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Needless to say, the series thrives on [[Superhero]]-related tropes, and indeed, [[Troperiffic|tropes in general]]. Several characters are openly [[Genre Savvy]], including Tyler at times -- though he would probably prefer if those tropes ''weren't'' there.
Originally a print comic, Aaron has followed the example of [[Girl Genius|the Foglios]] and released it as a webcomic, but the free online version is still well behind the print-version.{{verify}} Recently,{{when}} a licensed [[Role-Playing Game]] using the ''[[Champions|Hero System]]'' has been published.
{{tropelist|Name a superhero-related trope. ''Any'' superhero-related trope. It's in here. Other tropes used in ''PS238'' include:}}
Name a superhero-related trope. ''Any'' superhero-related trope.
* [[Absurdly Powerful Student Council]]: Despite the fact that they could eventually end up with one that consists of absurdly powerful people, this is averted. When Tyler got elected Class President, the faculty had yet to figure out what responsibilities the Class President was supposed to have. So far, said duties have consisted entirely of participating in a ribbon-cutting ceremony. {{spoiler|And then he was deposed.}}
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* [[Exposition Beam]]: Tyler learns of {{spoiler|Principal Cranston's backstory when his headband is damaged by reliving his memories}}.
* [[Expy]]: Almost every character who is not an outright [[Captain Ersatz]] is an expy of a known superhero comics archetype without blatantly referencing any one single comics character. An example would be Herschel Clay, {{spoiler|who turns out to be an expy of [[Iron Man]].}}
* [[Face Palm]]: Frequently used by [ Ms. Kyle] and the other teachers. And anyone around [ Forak]. Also, [// Prospero], thanks to his "girlfriend".
* [[Fantastic Measurement System]]: The "Omega" scale. And the [[Magnificent Bastard|Vetinari]] [ scale].
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: {{spoiler|Argonians look down on everyone who does not have [[Flying Brick]] powers. Normal humans are treated as an serfs, other metahumans as outright threats.}}
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* [[Smug Super]]: All over the place.
{{quote|'''Phlogiston''': Don't ''any'' of you know what "narcissistic sociopath" means? }}
* [[Southern-Fried Genius]]: Herschel Clay is basically a redneck [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]], who has a business empire, power armor - And a gimme cap.
* [[Special Guest]]: In a very bizarre but hilarious situation, [[Wil Wheaton]] guest stars in the comic about superpower career day, as the representative of meta-humans who go into the Entertainment industry. In the ''PS238'' universe, he not only played Wesley but single-handedly used his psychokinetic superpowers to do most of the special effects for ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'', which apparently helped cancel out some of his character being [[Creator's Pet]]s in this universe. Zodon still hates him, though.
* [[Sticky Situation]]: Centurion armor carries a glue-spitter that can stop even [[Flying Brick]]s and suchlike.
* [[Stranger in a Strange School]]: Tyler doesn't pretend to be anything else, but between the fact that both his parents are legendary superheroes and the school being a constant [[Weirdness Magnet]], he has no choice but to become an [[Action Survivor]] in order to, well, survive. Currently in training to become [[Badass Normal]].
* [[Suddenly Fluent in Gibberish]]: Angie [ can somehow understand] what Prospero is saying. Nobody knows how.
* [[Super Team]]: These pop up like mushrooms. Union of Justice (semi-tretiredretired), Earth Defence League, The Infinite Vanguard, Plasma Pack, Psikinetics, Elementalists, Major Arcana...
** [[Super Family Team]]: "Powers" (Marlocke) and "Nuclear" (one branch of Finsters) families.
* [[Super-Hero School]]: Naturally, [[Captain Obvious|the eponymous school]].
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* [[Transforming Mecha]]: Prospero's spaceship.
* [[Trophy Room]]: [ Both "Powers" and "Nuclear"] families.
** And [// Union of Justice].
* [[Turbine Blender]]: Captain Clarinet has [[Anxiety Dreams]] of [ this happening to him] if he flies. That is, until [ Zodon points out] that as a [[Flying Brick]] ''he'd'' be the one shredding the turbines. (It doesn't make him feel better, because Zodon goes on to describe what happens to the people on the plane.)
* [[Unusual Euphemism]] (mixed with [[Tongue-Tied]]): Whenever Zodon tries to cuss, the chip in his head causes him to say a random innocuous word instead. If he goes on a [[Cluster F-Bomb|rant-length obscenity crawl]], it switches into "Showtunes Mode"... "[[Oklahoma!]]", for example. Or "[[Man of La Mancha]]"... Or "[[The Music Man]]". [[Lampshaded]] by Victor VonFogg once.[ "And you swear like a G-rated sailor."]
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