Osmosis Jones/YMMV: Difference between revisions

(Is it OK if I rewrite this? I'm not deleting it.)
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* [[Broken Aesop]]: Frank's constantly getting called on his poor nutrition and refusal to exercise, and at the end, we see that his whole ordeal with Thrax has [[Scare'Em Straight|convinced him to turn his life around]]. Just to get the point across, the last shot of the movie shows him going on a hike and eating a carrot stick. The intended "Be Healthy! Live Longer!" Aesop seems to fit...but Frank's unhealthy diet and lack of exercise had absolutely nothing to got to do with his brush with death. He got infected because he ate a dirty egg that happened to be covered with lethal bacteria. Theoretically, the same thing could have happened to a health nut. Granted, Frank's eating habits ''are'' atrocious, but he never suffers any of the expected consequences of them like heart problems, diabetes, or malnutrition. [[Hollywood Pudgy|Hell, he isn't even particularly fat...]]
** But the message can be seen as being about the nutritional content, not total calories, of the food he eats. That combined with his lack of exercise would lead to weakening his immune system, which combined with his indiscriminate eating habits...
* [[Complete Monster]]: Thrax personifies the worst of all diseases. Specifically, he states that EdolasEbola is harmless compared to him. Unlike other criminals lurking in Frank's body, Thrax wishes to kill Frank, which would wipe out every white blood cell (which in this universe, are sentient) in his body in the process. He's repeated this process with previous victims, hoping to get his own chapter in the medical books by killing Frank within the span of 48 hours, which is faster than any virus has ever killed. Before his death, he also plans to kill Frank's daughter as well to see if he could break his old record.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: Thrax has a pair to go with that leather jacket.
* [[Ear Worm]]: If you're not a fan of rap, most of the soundtrack will get stuck in your head.