {{spoiler|Something follows you.}}
**You go back to your home, {{spoiler|pocket the steak knife, and sleep. When Omori stabs himself to exit the dream world, Sunny stabs himself in bed. The game ends by showing him lying in a pool of blood}}.
**After facing Omori, you choose to {{spoiler|succumb, after helping Sunny relive his happiest memories no less. What's worse is that you could be trying to quit the game and figure out how to beat him. Sunny drops his violin and fades away, while Omori takes control of his body. You think you're returning to Headspace, but instead, Omori compels Sunny to jump off the hospital roof where he and Basil are receiving medical treatment}}.
*[[Super Not-Drowning Skills]]: In Headspace, Omori and the others can breathe underwater without a problem when they get lured to the hotel located on the Underwater Highway. They can even take a taxi underwater when necessary. Blackspace shows a dark version of this where {{spoiler|copies of the friend group are locked in a room and forced to swim in lava endlessly}}.
*[[Super Drowning Skills]]: In the real world, Sunny has never been a good swimmer, even before he refused to leave his house for four years. His attempts to save Basil from drowning go poorly, and he hallucinates facing Something underwater. Hero has to save both him and Basil, noting it's lucky that Sunny can still walk.
*[[Tomato in the Mirror]]: {{spoiler|Omori is ''not'' happy when you realize he's not real. He's a defense mechanism of Sunny's, to hide the truth about Mari's death}}.
*[[Tomato Surprise]]: At the end of Blackspace, {{spoiler|Omori ascends a throne of red hands after killing Basil. He gives us a long look, a cold stare. Slowly, we realize he's not the hero of the story but ''the villain''}}.
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*[[Video Game Caring Potential]]: There is one option in Headspace and one in the real world:
**After Basil goes missing, you can start each dream by watering his flowers and plants. Do this every day, and {{spoiler|the game ends with a bonus scene where Basil wakes up, Sunny smiles at him to show all is forgiven, and both of their Somethings fade.}}
** In the real world, you can do sidequests around town, running errands for your neighbors. {{spoiler|In the best ending, you find out if you've helped them, they send you failures and wishes to get better}}.
*[[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]:
** One room in Blackspace has {{spoiler|Mewo, Mari's cat, strapped to a table. You are asked if you want to cut her open, several times}}. If a player has the sense to check their Menu options, they can exit the room by stabbing themselves. Most players, however, feel they have no choice. {{spoiler|Cutting Mewo doesn't allow you to leave. You have to stab yourself anyway, making the cat death all for nothing}}.
** Another Blackspace room has {{spoiler|Basil collapse like watermelon chunks. If you are in a state of shock or have a sense of dark humor, you can walk over the pieces and hear a squishing sound repeatedly}}.
*[[Villain Has a Point]]: What's sad about the real villain in the story is that he is completely right during the final boss fight of the Main Route. {{spoiler|Sunny killed Mari, and though it was an accident, he and Baail lied about it for years. She loved him, and everyone loved Mari. The only way to get the happy ending is to acknowledge that Omori is right, but Sunny will persist regardless}}.
*[[Wimp Fight]]:
**Sunny is not as strong as Omori, and the game is quick to point that out. When you spend four years as a recluse, forgetting to eat, not exercising and spending most of your time sleeping, it's not going to do wonders for your physical health. As a result, when he participates in a fight, he can lose easily unless wielding a "borrowed" steak-knife or pepper spray.
** At first, the penultimatee boss fight starts at this if you make the decision to {{spoiler|save Basil.}} Then we remember something that subverts the trope: {{spoiler|Basil has kitchengardening shears, and Sunny is unarmed since Kel took his steak knife. Basil gets Sunny in the eye, and the fight ends in a draw as Sunny faints from shock and blood loss}}.
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