Persona 4: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''Life is truth, and never a dream...<br />
All souls know this from birth...<br />
The truth is something that is chosen and grasped...<br />
Something discovered with one's vision and will.<br />
Only by gaining that does the seeker become truth himself,<br />
a cord that connects past and future.''|'''Igor, [[Powers That Be|Master of the Velvet Room]]'''}}
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** While not really a big "no", Yosuke and Kanji both have these when {{spoiler|Nanako appears to die. Yosuke screams "DAMN IT!!" and Kanji lets out a painful anguish cry and punches the wall as hard as he can. It's quite powerful to watch if you don't know she comes back alive.}}
* [[Bile Fascination]]: In-universe example. Yosuke on the people who get excited over the murders:
{{quote| They're like onlookers at a car crash. As long it's not happening to them, they're dying to get a closer look.}}
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: A surprisingly subtle one, from the Aiya Chinese Diner. "Aiya" is a Cantonese expression of displeasure or disappointment, and sure enough, the diner owner says this every time you don't finish the Rainy Day Special.
** It could be a [[Mythology Gag]] that's a [[Shout-Out]] to [[Persona 2|Lisa Silverman]], who spouts lots of Catonese expressions - Aiya being one of her favourites.
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* [[Broken Record]]: The '''truth''' will be hammered into your head until it feels like a migraine. The game is very insistent that you pursue it.
* [[Brutal Honesty]]:
{{quote| '''Teddie:''' Wow, this tastes awful!}}
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Several of the teachers have some odd quirks, such as giving lectures with handpuppets and dressing like Ancient Egyptians.
* [[But Now I Must Go]]: {{spoiler|At the end of the game, the protagonist leaves Inaba to return home}} (see [[Parental Abandonment]] example below).
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** Feed it to the cat during the quest "Cat Needs Food Badly" and you can clear the quest with only four feedings. (Otherwise, it takes ''twenty fish'' to clear the quest.) Hell of a way for the Guardian's career to end... then again, there's apparently more than one.
* [[Chalk Outline]]: The floor of the [[Hub Level]] is littered with outlines of dead bodies.
* ~[[Chekhov's Gunman~]]:
** {{spoiler|''The gas station attendant''.}}
** {{spoiler|Namatame and Mitsuo both appear around Inaba and in neglible cutscenes well before becoming major players in the plot.}}
** {{spoiler|That delivery truck you see driving by while chasing the pervert spying on Rise? It's got the ''real'' kidnapper in it.}}
** {{spoiler|When you first show up at the gas station, a truck that appears to be the same delivery truck is getting filled up next to you, which would seem to indicate this is when Namatame also received his powers.}}
* ~[[Chekhov's Lecture~]]
** The mythology lecture on the school trip. Fairly obvious, as it gives the background of the protagonist's first Persona.
** One day a lecture brings up [[Friedrich Nietzsche]]. Unless you already beat the current dungeon on the first day possible, the next boss has an attack called Nihil Hand.
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* [[Demonic Spider]]: Any monster in the game can become this if it happens to have skills your main character is weak against. Can also become such if they have status effects that strip control of the Protagonist if you like to keep your party automated. Some are very, very specifically annoying, such as those that drain SP or use instant death attacks. Considering this is ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'', this is about par for the course.
* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]: Shortly after Kanji is kidnapped, Chie gives us this line:
{{quote| ''First we save Kanji, then we crush the killer! Finally, we crush the killer and send him to hell!! Got it!?''}}
* [[Dialogue Tree]]: But of course!
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: The True Ending, where you use the [[Power of Friendship]] to defeat {{spoiler|Izanami, Shinto mother goddess turned deity of death. ''Yes, you win a fight against Japan's co-creator and vengeful embodiment of death,'' granted, by manifesting her husband and speaking the word that strips all lies away...}}
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* [[Everybody Do the Endless Loop]]: Within a dozen or so seconds of the [[P 4 G]] opening.
* [[Everything's Better with Penguins]]: During the school campout, Kanji berates Yosuke for eating his animal crackers, during which the following exchange takes place:
{{quote| '''Kanji:''' Dammit, I was so pumped about finding the penguin today...<br />
'''Yosuke:''' Penguin?<br />
'''Kanji:''' The secret animal cracker! You were eating them and didn't know that!? }}
* [[Everything's Better with Spinning]]:
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* [[Good Morning, Crono]]: More like "good evening" in this case. Every time you return home after a long day at school, Nanako will greet you in adorable, borderline [[Tastes Like Diabetes]] fashion. {{spoiler|You'll learn to miss it.}}
* [[Gratuitous English]]: In the Japanese version.
{{quote| LOAD GAME: Former game data is read.<br />
NEW GAME: Game is begun newly.<br />
CONFIG: Various setup is performed. }}
** The soundtrack is predominantly in English. You'd be forgiven for not knowing that.
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** After a character's [[Evil Counterpart]] is defeated, it becomes a Persona. {{spoiler|There are exceptions: Namatame doesn't get a Persona since he never accepted it. Nor does Mitsuo, for the same reason. [[Big Bad|Adachi]], who accepted his Shadow early on, managed to get the ability to summon a Persona while still being a sociopath, and the protagonist got his power through Divine Meddling.}}
** Kanji himself, as he tries to reform his thuggish delinquent ways after joining the heroes.
{{quote| I'm gonna tear this place apart so fast you won't have time to file for the insurance! Wait... I mean... I'm gonna tear it apart and rebuild it twice as good! I-I'm gonna RENOVATE your ass!}}
** {{spoiler|In the True Ending, [[Big Bad|Adachi]] (after getting throughly trounced by the main characters) sends a letter to the protagonist and gives the team the clues they need to completely solve the mystery, along with some friendly encouragement).}}
* [[He Knows About Timed Hits]]: Lampshaded, it is implied that people think an [[NPC]] who mentions the square button is strange.
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* [[Panty Shot]]: Ishtar, the last persona of the lovers arcana looks [ like this]. No wonder then that she flashes whenever you summon her, though it’s still not that prominent. Chie on the other hand, despite being a [[Kick Chick]] with plenty of chances for this, manages to avert the trope by wearing [ shorts under her skirt].
* [[Painting the Fourth Wall]]/[[No Fourth Wall]]:
** One of the Shadow bosses does some serious tapping on the fourth wall, summoning a giant cel-shaded blockman (identical to the style of ''~[[3D Dot Game Heroes~]]'', actually) that attacks and uses items '''''using a [[Shin Megami Tensei]]-style menu'''''. We can [ prove it].
** A more straight version is Yosuke muttering that he's insulted that he thinks of game characters this way. More likely, however, that he's saying it's insulting that {{spoiler|Mitsuo thinks of the murders as a game.}}
** Or on a return visit to that dungeon, adding Yosuke to your team results in him saying "Yosuke joined your party! ... or something like that, right?"
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* [[Take That Player]]: An interesting and low-key one. In the Moon Social Link, at Rank 6 you are given the "No turning back" warning, which usually implies that you can become a lover of someone. However, since Ai is [[In Love with Love]] the relationship will be simple play-dates and she will break up with you at Rank 9. This seems to be a good shot at all of the gamers who just look at the romantic subplot as just a way to collect a harem. {{spoiler|You can make it romantic if you hold off on becoming Ai's lover but it also requires more work for the Protagonist.}}
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: Characters that you have a Social Link with will take any single-target attack that would kill you in your place once per battle. Most players actually recommend making sure everyone on your team has at least a Level 1 S-Link rank. Also, {{spoiler|1=During the final boss fight, as part of a story sequence, the boss will use an attack that has a one-hit KO. She will ''spam it at you'', but the first three times, your allies will take the attack for you.}}
{{quote| ''[ You became friends with Yosuke. Yosuke will now DIE FOR YOU.]''}}
* [[Tarot Motifs]]: Each Persona and each Shadow in the game is associated with a particular Arcana. Additionally, the game's protagonist can develop Social Links with other characters; each of these characters is also associated with a particular Arcana--the higher level a particular Social Link is, the more of a boost you'll get when fusing a Persona of that Arcana.
** Shadows tend to be associated with the reversed or negative aspects of the Arcana, as opposed to the positive ones. (For example, Shadow Chie represents jealousy, egotism, and insensitivity to the feelings of others, all things represented by the reversed Chariot.)
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** Of course, [[Demonic Spider|Contrarian King]] and {{spoiler|[[Wake Up Call Boss|Shadow Kanji]]}} will most likely make sure you don't have any left by the third dungeon.
* [[Violation of Common Sense]]: Ever wanted to eat grass, something that shouldn't be moving, or yogurt that was milk last week? You can, and you'll be braver for it!
{{quote| "You opened the fridge. There is a bag of wasabi. ... Lick it?"}}
** [ It can't be food?!]
** [ Fanon took this idea and ran with it. Just check the comments section.]
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* [[Violence Is the Only Option]]: Whenever you meet an important character and their Shadow, that person ''will'' deny the Shadow being a part of them, and the Shadow ''will'' try and [[Kill'Em All|kill everyone in sight]]. The party's attempts to [[Defied Trope|defy]] this don't work either; after they've kicked some ass though, the character faces up to themselves. {{spoiler|Well, most of the time anyway.}}
** [[Lampshaded]] when Kanji interrupts the traditional "No! Don't deny it!" thing that your party does and says something to the effect of "Why bother talking? We're gonna end up fighting it anyway."
{{quote| '''Shadow Naoto:''' So, you think you can kick my ass?!}}
* [[Visual Pun]]:
** [[wikipedia:Kintoki|Kintoki-Douji]] carries a [[wikipedia:BGM-109 Tomahawk|Tomahawk]].