One Piece/Characters/The Four Emperors: Difference between revisions

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* [[Call Back]]: A Devil Fruit with the power to make tsunamis was first mentioned by Morgan in the very first explanation of Devil Fruits we ever got in-series.
* [[Captain Color Beard]]: Obviously.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: At 7972 years old, he was more like the ''coolest'' old guy in the series!
* [[Cooldown Hug]]: After his ally, Squad, stabbed him and accused him of selling out his allies thanks to the Marines [[Batman Gambit|leaking false information to him]], Whitebeard gives him one, reassures him he would never abandon a single one of them, then charges into the fray to kick major ass.
* [[Covered with Scars]]: Whitebeard is covered with scars on every part of his body. Except his back: He never showed it to an enemy once.
* {{spoiler|[[Death by Irony]]}}: {{spoiler|All he wanted was a family, and one of his "sons" kills him. Admittedly he had already basically disowned the guy, but the point still stands}}.
* [[Determinator]]
* [[The Dreaded]]: Simply bellowing his name was all it took to send ''most'' of the Marines at Marineford running for cover.
* {{spoiler|[[Died Standing Up]]}}: {{spoiler|To further prove how badass he is}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Dying Moment of Awesome]]}}: {{spoiler|His final action, after spending the previous several chapters being stabbed, shot, bombarded, and having ''half his face melted off by lava'', was to fight Blackbeard one-on-one and [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|own him so thoroughly]] that the ''entire Blackbeard Pirates crew'' had to jump in before he stomped their captain like a bug. And even though all of that finally killed him... it still [[Died Standing Up|wasn't enough to make him fall]]}}.