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** [[The Lancer|Riku]] and [[The Chick|Kairi]], who both played major roles in the original game, don't really do anything of high importance in ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'' until the very last world, despite still being technically main characters. Riku has since become the [[Deuteragonist]] of the series, but Kairi has remained Out of Focus for four whole games straight, [[Broken Base|further breaking the base on a subject.]]
** Donald Duck and Goofy were Sora's constant companions in ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'', ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories]]'', and ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]''. After that, they've fallen by the wayside. They only had brief cameos in ''Birth By Sleep'', were just unlockable multiplayer mode characters in ''358/2 Days'', and their biggest role in ''Coded'' was reminding Data Sora about what they and the ''real'' Sora did together in the past. In the upcoming ''3D'', "dream" versions of them are set to appear in a ''Three Muskateers''-based world, but the real things still aren't up to much.
*** This arguably started happening as early as ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories]]''. They were very major characters in the first game, as their search for King Mickey is one of the driving forces of the plot, but as more original characters, such as Roxas, Naminé, and Organization XIII, were introduced and [[Character Focus|focused on]], Donald and Goofy ended up losing quite a bit of limelight. Come ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'', their only role is to pretty much just be... there, the two are no longer essential to the story, and they aren't even present during the final battle.
* ''[[Mega Man X]]'' himself gets Out of Focus once the plot starts picking up from the second game onwards. The spot that was [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|stolen from him]] by ''[[Ensemble Darkhorse|Zero]]''. This is what [[Writer Revolt|Inafune originally intended the series to be]], since ''Zero is supposed to be the '''real''' main character of the X series''. A [[Take That]] against [[Executive Meddling]] that made X in the first place.
** This backfired a good deal with X7, where at the start of the game, you're given Zero and [[The Scrappy|Axl]], with X going into a pacifistic role. X7 isn't liked very much.
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* A common complaint about ''[[World of Warcraft]]: Cataclysm'' was that the Alliance and it's leaders got very little story and character development compared to the Horde. A few members of Blizzard's staff have even admitted they dropped the ball here, but hope to do better keeping both factions interesting in future expansions.
* In ''[[Mega Man X Command Mission]]'', Massimo, Marino, and Cinnamon have introduction levels, but that's it. After that, they're just cast-filler who tag along with X, Zero, and Axl for the sake of it. Had Capcom at least given them more missions that reveal more about their backstories and personal reasons for joining X's group, Massimo, Marino, and Cinnamon would've been decent at best.
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