Only the Leads Get a Happy Ending: Difference between revisions

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This is where a story ends on a happy, upbeat note, with all the problems resolved and everyone getting back to leading happy, fulfilling lives ... but only if they're main characters. Basically, the characters the audience know and care about get their happy ending, but it comes at the expense of minor characters who get stuck with a [[Downer Ending]].
Note that in this case, it should go without saying that the term " minor characters" does not include villains, even of the [[Mook]] variety, since we expect them to wind up worse off in the end.
Related to [[Protagonist-Centered Morality]], [[Inferred Holocaust]], [[Esoteric Happy Ending]], [[Everybody's Dead, Dave]], and [[Dwindling Party]]. If an [[Adam and Eve Plot]] is both apocalyptic and presented as having an upbeat ending, it's also this.
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* ''[[GoLion]]'', with all the death and destruction, and Princess Amue losing her love in a [[Senseless Sacrifice]].
* Arguably ''[[Sailor Moon]]'', mainly in the manga.
** '''Argument:''' Usagi and Mamoru get to get married and have a child and rule the world together in bliss, aside from the occasional alien attack. The other Senshi get to spend their lives in servitude to them and cannot have relationships of their own. And that's not even mentioning the millionsbillions of people who will die before civilization is rebuilt as Crystal Tokyo.
** '''Counter-Argument:''' The Senshi ''choose'' to live lives of chastity, protecting the queen and king of Crystal Tokyo, and they all seem happy with their decision.
* Inverted in ''[[Code Geass]]'', where [[The Hero Dies|Lelouch dies]] and Suzaku [[Faking the Dead|fakes his death]] and forever takes on the identity of Zero, while the surviving main characters move on with their lives and attend Ohgi and Villetta's wedding.
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* In ''[[Wolf's Rain]]'', the only characters shown in the [[Bittersweet Ending]] are the wolves and Cheza. The implication is that human characters do not get to be reincarnated in the future.
== ComicsComic Books ==
* In some [[Jack Chick]] tracts, the main Christian will talk to one non-believer, who gets more focus than the rest of the cast and goes to heaven in the end, while the other non-Christians are implied to go to Hell. One example is "The Trial"; the twist is that the plaintiff's daughter accepted Jesus when her friend, the defendant, told her, and the girl's mother and the witnesses called in to testify (authorities from other religions) go to Hell. Then again, it's just as common to invert this, as in "Busted" the main prosecutor goes to hell while his secretary gets converted (however, we don't hear [[What Happened to the Mouse?|whether the suspect at the beginning was convicted]], much less whether he deserved the outcome).
== Film ==
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* ''[[Signs]]'': Millions or billions of people have been killed or enslaved by the alien invasion, but God smiled on this one family and saved them so yay!
** Unlikely. It wouldn't be hard for the rest of humanity to come across the aliens' [[Weaksauce Weakness]].
* In ''[[Film/Memoirs Ofof A Geisha|Memoirs Of Aa Geisha]]'', Chiyo manages to unite with her beloved Chairman. Pumpkin is never heard from again, Mameha lives alone and without her beloved Baron, and General Nobu just stays away because "he can't forgive [Chiyo/Sayuri]".
* ''[[Red Riding Hood (film)|Red Riding Hood]]'': The village continues to live in fear even though the Wolf never returned. Valerie's mother has no one left, except Valerie who now lives in her dead grandmother's house and it's unknown if they see each other. Peter, after being bitten by the Wolf on a Blood Moon and thus becoming one every full moon returns to Valerie at the end of the movie after running away for some time to learn to control his werewolf power and the end credits show them being happy together.
* ''[[2012]]'' takes this to a truly ruthless degree. The main characters and several thousand others survive - the entire rest of the world (except, it's revealed, Africa) drowned.
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== Literature ==
* Subverted and Lampshadedlampshaded in ''[[Red Dragon]]''. A family called the Leads is murdered, and Will definitely doesn't get a happy ending.
* In ''[[Pride and Prejudice And Zombies]]''. Elizabeth marries Darcy. Nothing happens to [[Failure Is the Only Option|stop the zombie apocalypse]], though...
* Alexander McCall Smith's book ''[[The Careful Use of Compliments]]'' ends with the independently wealthy Isabel using her money to buy the journal she edits, firing the editorial board, and replacing it with her friends, all so she won't lose her editing job. Good for her, but sucky for the editorial board, the guy who was going to be the new editor, and all the journal's readers, since the journal will undoubtedly suffer a precipitous decline in quality.
* ''[[Harry Potter]]''. Sure, the main characters go on to lead happy lives with kids and jobs and a future. Most of the secondary characters die. Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Moody, even [[The Woobie|Colin Creevey]].
** That is only a small part of the secondary characters. There are dozens more that also have happy/bittersweet endings.
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* In ''[[Breaking Dawn]]'', the main characters all get happy endings. Meanwhile, every other secondary character goes back to a nomadic life, presumably on the Volturi's target list.
* The epilogue of [[Lois McMaster Bujold]]'s ''[[Vorkosigan Saga|Shards of Honor]]'' starkly emphasizes that the leads may have gotten their happy ending, but a lot of innocent people died along the way.
* Discussed in ''[[Discworld/Witches Abroad|Witches Abroad]]'', where a voodoo priestess fights a fairy godmother who's manipulating the [[Theory of Narrative Causality]] for her own ends; the priestess thinks to herself at one point that she's fighting for all the exploited and down-trodden everyday people who "never got a happy ending" because they're just extras and side characters.
== Live-Action TV ==
* This sort-of happens in ''[[Robin Hood (TV series)|Robin Hood]]''. Both Robin Hood and Marian end up ''dead'', but they are given a [[Together in Death]] scene that suggests that they have an eternity in Heaven to share. Everyone else? Shot, stabbed, dead, buried, abandoned, forgotten, or stuck with [[Damsel Scrappy|Ka]][[Fate Worse Than Death|testuck with]] [[Damsel Scrappy|Kate]].
* Similar to the ''[[Family Guy]]'' example below, at the end of the second season premiere of ''[[It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]]'', Frank very conspicuously says "the important thing is that nobody ''important'' got ''seriously'' hurt''" after the gang got in a car accident. The camera then pans over to an unnamed character who was with the group at the time lying in a full body cast in a hospital bed calling them jerks.
== Live Action TelevisionTheatre ==
* The play ''Life Is A Dream'' by Pedro Calderon de la Barca ends with the main couple having a beautiful wedding! NevermindNever mind the pointless war the protagonist and his father were having.
* This sort-of happens in ''[[Robin Hood (TV series)|Robin Hood]]''. Both Robin Hood and Marian end up ''dead'', but they are given a [[Together in Death]] scene that suggests that they have an eternity in Heaven to share. Everyone else? Shot, stabbed, dead, buried, abandoned, forgotten, or stuck with [[Damsel Scrappy|Ka]][[Fate Worse Than Death|te]].
* Similar to the [[Family Guy]] example below, at the end of the second season premiere of [[It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]], Frank very conspicuously says "the important thing is that nobody ''important'' got ''seriously'' hurt'' after the gang got in a car accident. The camera then pans over to an unnamed character who was with the group at the time lying in a full body cast in a hospital bed calling them jerks.
== Theater ==
* The play ''Life Is A Dream'' by Pedro Calderon de la Barca ends with the main couple having a beautiful wedding! Nevermind the pointless war the protagonist and his father were having.
* [[Older Than Steam]] [[Shakespeare]]an examples:
** ''[[Henry V]]'' ends with the wedding of the eponymous King and Princess Katherine of France after Henry fights a bloody war of conquest against his soon-to-be father-in-law. However, Shakespeare lampshades the trope by pointing out in the epilogue that Henry's conquests will be short-lived and his premature death will lead to a bloody civil war.
** In ''[[A Midsummer Night's Dream]]'', Demetrius is given the love-in-idleness, thus forcing him to fall in love with Helena. While this is definitely good for Helena, it's not really a happy ending for Demetrius, given that he doesn't have a choice in the matter. He doesn't even seem to be aware that anything's out of the ordinary, making this a [[Subverted Trope|subversion]].<ref>This, however, depends on your interpretation of the whole love spell thing. A common interpretation now is to see it as incredibly [[squick]]y mind control quasi-rape, but a number of older works seem to view magically induced love as being just as valid as naturally occurring love. This is particularly prominent once you get back to [[Classical Mythology]], where ''all'' love is the result of the gods going, "Okay, you hook up with that person, and you hook up with that person, and ... oh, how about we give that guy a donkey fetish?"</ref>
== Video Games ==
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* The ending of ''[[Fire Emblem]]: Mystery of the Emblem'' is bad for practically everyone except Marth, Caeda, and a few others.
* In ''[[The Secret of Monkey Island]]'', if you sink your ship with the catapultic rock thing, Herman Toothrot will take you back to Melee island instead of them, and in the ending you'll get a nice sequence about how they're trapped in the cannibal hut. ''[[Escape from Monkey Island]]'' also treats this as canon and plays the trauma for laughs.
* ''[[Star Ocean]]'' and ''[[Star Ocean the Second Story]]'' both have [[Multiple Endings]] based on hidden relationship meters between the characters, the Main Characters of course get their happy ending no matter what, but.. for those who have bad scores the endings can edge on [[Tear JerkersJerker]]s.
* Inverted in ''[[Dragon Age]]'' for a female Warden who was in a relationship with Alistair and didn't harden him, or for a male Warden who was in a relationship with Morrigan. Everyone '''but''' the leads (in your party anyway) gets a happy ending.
* Appears in ''[[Dragon Age 2]]'', where Kirkwall has been devastated, Thedas is rapidly approaching its first world war, and the entire band of heroes has been split up...except for Hawke and his/her [[Love Interest]].
** Only in the ending where you side with the Templars (you become ruler of Kirkwall). If you side with the mages you end up fleeing your home. [[Book Ends|Again.]]
* Subverted in ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]''. Depending on whether or not you do the side and the companion quests and depending on who you sided with (or not) the outcome for EVERYONE''everyone'' (except the courier) can be different come endgame.
* The best ending of ''[[Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume]]'' has Wylfred finally find peace, his mother regain her sanity, and Tilte learning about Ancel's death and being able to grieve him properly instead of just sensing that something's plain wrong. [[Loads and Loads of Characters|The rest of the cast]], however, don't get featured at all in the ending and most of the characters that don't you meet but don't recruit get rather depressing ends. It doesn't help that the two other endings are [[Downer Ending]]s.
* Somewhat averted in ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]] 2''. The Exile's team goes off to found the new Jedi Order, fix the damaged Republic, and shut down the HK-50's while she is condemned to flying off to die at the hands of the True Sith. It's implied in The Old Republic MMO that she did manage to do enough to set back the invasion for almost 300 years, but she still misses out on the oppurtunity to see all of her actions come to fruition or pursue a relationship with Atton or the Disciple.
* Split fifty-fifty for the main characters in ''[[Final Fantasy XIII]]'': Lightning and Snow get Serah back (though [[Final Fantasy XIII-2|the sequel]] takes Lighting away from Serah immediately thereafter), Sazh has his son back, but Hope's mother is dead and Fang and Vanille are turned into crystals for all eternity.
** Also split fifty-fifty for the rest of humanity (or rather, the handful survivors). They lost their homes and are forced to live under the harsh conditions of Gran Pulse and are no longer protected by the fal'Cie. Then again the Fal'cie were the villains are trying to ''kill all of them''. The main characters's final act [[Plan]] was to stop the Fal'cie and, failing at that, to mitigate the damage.
== Western Animation ==
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