• Patton arrives at a field hospital, to present medals of bravery to a wounded soldier. He finds the soldier unconscious, and quietly presents the medals with almost no witnesses. Patton then kisses the soldier on the forehead. It's a moving and sympathetic moment...
  • After the slapping incident, Patton is reduced to giving tours to visiting press around Malta instead of being involved in the upcoming invasion of Europe. He tells his aide Col. Codman if he or any of the other officers want to be re-assigned to another post he'll understand. Codman responds: "Sir, I can speak for the entire staff. We want to stay with you. No matter what duty you're assigned to."
  • The final voiceover:

Patton: "For over a thousand years, Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of a triumph - a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeters and musicians and strange animals from the conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conqueror rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children, robed in white, stood with him in the chariot, or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning, that all glory is fleeting...

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