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* [[Angrish]]: Anselmo sounds like he's losing his mind in "Good Friend and a Bottle of Pills". By the final section he's launched into an [[Atomic F Bomb|Atomic]] [[Cluster F Bomb]], nothing resembling coherence left.
* [[Anti -Love Song]]: "This Love"
* [[Badass Beard]]: Everyone in the band, but especially Dimebag and Phil.
* [[Badass Long Hair]]: Everyone in the band, except Phil, and post-1997, even him.
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** In 2010 the album ''1990-2000: A Decade of Domination'' was released. This greatest hits album actually features ''less'' tracks than previous greatest hits album. The reason for this is so that the album could be sold at Wal-Mart, which refuses to sell music albums with the "Parental Advisory: Explicit Content" label, so the album omits some of Pantera's more profanity-laden songs.
* [[Heavy Meta]]: ''"Goddamn Electric."''
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: The change from [[Hair Metal]] to [[Heavy Metal (Music)|Heavy Metal]] (or [[Groove Metal]], if you want to go techical) which started with their fourth album, ''Power Metal''.
* [[Last Note Nightmare]]: "Suicide Note Part 1" and "Suicide Note Part 2." Part 1 has a 12-string acoustic guitar, lack of drums, and Anselmo mildly contemplating suicide via slashing of the wrists... Which leads into Part 2, the trademarked Pantera sound, and Anselmo screeching about suicide.
* [[Loony Fan]]: Nathan Gale, Dimebag's murderer.
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* [[The Prankster]]: The guys in Pantera were ''constantly'' pulling pranks on each other, and also on the bands that they toured with. Several of these practical jokes were caught on film and included on the Pantera Home Videos.
* [[The Quiet One]]: Rex.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]
* [[Sex Drugs and Rock And Roll]]: As anyone who has seen the Pantera home videos will tell you, these guys ''loved'' to get drunk and party. And their female fans were not shy about exposing their assets on camera.
** Pantera's former manager, Terry Date, has mentioned in interviews that if you hung out with Dimebag, you ''would'' be drinking with him. If he offered you a shot and you refused, he'd take it as an insult and make you do two shots as punishment.
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* [[The Stoner]]: Every member of the band used drugs to some extent, although Phil definitely took it the farthest; becoming addicted to heroin and even briefly dying of an overdose (before being revived by paramedics)
* [[Surprisingly Gentle Song]]: Their cover of "Planet Caravan" by [[Black Sabbath (Music)|Black Sabbath]].
* [[Take That, Critics!]]: "War Nerve" from ''The Great Southern Trendkill'' directly attacks the media and music critics.
* [[Testosterone Poisoning]]
* [[This Is Sparta]]: "RE! SPECT! WALK!"