Penny and Aggie/Recap/Missing Person: Cyndi and Charlotte: Difference between revisions

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=== Tropes ===
* [[Adults Are Useless]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]]. Agent Carter arrives on the scene in enough time to save Charlotte's life. As well, Cyndi's parents, even the formerly indulgent, in-denial Carl, commit her after they read her journal.
* [[Alone Withwith the Psycho]]: Played with, in that both girls are disturbed in their own way.
* [[Break Them Byby Talking]]
* [[Call Back]]: Several. The most significant parallels are, fittingly, to [[Penny and Aggie (Webcomic)/The Popsicle War Suicide Run/Recap|Suicide Run]]:
** Charlotte's "This is what you'll do to the world," spoken to Cyndi, recalls Penny's "That's what she'll do to the world," spoken about Karen.
** Charlotte's "I can't [redeem myself]" parallels Aggie's "I can't... I can't... I can't [go on]..."
** Cyndi's "[Your mother] knows there's something bad about you" parallels Marshall's "Your parents would be ashamed of you," said to Aggie.
** Cyndi calling Charlotte a "poser" recalls Karen calling Aggie that.
* [[Cerebus Syndrome]]: Some readers felt the comic achieved this in the present chapter. Others place it earlier, in [[Penny and Aggie (Webcomic)/The Popsicle War Whispers and Silence/Recap|Whispers and Silence]], or even in [[Penny and Aggie (Webcomic)/Vertigo/Recap|Vertigo]]. In any case, the fandom consensus was that ''Penny and Aggie'' had come a long way from its origin as a light-hearted [[Gag Per Day Webcomics|gag-per-day]] comic about two teenage girls locked in, as Campbell has put it, a perpetual ''[[Tom and Jerry (Animation)|Tom and Jerry]]'' rivalry.
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]]. Cyndi views Daphne this way.
* [[Cowboy Cop]]: Carter disobeys McBell's order not to trespass on the Simms's property unless he sees something suspicious from the front of the house where he's supposed to be. His disobedience saves Charlotte's life.
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* [[Pity the Kidnapper]]: Considering that Charlotte kidnapped Cyndi as a twisted expression of her own self-hatred and hatred for her abusive mother, she's pitiful enough. When Cyndi talks her into slitting her own throat, she's all the more so.
* [[Poisonous Captive]]
* [[Put Onon a Bus Toto Hell]]: The strip in which her parents commit her is Cyndi's final appearance in ''Penny and Aggie''. [[Word of God|Campbell]] has said, however, that it won't necessarily be her last appearance ''anywhere'', implying that he might use a version of her in ''[[Fans]]'', where every ''Penny and Aggie'' character has an [[Alternate Self]] counterpart.
* [[Revenge]]: Although Cyndi doesn't explicitly mention this as the motive, the statement in her journal that she's eager to make Daphne her next victim, plus the entry's mid-November date, around the time of the [[School Play]] during which Sara chose Daphne over Cyndi, suggest that her choice of Daphne has a more personal motivation than her usual [[For the Evulz]] one.
* [[Reverse Psychology]]