Out of Character Alert: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''The Terminator:''' ''[to John]'' What's the dog's name?
'''John:''' Max.
'''The Terminator:''' ''[in John's voice]'' [[Bluff the ImposterImpostor|Hey Janelle, what's wrong with Wolfie? I can hear him barking.]]
'''"Janelle":''' Wolfie's fine, honey, Wolfie's just fine. Where are you?
'''The Terminator:''' ''[hangs up the phone]'' Your foster parents are dead. }}
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* Inverted in ''[[Single White Female]]'': Allie has just realized the extent of her roommate Hedy's depravity and psychosis when she realizes that she's murdered her boyfriend. Desperate to get out of the apartment without arousing Hedy's suspicion, Allie hurriedly claims that her upstairs neighbor Graham had called her and invited her to hang out with him. Unfortunately, unknown to Allie, Hedy bludgeoned Graham to death the previous night (but as it turns out he was merely unconscious) and knows Allie's lying.
* In [[Inglourious Basterds]] one of the team's plans gets upset by this when, trying to pass for German soldiers and ordering drinks, they use the American gesture for the number three instead of the German version. The real German soldiers notice this and promptly try to eliminate the imposters.
== [[Literature]] ==