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It [http://www.pikminwiki.com/ has a wiki], [[The Wiki Rule|of course.]]. Compare to ''[[Overlord]]'' with a similar gameplay but darker premise.
=== This series provides examples of: ===
* [[Action Bomb]]: Volatile Dweevil
* [[After the End]]: It's implied the Pikmin planet is {{spoiler|Earth. (You can even see Africa and Europe clearly in the opening to Pikmin 2.) Whether or not there's any humans left is up for debate.}}
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* [[Call a Rabbit A Smeerp]]: While the treasures you find in the second game may be the most mundane of objects for us players, they have the most convoluted names in-game. Only averted with The Key, which is [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin]].
* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: Goolix, Armored Cannon Beetle, Pearly Clamclamp, Smoky Progg, and Puffstool were the only enemies not carried over between games. The Armored Cannon Beetle did get two different larva based enemies to carry on its name, however.
* [[Clipped -Wing Angel]]: Pikmin 2 has two bosses that do this:
** The Waterwraith is completely invincible until you reach the final floor of its dungeon, where you acquire the type of Pikmin needed to defeat it. Once you deplete its health enough, you hear the "boss victory" music start up..{{spoiler|until it gets back up off the ground and runs around panicking, completely vulnerable and incapable of hurting you or your Pikmin. At this point, you hear a very freaky version of the boss music that resembles [[Psycho Strings]], and you have to [[Get Back Here Boss|chase after it and kill it]] to beat the dungeon properly.}}
** In order to beat the final boss, the Titan Dweevil, you have to knock four weapons/treasures off of it. After knocking off all four, {{spoiler|its exoskeleton crumbles, and you're left to beat on the defenseless, fleshy, squirming monster as the music builds towards a climax until it melts and frees Louie.}}
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Louie, who on a planet of giant, man-eating beasts, spends most of his time thinking of ways to cook them.
* [[Colour -Coded for Your Convenience]]: The different Pikmin species each have a different color.
** Dweevils in the second game are also color coded based on which [[Elemental Powers|elemental power they have.]]
* [[Convection Schmonvection]]
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*** This is due to the Purple Pikmin actually having no element associated with it in the games (its power is that it is [[Mighty Glacier|heavy but strong]]), whereas Blue Pikmin is associated with water, which, while in Brawl, is only used for pushback effects.
** The new Rock Pikmin that will be in ''Pikmin 3'' are an odd case. As their name implies, they ''are'' rocks. Anything else about them, including if they are immune to earth attacks, is unknown.
* [[Elemental Rock -Paper -Scissors]]: While there are elements, there are only a few direct examples of this. For instance, leading a Fiery Bulblax into water will cool it off for Blue Pikmin to attack.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: The Smoky Progg and Waterwraith.
** At least we know a Smoky Progg is a developing Mamuta. The Waterwraith came out of ''nowhere'', and we have no clue whatsoever what it is.
* [[Everything Fades]]: Averted. The bodies of dead enemies lay around until taken away, and only disappear if you leave the region. (In fact, you're supposed to recycle their corpses for Pikmin food...)
** Some enemies do not leave no corpses. Some examples would be the Puffy and Billowing Blowhogs, who deflate like a balloon and then poof into oblivion, or the Beady Longlegs, who actually disintegrates before your eyes.
** Your Pikmin, however, die and turn into little Pikmin ghosties [[VideogameVideo Game Caring Potential|with the most mournful sound ever.]]
* [[Everything Trying to Kill You]]: Pikmin seem to be on the very bottom of the food chain.
** They are, however, part plant, so it's more or less [[Justified Trope|justified]].
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* [[In Universe Game Clock]]: 20 minute days, anyone?
** 13 in the first game.
* [[Infinity Plus One+1 Element]]: Bulbmin, only found in a few dungeons, are "extra Pikmin" with [[The Mario|Mario-esque]] attack and speed... but ''resistance to every element.'' You can only use them in the dungeon they appear in though.
** On the enemy's side, explosions serve as a sort of "fifth element"; no Pikmin, not even Bulbmin, can survive it, and only the most dangerous enemies have access to it. Bomb rocks also destroy the other elemental hazard generators.
* [[It Can't Be Helped]]: ''Song of Love'' has this as its premise. It's all about how the Pikmin go through Hell for their leader, Olimar, yet despite the fact that it's very likely they'll die ignobly, "We don't ask that you love us". The song's single actually ''outsold the game itself'' because of how it resonated with the [[Salaryman]] public.
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* [[Multiple Endings]]: In the first Pikmin, the bad ending involves attempting to {{spoiler|fly away without at least 25 ship parts}}, which results in {{spoiler|the Dolphin crashing, Olimar being knocked unconscious, his Pikmin carrying him to their Onion and turning ''him'' into a freakish Pikmin/Olimar hybrid (known as "Olimin" or "Pikmar" in [[Fanon]], and no evidence that he is ever picked}}. In the good ending (received through [[Hundred Percent Completion]]), {{spoiler|Olimar bids the Pikmin farewell before hopping on to his ship, and the Onions follow him into low orbit as a show of gratitude (as they are now able to handle enemies on their own, as shown in a scene shortly before that). In the neutral ending, Olimar makes a hasty jump into his ship before his life support dies, and the Pikmin are left to fend for themselves.}}
* [[Never Say Die]]: In the second game: "Are your life functions fading?"
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: The Smoky Progg supposedly is the direct result of a Pikmin attack breaking a normally peaceful Mamuta's egg before it's time for it to hatch.
* [[No Biological Sex]]: The Pikmin. Like many plants in [[Real Life]], they seem to be asexual creatures; the only way they reproduce is by providing organic nutrients to their respective "Onions".
* [[No Casualties Run]]: (See [[VideogameVideo Game Caring Potential]])
* [[Noob Cave]]: The Impact Site in Pikmin 1. Also an abundant source of Pikmin pellets for mass reproduction to come back to later in the game.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: When you find the Broken Food Master(NTSC)/Divine Cooking Tool(PAL) in the PAL version of Pikmin 2, part of Olimar's description is "I did try and be creative at cooking once before.. but there are some things that are better left forgotten."
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* [[Salaryman]]: Concerning Captain Olimar's perpetual struggle to balance out his long hours spent on the job, alongside spending time with his family.
* [[Scunthorpe Problem]]: Wi'''stfu'''l Wild.
* [[Self -Imposed Challenge]]: "ARRRG! It killed [[No Casualties Run|a measly one of my Pikmin]]! Now I have to reset and do it all over again!"
** Also, trying to collect all your ship parts in fewer days than you did before.
* [[Shout Out]]: In Japanese, Olimar is [[Sdrawkcab Name]] of Mario. Louie = Luigi is not as clever, but seems thematically appropriate for Olimar's second fiddle.
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* [[Surprise Creepy]]: Of the more subtle variety; once you've had a chance to [[Fridge Logic|sit down and reflect on what you're doing to the Pikmin...]]
* [[Taken for Granite]]: Ultra-Bitter Spray does this to your enemies. Killing them while they are like this [[Literally Shattered Lives|leaves no corpse to retrieve]], but may drop nectars or sprays (Even more Bitter Spray!).
* [[Technicolor Toxin]]: Poison gas in the second game is purple, as are Munge Dweevils, [[Colour -Coded for Your Convenience|so you can tell them apart from the other 3 species.]]
* [[This Loser Is You]]: Olimar's journal entry for the Bumbling Snitchbug, an enemy that swoops down, grabs you (not your Pikmin) and slams you into the ground, implies that only leaders (that's you) that are in some way dumb or incompetent can possibly be caught by it.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: ''All'' Pikmin will follow you ''wherever you go'', even if it's not exactly a good idea for them to do so. Only blue Pikmin can swim, but all of your Pikmin will follow you into the water, for instance.
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* [[Variable Mix]]: Pikmin 2 has a ''very'' deep set of this. Themes can vary greatly. The captain's health affects the tempo and the amount of Pikmin lost within a cave will cause the song to lose instruments. In addition, there are variants on the themes when carrying treasures and when fighting enemies. Multiply the level themes by 2 since there's a variation of every song for when you play as Louie/President, and for above-ground themes multiply by 2 ''again'' to account for the sunset variations of every song.
* [[War for Fun And Profit]]: Many people have this opinion of the second game. Profit yes, not fun though its paying back the [[Loan Shark|Loan Sharks]]. Then later its saving your lost friend. If you keep playing after that it becomes just for fun, but that's what games are for.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: Purple and white Pikmin are kept in the ship's hold because they have no Onion. It isn't explained what happens to them when the Captains leave the planet. Are they taken back to Hocotate? Are they left behind?
* [[What the Hell, Player?]]: It is possible to make the Pikmin extinct, but it probably won't happen unless you do it intentionally. If you do manage to kill them all, you get a depressing "Pikmin Extinction" cutscene followed by Olimar beating himself up in his journal for letting it happen. It won't end the game, but you are forced to start over with just a single seed.
** This is quite the [[Tear Jerker]], too.
* [[When You Coming Home, Dad?]]: Olimar's son and daughter ask him this repeatedly, almost word for word, in their emails.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Pikmin will freak out at the sight (Or apparently, scent) of Mitites. Except Purple Pikmin. Which just so happen to be the best tools for crushing Mitites all at once.
* [[You Bastard]]: Ai no Uta is a song dedicated to this.
{{quote| ''Uprooted, we'll gather and be thrown to our deaths/''<br />