• "I was born ready. I'm RON FUCKING SWANSON."
  • Leslie, delirious with flu and barely able to walk, escapes from the hospital to give a masterful speech to the Pawnee Chamber of Commerce drumming up support for a community project. The awesomeness is in no way diminished by her immediately, upon the speech's conclusion, becoming completely incoherent again. An awed Ben says in a talking head:

That was amazing. That was a flu-ridden Michael Jordan at the '97 NBC Finals. That was Kirk Gibson hobbling up to the plate and hitting a homer off of Dennis Eckersley. That was... that was Leslie Knope.

  • Ron Swanson telling off Tammy in "Ron and Tammy 2".

Tammy: You're not even a man anymore. I faked four of the seven orgasms last night.
Ron: So did I.

  • The Harvest Festival episode showed that Ron Swanson is a man who would instantly solve everyone's problem just to shut them up.

Ron: All of you be quiet. Andy, she’s mad because you said “awesome sauce” instead of “I love you too." April, he loves you. Stop being a child. Tom, you’re clearly at fault here. Blaming Jerry won’t save you. Jerry, we both know you were shotgunning funnel cakes instead of watching Lil Sebastian. So everyone apologize to everyone else!

  • Ron explaining to Chris why the changes he made to the Parks and Rec dept. aren't working and making everyone miserable. Before agreeing to a compromise of staying at the circular desk Chris made him use for a week while the rest change back to normal, Ron demonstrates great insight to his employees.

Ron: Tom only performs when there's someone to impress, so marooning him on 'Freak Island' isn't helping anyone. And you made April assistant to everyone? You know who April hates? Everyone. And Jerry can only function when noone's looking. You shine a light on him and he shrinks up faster than an Eskimo's scrotum.

  • In "Ron & Tammys" A drinking contest is held between Ron's mother and his first wife and the winner gets Ron to come with her. They drink 'Swanson family mash liquor', a whose "legal use is to strip the varnish off of speedboats". Wanting Ron to stay a the office, Leslie joins in and gets drunk after a couple of shots. April takes one sip, spits it out and collapses. Finally wanting to end this and decide his own fate, Ron takes the jug in one hand and drinks down the rest of it with no problem.
  • In "Bowling for Votes" Ben punches out a potential Jerkass voter who called Leslie a "bitch". Leslie even says right afterward that it was "awesome" and kisses him.