Outside the Box Tactic: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.OutsideTheBoxTactic 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.OutsideTheBoxTactic, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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The most famous and common example involves the use of healing magics or other restorative items to harm the undead. Such examples should be listed under [[Revive Kills Zombie]]. If this particular application of a technique is the only place where it is effective, it may be [[Not Completely Useless]]. May be the result of a bug in the game code. If it's the only way to defeat the foe, it may also be a [[Guide Dang It]]. If it's not the only way to defeat a foe, but it requires [[Forced Level Grinding]] to defeat it otherwise, it may be commonly thought of as [[That One Boss]] or a [[Beef Gate]]. Outside-The-Box Tactics are often necessary to defeat a [[Puzzle Boss]] or the [[Final Exam Boss]]. Contrast [[Logical Weakness]], when it's immediately apparent what needs to be done.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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** In ''[[Final Fantasy VII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VII]]'', the Demi spell is surprisingly effective against Emerald Weapon. Demi is a low-level Gravity spell, that does damage equal to 25% of the target's current HP. On most common enemies, it's a waste of time. Most bosses are immune. But Emerald Weapon is not, and, until you whittle his HP down, it can do the 9,999 damage cap to him.
** In ''[[Final Fantasy XIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XIII]]'', bosses are immune to Death... except the final boss, when it's staggered.
* In the ending chapter of ''[[Fire Emblem Tellius (Video Game)|Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn]]'', the Black Knight can be easily beaten by forgoing use of the [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword]] in favor of using a common Hammer.
* The Berserker in ''[[Legend of Legaia (Video Game)|Legend of Legaia]]'' can be instantly killed via the Nighto spell. It is the only boss vulnerable to this tactic, and is [[That One Boss]] otherwise. It is [[Fridge Brilliance]] when one considers that Nighto inflicts the Confuse status.
* ''[[Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga (Video Game)|Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga]]'' features the Trunkle boss, which dies to one or two hits of the Chopper Bros. attack to the forehead.
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* It's a running gag that the final boss, Dhaos, of ''[[Tales of Phantasia (Video Game)|Tales of Phantasia]]'' is susceptible to the ''Indignation'' spell. In cameo appearances in later games, he dies to one use of the spell.
* Gespent, a sub-boss in ''[[Wild Arms 3 (Video Game)|Wild Arms 3]]'', can be killed with a single use of the ''Requiem'' spell.
* Get the hit just right, and it's possible to [[One -Hit Kill]] the final form of ''[[The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening]]'s'' final boss with the boomerang.
* Several enemies in ''[[Metroid Prime (Video Game)|Metroid Prime]] 3'' can be killed in a single strike of the Nova Blaster augmented by the X-Ray Goggles, due to the limitations of their Phazite armor.
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* In ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|Dungeons and Dragons]]'', casting ''Remove Blindness/Deafness'' on an Eye of Gruumsh (a one-eyed, mad orc fighter) restores its other eye and negates its magical abilities as well.
* ''[[Exalted (Tabletop Game)|Exalted]]'' has a [[Functional Magic|Charm]] (Order-Affirming Blow) that undoes Shaping effects. Guess what? [[The Fair Folk]] use shaping effects to create their bodies. [[One -Hit Kill]].
== [[Visual Novel|Visual Novels]] ==