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[[File:nazis with kittens 5152.jpg|link=Those Wacky Nazis|thumb|300px|''Blitzkrieg can vait, it'z time to pet ze kitty!'']]<!-- %% Little do they know, that kitten's also a suicide bomber. Hence the 'nade. -->
{{quote|You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then, a little victim's spared... [[When She Smiles|because she smiled]], cos he's got freckles, cos they begged. And that's how you live with yourself, that's how you slaughter millions, because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you ''happen'' to be kind.
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** Capitol One: [ Warkittens]
** Mastercard: [ Badger and the Biker].
== Anime &and Manga ==
* Sebastian Michaelis from ''[[Black Butler]]'' is a demon who owns the soul of the main character and ''will'' collect it someday, and has a huge soft spot for cats. Especially black ones.
* Hiruma from ''[[Eyeshield 21]]'':
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** Zoro's own moment way back at the beginning is played in a very similar way. Up until then, he was hyped as a heartless monster, but when he eats a poorly-cooked and filthy rice ball a sweet little girl he saved earlier made for him, and asks Luffy to tell her it was good, you know he's a massive softy at heart.
** In chapter 650, {{spoiler|Akainu and Aokiji had a death match to decide who would become the Fleet Admiral. After a massive battle that lasted ten days, Akainu emerges the victor. But he decides to spare Aokiji despite the latter vehemently opposing his ideals and promotion.}}
* Subverted in ''[[Azumanga Daioh]]'' with the [[Dirty Old Man]] Mr. Kimura. The characters spot him picking up trash and feedingdonating strayto animalscharity, and suspect he may not be so bad after all... then they [[Exact Eavesdropping|overhear]] an inappropriate comment of his and decide nope, he's still a pervert.
* ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'':
** Riza Hawkeye's softer side is best shown whenever she's around her beloved pet dog, Black Hayate. Although her training methods are a bit harsh...
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* Psychopath Desty Nova from ''[[Gunnm|Battle Angel Alita]]'' gets this sort of moment only in unreality, when he's in Alita's mind trying to remake her memories and trap her in virtual reality. Part of the illusion puts him in the role of her father figure. They share a truly empathic moment where Nova no longer seems insane, and he wishes that the moment could last forever... then he tries to defend Alita from the approaching "monster" even though (in the virtual-reality) it seems to be working toward a [[Heroic Sacrifice]].
* In [[Ranma ½]], [[Bumbling Dad|Bumbling]] [[Jerkass|jerk]] of a dad Genma is shown tucking in a sleeping Ranma like a small child in one story. It subverted later, however, when Ranma wakes up and notices his food all eaten with a sign left saying "Yum!"
* Doctor Clive in ''[[Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Haré+Guu|Haré+Guu]]'' is kind to Marie, even wearing the ridiculous outfits she gives him.
* ''[[Hellsing]]'': Alucard gets one when he pats Seras on the head and smiles fondly at her.
** Anderson acts very friendly towards the children back in the orphanage, and hoped he could bring them to the museum where Maxwell and Integra had their talk.
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* Vanilla from ''[[Kaiba]]'' is a corrupt and callous ship's sheriff who takes bribes as a matter and is perfectly willing to summarily execute stowaways. (In ''Kaiba'', people's memories can be stored on chips and transferred to other bodies, so this is not quite as bad as it seems, but Vanilla still shows no remorse for the execution even after the stowaway was found not to have transferred her memories to a chip.) His lecherous infatuation with Chroniko (Kaiba in a young girl's body) is also really creepy. Eventually, though, it is revealed that Vanilla became a sheriff in order to raise enough money to buy a body for his mother, and that deep down he genuinely cares about Chroniko, to the point that when they are being shot at by police, he {{spoiler|transfers Kaiba's rather than his own memories to another body, sacrificing himself in the process.}}
* All Diclonii and Slipets in ''[[Elfen Lied]]'' are dog petters by default. Diclonii will kill '''anyone''', men, women, children, ''their own parents''. However, not one instance is ever noted of one harming an animal, with the anime showing a dog even biting a diclonius, and the diclonius just petting it to make it feel better.
** Could be [[Justified]] by the [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|Diclonii being treated as and relegated to the level of animals by humans]] causing them to sympathize with ''real'' animals. Lucy's first Pet the Dog moment after she escaped from the Diclonus Institute Research Facility was cutting free a dog that was tied to a gate post rather than using her usual modus operadi of decapitation.
* In ''[[Darker than Black]]'', Dolls are a frequent outlet for characters to do their dog-petting. Dolls are people who have been left shells of their former selves - rare "lucky" ones remain autonomous enough to pass as [[Extreme Doormat]], others become "[[Neural Implanting|programmed]]" zombies or lie catatonic in [[People Jars]]. Due to their wandering [[Soul Fragment]], Dolls (both walking and canned) are mostly used as live [[Surveillance as the Plot Demands|scrying devices]], less commonly in various experiments normal people can't cope with (like extreme cyborgization), and sometimes "enterprising people" sell them as sex slaves. Both the protagonists and their more sympathetic antagonists treat the Dolls they work with kindness, and some of those characters evidence a willingness to kill anyone who harms those Dolls.
* Light Yagami gets a couple of these in ''[[Death Note]]'', both with family members. He offers to run an errand on his sister's behalf, with no apparent ulterior motive - this gets him into position to {{spoiler|commit one of his most heinous acts of the first arc, when he tricks and murders Naomi Misora}}. Much later, in the manga, he talks his father out of quitting his police job; the motive is purely that Soichiro has risen to the top of his profession and Light can't let him give it all up. Again, this is despite the fact that Light's own actions are responsible for the Kira case, which is destroying Soichiro, and that in a few chapters' time {{spoiler|Light will rationalise, accept and plan for Soichiro's murder, although he never has to carry it out}}. While over in animeland that doesn't happen, Light is so far gone by the same point in the anime that when {{spoiler|he can't go through with the [[Shoot the Dog|murder of his sister]]}}, it manages to come off as a Pet the Dog!
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* In ''[[Beauty Pop]]'', [[Jerkass|Ozawa]] gets one by returning the scissors that his boss had stolen from Kiri. Sure, they were busted anyway, but it's the thought that counts.
* Yakushi Kabuto from ''[[Naruto]]'', an [[Affably Evil|affable]], [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulative]], [[Magnificent Bastard|magnificent]] and [[Complete Monster|sadistic]] bastard, yet he has several instances of this, like healing Hinata while being disguised as an ANBU, willingly providing information about Orochimaru's lair to Naruto as well as information of Akatsuki to Konoha, and recently {{spoiler|it is hinted that he deliberately guided Konoha's intelligence team to Madara's base of operations.}} Although his true motives are still unknown.
* A manga [[Star Wars Expanded Universe|Expanded Universe]] [[Tie-in Novel|tie-in]] to ''[[Star Wars]]'' gives ''Darth Vader'' a rather bizarre sort of Pet the Dog moment shortly before the events of ''[[Return of the Jedi]]''. He massacres a group of Jedi survivors but takes a boy named Tao from the group as a secret apprentice (gamers may remember how badly this worked out for him [[The Force Unleashed|last time]]). He tries to make Tao hate him and through hatred embrace [[The Dark Side]] but ends up finding both Tao's and ''his own'' hatred rather lacking. Eventually Palpatine catches him, and having somewhat better memory than Vader, is furious and forces Vader to cut him open with his lightsaber to cause a lingering, painful death. Vader secretly smuggles back to his ruined homeworld and gives him a dignified burial complete with a grave marker, and shows actual bona fide sadness and remorse. Now keep in mind, this is [[Bad Boss|Darth]] [[You Have Failed Me...|fucking]] [[Moral Event Horizon|Vader]], and the events that would redeem him haven't happened yet. The canonicity of this manga is for now indeterminate but rather [[Canon Defilement|dubious]].
* Subverted in ''[[Parasyte]]'' when Shinichi's girlfriend starts worrying that he's slowly becoming a sociopath (a side effect of the parasite Migi partially breaking off into his bloodstream), she is adamantly relieved when she finds him comforting a dying puppy. Looks like her fears are unconfirmed after all...[[Kick the Dog|At least until he casually tosses its corpse into a trashcan.]]
** Doubly subverted, though, when after his girlfriend leaves Shinichi realizes how cold and inhuman he was becoming, pulls the pup dog out of the trashcan, and finds a tree to bury it under instead.
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* In [[Durarara!!]], despite being a HUGE [[Jerkass]], Izaya only shows to care for {{spoiler|[[Morality Pet|Shinra]] the most. This might have to do with something that [[Noodle Incident|happened during middle school]] (which is implied to be Izaya stabbing Shinra who tried to befriend him during that time) and Izaya regretting what he did because the mention of what happens sends him into silence. In retrospect, Shinra is not really involved in any of his plans (might have to do because he’s [[The Medic]]). Finally, during the Valentine’s extra in the novel, Shinra is depressed during Valentine’s Day because Celty wouldn’t want chocolate because she wouldn’t be able to eat it. Izaya comes over and [[Shipper on Deck|convinces him to go out and buy chocolate for her because it was the thought that counted.]]}}
** His whole past in volume 9 is full of this. {{spoiler|He befriends Shinra because he's interested in "observing" him. However, the two really seem to hit off a good friendship in middle school. And then Shinra takes a knife wound for him when a student named Nakura tries to stab Izaya. Izaya panics the entire time until he gets it together and asks Shinra to lie about who stabbed him so he can get revenge on Nakura for causing him harm.}} To everyone else outside of this event, they label {{spoiler|Shinra}} as his only friend.
* [[Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai!|"You... you... bastard son! Do as you wish! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT IT!"]]
* In ''[[Tiger and Bunny]]'', the first hint that Barnaby isn't really the [[Glory Hound]] he often acts like is when he {{spoiler|saves Kotetsu's daughter Kaede [[What You Are in the Dark|out of view of any cameras or witnesses other than Kotetsu himself]] in the second episode.}}
* Cross Marian from [[D.Gray-man]] is a [[Trickster Mentor]] towards protagonist Allen, also being a [[Heroic Sociopath]] and [[Mooching Master]]. However, he's shown to be a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] when he embraces Allen after {{spoiler|he told the latter that he was implanted with the Fourteenth's memories and it will eventually overwrite Allen's personality.}}
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* In the [[Ace Attorney]] manga, Robin Wolfe's treatment of his [[Hikkimori]] spider fanatic brother Bobby subverts this. Robin built a guest house called the "Den of Spiders", full of Bobby's collection of spiders and spider books, and it is revealed that it took a considerable amount of money to get all this and feed the spiders. However, the Den is also equipped with a chair with restraints, supposedly to protect Bobby from harming himself, but actually to keep him out of sight. Robin apparently sent Bobby on an errand to another city to give him work experience and confidence (which pleased him to be useful to his brother), as no company would hire him, but it was actually a ruse to get him away from home so he could use the Den of Spiders to torment Eddie Johnson, driving him to suicide. Bobby sees through most of Robin's attempts to seem like a loving older brother, and realizes Robin hates him. However, Lira, while saying that she hated her father for killing Eddie, but once loved him as her father, recalls a fond memory of him (badly) drawing her picture.
* In ''[[Saint Seiya]]'', [[Dark Action Girl]] Shaina hugs a cute rabbit in a flashback.
== Comics ==
== Comic Books ==
* ''[[The Cartoon History of the Universe]]'' discusses the concept of selective kindness in talking about inter-cultural relationships: tender to their own people, callously brutal to everyone else.
{{quote|'''Barbarian Chief''' (doting over his wife while being surrounded by piles of corpses): Ooh, honey, did you hurt your finger?}}
* Kingdok from ''[[Bone]]'' prepares and brings food to [[Those Two Guys|the two stupid rat creatures]] for inadvertently doing him a favor. Unlike most examples, Kingdok actually retains most of his scariness and menace as he's doing this.
* [[Lobo]] of [[The DCU]] parodies this: he is a relentless killing machine who often kills his bounties instead of capturing them, yet at the same time has a soft spot for "space dolphins". But he ''did'' once spare Aquaman's life because he felt he couldn't hurt somebody who loved dolphins as much as he did.
* Vril Dox has a couple of these in L.E.G.I.O.N. Right before he is raped and killed, he confesses to his unconscious teammates that he really does care about them, but he doesn't really know how to express that. When Lyrissa Mallor dies, he mourns for her, believing that without her, L.E.G.I.O.N. would not have gotten as far as it did. When Vril Dox finally gets to see his son, after Stealth believed that he would become just as controlling as he was of the rest of the group, Vril remembers his father being a controlling jerk, and himself being controlling to the Durlan. So he lets the mother have the child. awww.
* Catwoman obviously can't pet a ''dog'' without ruining the motif, but she's been subjected to a number of Pet The ''Cat'' moments, a prime example being [ the ending of this web-toon]. {{spoiler|She's not the least bit disappointed that she wound up saving kitties instead of stealing gemstones.}}
* Edward Blake in ''[[Watchmen]]'' has a couple of moments like this. The first is when he is talking to a teenaged Laurie and tilts her chin up to look at her eyes, which he says are like her mother's. It turns out that {{spoiler|she's his daughter,}} and he looks a little sad when Sally Jupiter drags her daughter away from him. The second instance of this for him is when he {{spoiler|cries after finding out about Adrian Veidt's plan to achieve world peace by killing millions worldwide.}} He even cries when talking about this to an old archenemy, who he says is "the closest thing I have to a friend." Considering that Blake has several instances where he could be said to cross the [[Moral Event Horizon]], these moments are probably sorely needed for his character.
* [[Hellboy]] is a huge demon with enough strength to tear a car in half. He is the [[Badass]] to end all badasses. As such, his action figure comes with the following props: A six-pack of beer, a revolver, and a... kitty?! Yes, the son of Satan is a cat-lover.
** Also in the film [[Hellboy (film)|Hellboy II: The Golden Army]], Prince Nuada had a literal pet the dog moment. [[Justified]] by the fact that his big problem is with humans overrunning the planet and pushing out other species, so it's natural that he's a lot nicer to dogs than humans.
* Artist Katie Cook [ Katie Cook] draws figures like Darth Vader and General Grievous playing with kittens in her ''[[Star Wars: Clone Wars]]'' comics.
* In ''[[Cross Gen|Negation]]'', the [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent|Saurian]] party member subverts her pet the [[Call a Smeerp a Rabbit|Kaliman retriever]] moment when she names him "tasty treat" in her people's language.
* In one ''[[The Far Side|Far Side]]'' comic, a band of unruly Vikings, after successfully sacking a castle and stealing its women, are eagerly awaited at their ship by the crew's dog. As Gary Larson says on this in ''The Prehistory of The Far Side'':
{{quote|''"...I was trying to suggest that it doesn't really matter what you do for a living or how big a jerk you are, your dog still likes to see you come home."''}}
* In ''[[Punisher]] War Journal'', the Rhino has a few. First, he writes an apology letter to the widow of a cop he had accidentally killed and sends her money with each score he pulls off. Second, in the last issue he convinces the Punisher to leave the Stilt-Man gang alone (on Christmas no less) because he could tell they were just stupid, not evil.
* Dr. Octopus from ''[[Spider-Man]]'' has gotten a few pet the dog moments over the decades, including trying to save Aunt May from Hammerhead and trying to develop a cure for AIDS in order to save his ex girl friend.
* In the climax of the Drowning Man arc, ''[[Deadpool]]'' shows us that he's given up on redemption by locking Blind Al in The Box, severely beating Weasel, and... petting Deuce the Devil Dog on the head.
* When Gotham City is destroyed by an earthquake, usual [[Batman]] villain Poison Ivy takes over the city park and makes it a haven for the city's orphaned children, caring for them like her own children. When the police see her as a dangerous terrorist and try to take back control, the herbicidal chemicals they use poisons one of the girls inside, and Poison Ivy chooses to give herself up to save her life.
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* Seen in both ''[[Garfield]]'' and ''[[Get Fuzzy]]'', where the cats in those comics are horrible to their owners and the dogs they live with, but lavish affection on their stuffed bears, Pookie and Smacky, respectively.
** Bucky himself gets the rare one now and then. One that stands out in particular is when Rob and Satchel leave to go donate blood. They return to find that Bucky had baked cookies for them and decorated the living room with balloons and a banner welcoming them home.
* In the beginning of the ''Punisher: Max'' comic ''Kitchen Irish'', Frank is eating lunch in a diner when a bomb goes off in the pub across the street. People all around him get butchered when the diner's large window shatters, and once the debris settle he finds a man whose chest had been shattered, revealing his heart, giving the following Pet The Dog moment from Frank.
{{quote|Injured Man: ''"help me."''
Castle: ''So I do. For no reason I can pin down it becomes very important that this guy makes it. Maybe he has a wife and kids. Maybe he wants to see them again like nothing else on Earth. }}
** Frank works on keeping the man's exposed heart from bleeding out, and when a rookie EMT gets there they spend an hour working together on the man before finally succeeding in stabilizing him.
== Fan Works ==
* ''[[Luminosity]]'': Santiago works for the Volturi, who are...not nice people. And yet, she appears to genuinely care about everyone she works with, to the point of giving children dance lessons {{spoiler|and needing Chelsea to cut a bond to a human so she doesn't mourn too much}}.
* ''[[I'm a Marvel... and I'm a DC]]''. Green Goblin seems to actually care for Harley Quinn, and gets angry whenever the Joker hits her.
* The ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic]]/[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' [[Crossover]] ''[[Chaotic Harmony]]'': Sonic is a huge [[Jerkass]] thanks to no action over the course of a year. He completely ruined Cream's birthday party, split all ties with his friends, and thought about deserting his friends in Ponyville after they were transported via Chaos Control. But even after all of that, he couldn't resist helping Rarity finding her missing goggles that she needed to finish her design. (That ''Sonic'' helped model, no less.)
== Films -- Animation ==
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* A more heroic example - throughout the beginning of ''[[Tangled]]'', Flynn steals a tiara from the royal family (one which is so highly valued because it belonged to the king and queen's kidnapped daughter, no less), betrays and abandons his partners in crime to keep it for himself, and constantly tries to weasel out of his deal with Rapunzel, which leads to him taking her into a bar full of thugs to try to scare her into going home. When the thugs find out that he's got a bounty on his head and trap the pair in the bar though, Flynn shields Rapunzel from them.
* ''[[The Lorax (film)|The Lorax]]''. During the Once-ler's [[Villain Song]] "How Bad Can I Be", he sings: "Just look at me petting this puppy."
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* Ilsa, Indy's [[Bond Girl]] and the perfect embodiment of an Aryan antagonist in ''[[Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade|The Last Crusade]]'', reveals herself to be a villain when she tricks Indy into giving up an important [[Plot Coupon]]. She's a Nazi, but she's also a dedicated scholar and archaeologist who earns our sympathy when she weeps at the sight of her countrymen burning books. Doesn't save her from a [[Karmic Death]], mostly because of her being [[Too Dumb to Live]].
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* ''As Good As It Gets'' features, in quick succession, a character getting both [[Kick the Dog]] and Pet the Dog moments that involve a ''literal'' dog. (The [[Kick the Dog]] scene is more for laughs, though.)
* Literal example: ''Frost/Nixon'' has the defeated and broken ex-President pet a dachshund after admitting his guilt in the Watergate scandal. Nixon ''was'' the avowed master of dog-petting. (See Real-Life examples, below.)
* The Nome King in ''[[Return to Oz]]'' actually comforts a crying Dorothy, and offers her a way to rescue the Scarecrow- which quickly transforms into a deathtrap as he transforms from an [[Elemental Embodiment]] to a [[Humans Are BastardsJerkass|particularly vile near-human]]. Whether or not the King's sympathy was ever genuine is up for debate.
** Further, after all the other members of Dorothy's group have entered the Death Trap and she's awaiting her turn, the Nome King even offers to send her back to Kansas, albeit without changing her friends back. This all might have more to do with the King being [[Affably Evil]] rather then genuine kindness on his part. Again, a matter of debate.
* [[Joe Pesci|Nicky Santoro]] in ''[[Casino]]'' is a, vice-toting individual with a [[Kick the Dog|terrifying]] [[Hair-Trigger Temper]], but after a night of crime and general violence, he always comes back home to make his son breakfast.
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* Mini from ''Mini's First Time'' is about as close to soulless as it is possible to portray in film, but even she gets a little Pet the Dog moment: when some guy at school is teasing her friend Sprague, Mini defends her. Given the ''[[Femme Fatale|way]]'' in which she defends Sprague, and her [[The Vamp|overall character]], it is possible that she only does it for her own amusement, and not out of any care she might have for another person.
* In ''[[Scarface]]'', Tony Montana provides the most violent example of this trope ''ever'' by blowing the head off someone that deliberately tried to murder a mother and her children ''right before said person is about to push the button''. This shows that Tony still has some good in him.
* In Tim Burton's ''[[Sleepy Hollow (Film)|Sleepy Hollow]]'', [[Blood Knight|the Horseman]] is shown to be very affectionate toward his [[Cool Horse|steed]]. In the flashback that shows his origins, he is shown petting the horse as it lay dying from a gunshot wound, and toward the end {{spoiler|the Horseman is happily reunited with it once he gets his head back and drags [[Bigger Bad|Lady Van Tassel]] down to hell with he and his horse.}}
* The [[Mystery Science Theater 3000|RiffTrax]] for ''[[Spider-Man (film)|Spider-Man 3]]'' commented -- "See, this just goes to show that Spidey cannot, and ''will'' not, kill this guy. I mean, imagine how different ''[[Star Wars]]'' would have been if the first scene had shown Darth Vader stroking a puppy."
* In ''[[Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (film)|Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy]]'', a major Pet the Dog moment is actually pretty suspicious: a British secret agent, Jim Prideaux, is shot and captured by the Soviets, but after his interrogation he's sent home in one piece. This implies that [[The Mole]] had sympathies with Prideaux, and pulled strings to make sure he lived. {{spoiler|It's no reflection on Prideaux's loyalty - the mole is Bill Haydon, who, despite his treachery, is extremely close to Prideaux and never intended for him to get captured.}}
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* In ''The Jackie Robinson Story,'' the title character takes a cat away from some racists who are trying to intimidate him [[Blofeld Ploy|by mistreating the cat]]
* [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] in ''[[The Cabin in the Woods]]''. {{spoiler|Hadley, one of the engineers behind the massacre at the cabin, remarks that he's actually rooting for Dana to make it out alive ... only to completely ignore her as she's being mauled by a zombie, because he sees some tequila that needs drinking.}}
== Gamebooks ==
* The British ''[[Fighting Fantasy]] Gamebooks'' published in the 1980s and 1990s contain an interesting example in Lord Azzur, the tyrannical ruler of Port Blacksand, the otherwise hopelessly corrupt and vile City of Thieves. While Azzur was a notorious pirate and murderer before he seized control of Blacksand, he indulges some rather odd acts of charity, including providing a luxurious home for a woman abducted by the evil Snake Men of the [[I Don't Like the Sound of That Place|Desert of Skulls]] and left with the head of a giant snake, and celebrating the New Year by executing several of Port Blacksand's wealthiest citizens and donating their riches to the poor.
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* In Joe Abercrombie ''[[The First Law]]'' [[Blood Knight]] Ferro is almost on the point of killing [[The Igor]] Severard because he was trailing her and asks him for any reason why she shouldn't. After reflection Severard says that he's worth killing, but the birds he usually feeds don't deserve to lose that source of food. Ferro doesn't kill him—which is arguably one of her own rare Pet the Dog moments.
* [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]. Mandalorian Walon Vau, a [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]] type, dotes upon his pet strill Lord Mirdalan. He takes Mird with him everywhere, wipes up any food it spills on itself, is prepared to sleep outside with the strill when it isn't permitted indoors. The man is tough as nails, but he takes Mird into battles in the same way, and with the same care, as fathers in his culture take their sons.
* One could argue that the entire [[Gaunt's Ghosts]] and [[Ciaphas Cain]] ('''HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!''') book series of ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' are extended Pet the Dog moments for the entire Imperium of Man, showing unmodified, poorly equipped, (relatively) poorly trained human beings fighting wholeheartedly for the Imperium and the Emperor, and that many of them are genuinely good people with noble motivations, forced to fight horrors beyond comprehension by sane minds.
** In fact most games, books, whatever that are about one planet or army will be this.
* In the ''[[X Wing Series]]'', Imperials who aren't totally evil inevitably [[Heel Face Turn]] into Rebels. As Imperials they avoid the [[Card-Carrying Villain|casual cruelty]] of their peers. In the books, one Imperial Star Destroyer captain has a scene where he fusses over his outfits, trying to pick the one that will please his lover the most. Another goes over how he was assigned to wipe out a village which had produced an assassin, and while he ''did'' destroy it, he went down and told everyone first, and gave them time to evacuate. In the comics, Sixtus Quin admires how the Rebels fight before being betrayed and pulling a [[Heel Face Turn]]. And Baron Soontir Fel has stunning integrity and loves his wife.
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* In ''[[The Silmarillion]]'', Maedhros's attempt to save the sons of Dior, and Maglor's fostering of Elrond and Elros.
* Skeeter's introduced as a minor villain in the first ''[[Time Scout]]'' book. The second doesn't give you much reason to think otherwise, until you learn about his back story. Just before that happens, he keeps a promise and gives a small fortune to a friend known to be perfectly innocent and good.
* Horribly subverted in one chapter of the fifth ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'' book. The viewpoint character is a [[Mook]] whose plan is going [[You Have Failed Me...|dangerously badly]], and who is thinking about how he would much rather be back home instead and how much he misses his [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones|beloved sister.]] Then the plan fails completely and he has to kill an accomplice to cover his tracks; and as he's disposing of the body at the end of the chapter he goes back to reminiscing about his sister, and what a pity it was that she discovered what he was and would have exposed him...
* In ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Half-Blood Prince (novel)|Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]]'', we see that Narcissa Malfoy might be a snobby pureblood supremacist like her husband, but she still is willing to risk Voldemort's wrath to find Snape (who, at this point, is morally suspicious to the good guys, the bad guys, and the readers in general) and beg him to protect her son from the suicide mission he's been given. Bellatrix, meanwhile, cements herself as a [[Complete Monster]] by dismissing Narcissa's fears and panic as her failing to realize what an honor her son was granted.
** In ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Goblet of Fire (novel)|Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire]]'', Fleur is much less of a bitch after we see how frantic she is when she fails to rescue her sister during the Second Task.
** Cruelly subverted in the case of Mad-Eye Moody. After he seriously upsets Neville on his first day of class, he invites the kid for tea, talks to him about Herbology (the one class Neville is very good at), and loans him a book about magical plants of the Mediterranean. {{spoiler|We later find out that "Moody" was secretly the same person who tortured Neville's parents to insanity and only gave him the book as a way for Harry to figure out how to beat the Second Task, to get him one step closer to the plan to resurrect Voldemort.}}
* In ''Laika,'' Mikhail's mother and father [[Invoked Trope|attempt to make their son a better person by making him care for the titular dog.]] It doesn't work: Mikhail throws Laika in the river because he's tired of his parents forcing him to take care of a pet he doesn't want.
* In ''[[Dead Souls]]'', although Chichikov is a cheapskate running a macabre (if harmless) scam, the author informs us that he'll always give a copper to a beggar.
== Live-Action TV ==
* ''[[ER]]'''s Frank the Receptionist, who was generally a cynical, overweight, often prejudiced jerk but once had a heart attack; at the end of the episode, we discovered that he had a handicapped daughter who loved him very much.
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** There have also been a few scenes which have shown that Casey hasn't repressed ''all'' his compassion, perhaps most notably when he {{spoiler|offered to help Sarah's [[Lovable Rogue]] father get his sentence reduced}}.
* The second season of ''[[The Office]]'' (American version) gave regional manager Michael Scott, initially modeled after his English counterpart as an unsympathetic egomaniac, a few very poignant Pet the Dog moments early in its run, when the character tears up at "Office Olympics" day, and is shown to genuinely care for children in the Halloween episode. Later seasons write Carell's character to be much more likable.
** Dwight Schrute (assistant TO the regional manager) is portrayed as a very unlikable (outside of humor value) character. Pet the Dog is subverted (TWICE) and played straight when he sits with a tearful Pam. He first takes off his jacket, making it seem like he's going to give it to her, but then just says "It's hot in here." He offers her a handkerchief and says he'll stay with her in a genuinely kind moment, putting his arm around her shoulder. Then he says, "You must be PMSing pretty bad." [http It's here]{{Dead link}}
*** This may not actually be a complete instance of subversion. Dwight's still being his odd Dwight self, but it's clear from his tone and his body language that he's genuinely upset to see Pam crying and doing his best to make her feel better.
** Another Dwight example is when he rescues his ''worst enemy'' Jim from getting beat up by pepperspraying the attacker. This is after Jim has spent every office day making things as inconvenient for Dwight as possible. Dwight refuses any thank you gift Jim offers, saying that he just did his duty (which drives Jim ''crazy'').
Line 383 ⟶ 386:
** Jordan also gets more than one—talking about the abortion she got years ago, saying how much she loves Cox, staring down at Jack with a loving expression... awww...
* ''Everwood'' does it during the first episodes: Dr Abbott begins as an obnoxious almost misanthropic doctor, but then is revealed to be a very devoted father and husband; Bright starts off as a bully, but then he's shown to be a very sensitive person grieving over his friend's accident.
* ''[[M*A*S*H (television)|M*A*S*H]]'': Major Winchester gets one when he tries to give a group of Korean orphans a bunch of candy for Christmas in "Death Takes a Holiday". He deliberately works to ensure no one knows about it.
** Unlike Major Burns, Major Winchester was envisioned as a [[Worthy Opponent]] from the start, so he has lots of Pet The Dog moments.
*** Including talking a concert pianist whose hand was crippled out of depression and defending a stuttering patient {{spoiler|Although the latter was inspired by his sister having the same handicap}}.
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "Boom Town", Blon Slitheen has a nice chat with a young woman about family instead of eating her. It is subverted however, when the Doctor doesn't fall for it.
{{quote|'''Blon:''' I spared her life.
Line 431 ⟶ 434:
* In the 2003 revival of ''[[The Twilight Zone]]'', the episode ''It's Still a Good Life'' shows us that Anthony has grown up and is still mentally a child, considering people who hide things from him to be "sneaky people", bullying the townsfolk, and wishing away people to the cornfield (this, we find out, includes his own wife). In spite of this, he seems to love his mother and his daughter as much as he is capable of. In fact, his daughter is the only one who does not fear him at all, because he never threatens or harms her.
* One of the stories during the last season of [[Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction?]] had the famous outlaw Jesse James and his brother Frank help out an old widow pay off her mortgage using money they stole from previous robberies(and they give her the helpful advice to ask for a receipt when the debt collector shows up the next morning) after she let them into her home and served them dinner during a cold, rainy night.
== New Media ==
* The *chan boards, of all places, has this in the concept of the [[MS Paint]] relationship thread. See [ here] for examples.
** Furthermore, the channel on 4chan known as /r9k/, a board originally developed with a filter that blocks unoriginal text or images, has (d)evolved to embody the [[MS Paint]] relationship thread, becoming the unofficial place to ask questions, share or complain about relationships. Many believe that it needs to be cauterized.
** [ 4chan saves a cat.]
Line 439 ⟶ 443:
* [[Something Awful]] may proudly be ([[Villain Decay|or at least used to be]]) some of the greatest jerks on the internet, but often remark that new members can get lost in Pet Island.
* On Encyclopedia Dramatica, often described as some kind of haven for trolls, the talk pages are quite civil, oftentimes even polite—moreso than those of [[The Other Wiki]].
== Newspaper Comics ==
* In one ''[[The Far Side|Far Side]]'' comic, a band of unruly Vikings, after successfully sacking a castle and stealing its women, are eagerly awaited at their ship by the crew's dog. As Gary Larson says on this in ''The Prehistory of The Far Side'':
{{quote|''"...I was trying to suggest that it doesn't really matter what you do for a living or how big a jerk you are, your dog still likes to see you come home."''}}
* Lucy is the resident "crab" and "fussbudget" ''[[Peanuts]]'', but has a lot of these in often [ literally]. In one series of strips, the rain washes away Charlie Brown's pitchers mound, so she actually builds him a new one. [ Not very well], [ of course], but it's the thought that counts.
== Professional Wrestling ==
* On the [ St. Patrick’s Day] edition of Raw in 2014, [[Kane (wrestling)|Kane]] ordered [[The Shield (Wrestling)|The Shield]] to triple power bomb [[Jerry Lawler|Memphis native]] for his role during Occupy RAW. However, Kane [[You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!|reaction to letting the guy go]] was a clear sign about The Shield... [[Even Evil Has Standards|THEY HAVE RULES TOO]] since they know about his [[Heart Trauma|medical history]]. You can guess what Kane was [[This Is Gonna Suck|about to happen despite his protest]].
== Theater ==
* "The Policeman's Song" in [[Gilbert and Sullivan]]'s ''[[The Pirates of Penzance]]'' laments that even thieves and murderers love the simple, pure English countryside. ("When the coster's finished jumping on his mother / He loves to lie a-basking in the sun...")
** And "When a felon's not engaged in his employment / or maturing his felonious little plans. / His capacity for innocent enjoyment / is just as great as any honest man's."
== Video Games ==
* In ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'', a female villain quite literally pets a dog to prove her not-all-bad-ness. One of the characters remarks that her love of dogs must mean she's good inside, prompting the main character to rant about how her love of dogs proves nothing. While it might seem like a subversion at the time, as we proceed it turns out that the villain is not a creepy stalkerish murderer, but a lonely dog lover who only wants to be loved. [[Shoot the Dog|Then Snake kills her.]]
Line 479 ⟶ 491:
*** Given Aristide's greedy, self-justifying behavior and comments in both Project Origin and the supplemental promotional materials, the idea of Aristide feeling any guilt over Armacham's treatment of Alma seems highly unlikely. Maybe Aristide just likes the music box's tune.
** Alma herself has a few Pet the Dog moments toward both the Point Man and Becket, like when she {{spoiler|kills a group of Replicas that have the Point Man pinned down in ''Extraction Point'',}} or when {{spoiler|she kills an Abomination that is directing Replica soldiers against Becket, or kills ATC troops in Becket's path in Wade Elementary.}}
* ''[[Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al -Revis]]'' features Roxis ([[The Rival]], [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] and [[Heel Face Turn|once a part]] of the [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]]) who gets a few of these moments throughout the game, mostly after being recruited into the game's band of heroic friends. The first example was almost literal: adopting a stray kitten whose mother just died. He's even seen baby talking to it, although he'll deny any such events took place when confronted
* ''[[Fable]] II'': You can play as evil as you want, but your faithful dog still loves you.
* In ''[[Dynasty Warriors]]: Empires'' the ending consists of a 'clip show' with various officers of your faction in "''[[Romance of the Three Kingdoms]]'' outakes". One clip shows one of your officers leaping in front of a runaway carriage to save a small lapdog, then with their most heroic and staunch Chinese Warlord face, they nod approvingly over the tail-wagging little thing. Especially funny when a real jerkass officer like Lu Bu does it. Downright hysterical if that officer happens to be the Emperor of China at the moment.
Line 491 ⟶ 503:
** In the Sengoku ending of [[Warriors Orochi]], [[Genki Girl|Xiao]] [[Moe Blob|Qiao]] gets upset when the three main characters (Nobunaga, Uesugi Kenshin, and Takeda Shingen) start trading not-so-veiled threats at each other, so Nobunaga chuckles and pats her on the head. ([[Its All There in the Manual]] - Xiao Qiao reminds him of his sister Oichi.)
** In ''[[Samurai Warriors]] 2'', this gets raised to [[Ho Yay]] levels when he sheds a tear at {{spoiler|Mitsuhide's death}} in his ending.
* In ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'', everyone mocks at [[Idiot Hero|Bang Shishigami]]. The only one who actually praised him genuinely is Hakumen. That's right, the [[Hero Antagonist]] who exemplifies [[Good Is Not Nice]].
** In Continuum Shift he gets another. When he meets Tsubaki Yayoi, instead of brushing her off, as he does most people, he sits down and asks her to 'listen to an old man's tale'. He tells her of a story of a woman he loved, but who tragicly died. {{spoiler|He was referring to Tsubaki herself, as Hakumen is really Jin Kisaragi from the previous time loop. Then once he figures out Hazama's plans for Tsubaki he finds this loop's Jin and convinces him to go save her, not wanting her to die in this loop too.}}
** Also, in the first game, Ranga the Bloodedge is given two options after defeating Arakune in his story mode. Option one is to just leave and let Litchi greave over him. Option two is to stay behind and finish the job. If you choose this option, Ragna stays and argues with Litchi over why she should let him kill Arakune. Eventually, he leaves her and grumbles something along the lines of "If you wanna save him, go ahead. It's none of my business." But, as he leaves, he also quietly whispers "Good luck."
Line 519 ⟶ 531:
* Travis Touchdown of ''[[No More Heroes]]'', a perverted, [[Blood Knight]] [[Otaku]], has a thing for cats. He owns a Scottish Fold, Jeane, which he can interact with in both games and one of the jobs in the first game has him finding runaway cats.
* Yeager of ''[[Tales of Vesperia]]'' was portrayed as one of the [[Big Bad]]'s servants, and was considered to be evil and manipulative. However, there are two girls who're helping him, and during his final battle, explicitly ordered them to ''not'' join in the fight between him and the heroes, heavily implying that he ''wanted'' to die. If you do a big of digging, you find that {{spoiler|Gauche and Droite were actually from an orphanage that Yeager ''funded'', and pledged their lives to help him}}.
* ''[[Runescape]]'': More often than not, the Mahjarrat will fight each other in order to avoid being sacrificed at the very ritual named after them. This is not always the case, however. Sometimes, they will agree on who should be sacrificed. For example, Zemouregal was willing to settle the ritual peacefully by offering Lamistard…and the other Mahjarrat found themselves inclined to agree.
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]''
** [ Haley's motive for collecting money.] And we can't forget that she favoured helping the dirt farmers even though there would be absolutely no reward. Notably, she called Roy out for assuming that she ''wouldn't'' want to help them - yes, she likes money, but just because she expects compensation for adventuring doesn't mean she won't help people in need!
** Belkar Bitterleaf, a [[Chaotic Evil]] halfling who on one occasion used a kobold's head for a salsa bowl, has recently adopted {{spoiler|the late}} Lord Shojo's cat, Mr. Scruffy. While he justifies it by using the cat for a weapon at one point, he seems to genuinely care for it. Then again, he also liked Lord Shojo for being a [[Magnificent Bastard]], to the point of going berserk {{spoiler|when Miko killed him. ("YOU KILLED THE WACKY OLD DUDE WITH THE CAT?!?")}}
Line 536 ⟶ 550:
** Sarda seems to like Fighter more than the other three, probably because he realises that [[Good Is Dumb|he's actually good]] as opposed to Black Mage, Red Mage and Thief. For example, in one instance, Fighter asks for a reward (and hopes that it is candy), but Sarda says something about the next quest. In the end, Sarda tells Fighter, "By the way, Fighter, here's the candy." Also, Sarda (after resurrecting Fighter and Thief, who have been killed by Black Mage) states that the Light Warriors are "all selfish monsters who need to die for the good of everyone else." Black Mage asks surprised if that also applies to Fighter, and Sarda answers he isn't. While Fighter cheers, Sarda explains that he ''still'' has to kill him anyway. [[Kick the Dog|And then Black Mage cheers]].
* In ''[[Xkcd]]'', Black Hat Guy gets such a moment [ which includes baking a cake]. Aw...
* The Ork from ''Da Real Wurld'' [[Warhammer 4000040,000|40k]] seems to like the grots that infest the character's house. The Dark Eldar chick constantly demands he do something about them, and he seems genuinely saddened when she shoots one off his head. For an ork, he's surprisingly well-balanced.
* Rowasu of [[Juathuur]] doesn't kill Juinn when he has the chance. Not only that, but he doesn't kill his crow, who ''ate one of his eyes''!
* In ''[[Goblins]],'' Minmax the Unstoppable Warrior is the first antagonist the heroes face, and his party's slaughter of a goblin village is the catalyst for the Goblin Adventuring Party's formation. He is painted as a mostly unsympathetic jackass who is technically [[Chaotic Good]], but assumes all goblins are just XP fodder. When he eventually meets the [[Big Bad|Goblinslayer]], he is overcome with hero worship. But when he finds out the latter has a sapient snake-woman whom he [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil|rapes]] and [[Complete Monster|tortures]] nightly for fun, he [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|throws him through a window]].
Line 543 ⟶ 557:
{{quote|"Saddest story you ever heard. Got to do something to shut him up."}}
** Even the [[Big Bad|kid's]] [[Complete Monster|version]] of Jack Noir gets one. {{spoiler|Thanks to Bec's prototyping, he's [[Undying Loyalty|incredibly loyal]] to Jade - so much so, that when Courtyard Droll kills her (as per Jack's earlier orders), he takes her to her Quest Bed, more-or-less willingly undoing her death. Note that Jack's sole motivation is to kill everything in existence.}}
* Seymour from ''[[Nosfera]]'' deciding to spare the life of the Medusa Head in front of her children.
* In ''[[City of Reality]]'', an unnamed villain {{spoiler|who's revised the timeline}} gives a seemingly heartfelt apology to a little girl she's had to [[Mind Control]] for her ends {{spoiler|and in the original timeline had been forced to kill}}.
* In ''[[Nip and Tuck]]'', the [[Show Within a Show]] ''Rebel Cry'' introduces the admiral hunting our hero [ by having him remonstrate with his superior about harsh treatment and get slapped down.]
* [[Hitman with a Heart|Black Monday Blues]] of ''[[Dead Winter]]'' [ saves a little girl he stumbles upon] before [[Riding Into the Sunset|walking into the sunset]].
* ''[[The Kingfisher]]'': Demetri picks Jack out to be thrown into a deadly game (be a vampire or be food?) and tries to sway him with moral relativism, but he does have cute pets.
== Web Original ==
* In ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'', Dorian, one of the terrorists behind the Act, has been shown to send most of the money he earns from working in the organisation behind SOTF to his mother. It helps that he's well... [[The Woobie|pathetic]] too.
Line 557 ⟶ 572:
** Then blows all the acquired sympathy by {{spoiler|using him to deliver a bomb to Red}}.
** There's also a subversion when he apologizes to Red's girlfriend {{spoiler|for causing Red's death}}, offering her money to make amends. As he walks towards her, the audience can see him holding a Home Run bat behind his back. {{spoiler|Fortunately, Leaf is not fooled and kills him with Jiggleypuff.}}
* [[The Slender Man Mythos|The Slender Man]] may be a [[Humanoid Abomination]] with terrifying powers and inscrutable motives, but he still [ supports the Haiti relief effort.]
* Despite all her abuse, [[The Nostalgia Chick]]'s shown affection towards Nella on occasion. The end of her ''[[Ever After (film)|Ever After]]'' and ''[[My Little Pony]]'' reviews give the impression that she knows how ridiculously adorable Nella can be and loves it like the rest of us.
* From the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'', [[Diabolical Mastermind]] Lord Doom was one of the primary researchers behind the AIDS cure. He provided the cure to the world not for any underhanded ulterior motive, but because the AIDS epidemic was killing innocent people and he wouldn't stand for that. He also gives tens of millions of dollars to charities every year.
Line 566 ⟶ 581:
** Shizune, as [[Student Council President]], has a reputation around Yamaku as incredibly bossy, and as a result, everyone besides her best friend and interpreter, Misha, left the council. However, in Hanako's route, she {{spoiler|helps Hisao take Hanako to the nurse's office when she suffers a panic attack}}, and it's implied that she likes and is concerned about Hanako, but can't get close to her because Hanako's best friend is Lilly, who is in a feud with Shizune. In Lilly's route, Shizune {{spoiler|manages to reconcile with Lilly}}. In Shizune's own route, she {{spoiler|reveals that all of her actions, starting with her attempts to recruit Hisao to the student council, were done so that he would snap out of his depression. She also states that making people happy and engaged is her goal, and she hopes to become a philanthropist}}.
* "Give Them a Dog" is #6 of ''[[]]'''s [ 6 Tricks Movies Use to Make Sure You Root for the Right Guy].
== Western Animation ==
* If the show has a [[Christmas Episode]], it will often feature the villain in Pet the Dog mode (e.g. [[Kim Possible|Dr. Drakken]], [[He-Man and the Masters of the Universe|Skeletor]], and [[Justice League (animation)|Ultra-Humanite]]).
* In the ''[[The Spectacular Spider-Man]]'' episode "First Steps", two kids poke fun at a little girl's sand castle. Sandman uses his power to turn the area around them into a huge Disney-esque castle, chasing the boys away. The little girl thanks "Mr. Sandman". He smiles and tells her to go home as its getting cold. The episode is Pet the Dog from beginning to end.
* Bender on ''[[Futurama]]'' petted the dog a few times, but the show spoofed this on at least one occasion:
Line 580 ⟶ 596:
* [[Deconstructed]] on ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]''. Prince Zuko is given several moments that establish him as [[Enigmatic Minion|less of a villain]] than most of the Fire Nation: [[Sword Over Head|sparing his arch rival]] Commander Zhao—and later [[Save the Villain|trying to save his life]], choosing to save his uncle over chasing the Avatar, refusing to rob a pregnant woman when he's starving, freeing Appa from Lake Laogai, etc. {{spoiler|All this, however, does not lead to a [[Heel Face Turn]], but only [[Wham! Episode|doubles the shock]] when it ''doesn't'' happen. Though it doesn't make any surprise when it eventually [[Heel Face Turn|does happen]].}}
** Azula gets a couple during the [[Beach Episode]], such as when she makes a cutting remark towards Ty Lee about how she only attracts so many men because she is such a tease, and then apologises when Ty Lee cries (even admitting that she is [[No Guy Wants an Amazon|a bit jealous]]). This goes some way to showing that Azula's friendship with Mai and Ty Lee ''does'' mean something to her {{spoiler|which foreshadows the [[Villainous Breakdown|effect]] that their [[Heel Face Turn]] has on her}}.
* Occasionally, a character (who's otherwise a jerk) in ''[[Recess]]'' will have a moment like this. For example, there's Gelman. When he discoers that TJ has becmoe a hero (from everyone's perspective BUT TJ himself), instead of challenging him to a fight, he decides to offer him cookies.
** Though the Ashleys are mean, they help to save Third Street School from Dr. Phillium Benedict in Recess: School's Out. In "No Strings Attached", it turns out that the tickets they gave Spinelli are actually genuine tickets, even though Spinelli had attempted to scare them with a rubber spider early on in the same episode.
** Though Randall isn't well-liked among his fellow students, he at least is shown to care about his family. He wants to make his father proud of him, for example. Fortunately for him, he being a snitch.
** Mrs. Finster was a Sadist Teacher in the first season, but she is shown to hae a consicence of sorts. He decides to break up with Phillium Benedict when he decides to aboilish recess. Yes, even though TJ and his gang always seem to get in trouble whenever htere's Recess, she's against the idea of abolishing it.
* The Monarch in ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'', tears up moments before he was to be declared man and wife with Dr. Girlfriend. The Phantom Limb interupts the wedding with copters which prompts the Monarch to scream "OHHHH, DICK MOVE!"
** [[Big Bad|The Monarch]] pet the dog so hard in season two, that fans were actually upset to be reminded in the following season that he is, in fact, a professional villain, and therefore not very nice.
Line 609 ⟶ 629:
* Cotton from ''[[King of the Hill]]'' hates most things and most people for no reason. But most scenes featuring him and Bobby have him showing his own brand of love.
** His greatest Pet the Dog moment occurs when he took the blame for Bobby for the church fire after Bobby got stomach problems from eating the entire batch of lutefisk. Even though Cotton chastised him and called him "Stinky", he nonetheless took the blame.
* On ''[[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents]]'', Denzel Crocker, [[Evil Teacher]] and [[Big Bad]] before the [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil]] set in, has willingly given up a baby he was raising as his heir when he believes someone else can raise it better.
** In Vicky's case, it's literal because her pets, particularly her dog Doidle, are the only beings she treats with any respect. But a more amazing example about Vicky comes in the storybook ''In a Tizzy over Turkey!'': Her parents and Tootie (who, keep in mind, she treats no different than the kids she babysits) go out to get some cranberry sauce, but their car breaks down, and Vicky is actually sad that they're gonna miss their Thanksgiving dinner! Yep, even Timmy feels sorry for her when he hears that...
* Used with little subtlety in ''[[How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (animation)|How the Grinch Stole Christmas!]]'', when Cindy Lou Who wakes up and sees him looting the family's presents. He ''could'' have just tied her up and gagged her, but instead he tells her a comforting fib, gets her a glass of water, and sends her back to bed, foreshadowing his [[Heel Face Turn]].
** This is [[Played for Laughs]] in [[How the Grinch Stole Christmas (film)|the live action movie]], when the Grinch saves her from a mail machine. She sees it as proof that he's a good person, and he gets pissed and wraps her up in wrapping paper (though she is still unharmed, and her parents assume that she had trouble wrapping some gifts).
* Heloise on ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'' has had few. A lot have to do with her [[Morality Pet]] Jimmy. She had a literal example with [[Call a Rabbit a Smeerp|Cerbee]], and again with a poodle rat in another episode.
* ''[[Kim Possible]]''. Shego's been known to do this... in her scene with Senor Senior Junior she's shown to be genuinely caring.
* At the end of the ''[[Turtles Forever]]'' special, the hard-as-nails [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mirage|Mirage Turtles]] acknowledge their parallel universe counterparts (both the [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987|'87]] and [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003|'03]] Turtles) as [[Bash Brothers]], and have developed some sort of respect for them. The Mirage Turtles even admit to liking the [[Brought to You by The Letter "S"|initialized belt-buckles]] of the old-toon Turtles. As it turns out, all three Turtle Teams are [[Not So Different]].
* ''[[Transformers Generation 1]]''; in the episode where Megatron challenges Optimus Prime to a duel, there's a literal example. When the other Decepticons gather around as spectators, Soundwave lets [[Robot Dog| Ravage]] out to sit beside him, and then strokes him as a human would a regular dog.
* While ''[[Re BootReBoot]]''{{'}}s Megabyte may be an [[Evil Overlord]], he has one moment of this early in the series. After crashing Enzo's birthday party and [[The Power of Rock|rocking out]] [[Go-Karting with Bowser|with Bob onstage]], he declares "[[Always Wanted to Say That|I've always wanted to do that]]" and gives Enzo his guitar as a birthday present. [[What Happened to the Mouse?|Sadly the guitar never appeared again.]]
* ''[[Recess]]'': Miss Finster is prone to this, usually with Spinelli. She also pulls this trope at the end of ''[[Recess: School's Out]]'', after finding out that Miss Grotke's a martial arts expert and finds a newfound respect for her. This is especially heartwarming when in previous seasons, Miss Finster's shown not to like her too much.
* Almost every character in ''[[Archer]]'' is an unsympathetic/borderline [[Comedic Sociopathy|sociopathic]] [[Jerkass]], but they've each gotten at least one moment each.
Line 623 ⟶ 644:
** Lana has a bizarre one when she agrees to have pity sex with Pam.
* The Boss from "[[The Life and Times of Tim]]" does this with his Dog Keith
== Real Life ==
* [ Bikers help fight animal cruelty.]
* And there's also the group of bikers who volunteered to keep watch over soldiers' funerals to prevent The Westboro "church" from harassing the bereaved.
* Speaking of the Westboro church, its pastor, Fred Phelps, was a major figure in the Civil Rights movement, a champion of racial equality and integration. [[What Could Have Been|If only he had died in the 1970s, he would be remembered today as a hero by people of all political persuasions.]]
Line 636 ⟶ 658:
* WWE Tribute to the Troops is held every year as a SCO show for the military, even [[Heel]]s have respect. Children charities are also recognized by WWE and donations have been made to them. [[Fridge Brilliance|It makes sense]] since many of the wrestlers have children of their own and they too [[Papa Wolf|have been known]] to [[Mama Bear|protect them]].
* Though Juche philosophy is the only known religion that allowed to be practiced in public, North Korean Buddhists are often treated with some respects unlike followers of other religions, which can be jailed for it. The Buddhist Temple [ Pohyonsa] is deemed a natural treasure in North Korea due to the history Buddhism on had on Korean culture.
* When it comes to Republicans and school funding, many are quick to jump to a conclusion unless one hears about [[wikipedia:Steve Stockman|Congressman Steve Stockman]] reason to limit school funding. It shouldn’t be a surprise this Texan would be tough on crime but his reasoning to limit funding would make him sound more [[Friend to All Children|kid-friendly]] than one thinks. Stockman’s reason: to end the abuse of the [ zero-tolerance] policies, which are sending too many students to jail rather than many by handle in schools. This lawmaker had it was teachers overacting over simple items like toys and food taking a shape of guns when someone like him can tell the difference. Here’s a look at the [ bill] to protect students in the state of Texas. This is coming from the same guy accuse of [ lazy and unethical campaign] from the '''Tea Party''', yet he's one of the few Republicans [[Everyone Has Standards|has limits]].
**Sure, corporal punishment is still allow in Texas, but they do have limits on the usage on lesser violations, requires parental permission, and the student is allowed back into school.
* Spain under Franco saved many in the Jewish population from the Holocaust and gave them citizenship. Japan also did the same thing and treated Jews no different any other foreigners.
Line 650 ⟶ 672:
* Despite a long feud with the Western World, The Iranian Government gave their offered condolences following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook in 2012. They also felt the actions by the terrorist group known as ISIS, too extreme for them and refuse to send funding to them.
* Other terrorist groups, like Al-Qaeda, refuse to help out ISIS and cut of tries with a Syrian-based terrorist group for dismembering a man live and tweeting about it. They considered ISIS [[Even Evil Has Standards|too brutal, even by their standards]].
* [ Caligula] was well liked by the working-class because his projects, like building construction, often meant jobs for those with such skills. As a result, he provided such jobs to the lower-class. He also was skilled when it comes to government reforms.
* There a video called ''[ Top 10 Good Policies By Infamous Leaders]'' that highlighted many examples on this trope. Many of the policies made by many infamous leaders, that were surprising helpful.
* ''[ Top 10 Awesome Celebrity Acts of Kindness]'' has some celebrities, though criticized, actually have soft side.
* Infamous gangster, Al Capone, who earn a fortune due to bootlegging during the Prohibition Era, used a potion of his wealth to [ soup kitchens] to help those effect by the Great Depression... even doing do to help the poor than the US Government was doing as jobs were being offered.
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