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* At the First West Coast Computer Faire, Apple engineer Steve Wozniak had made several gag brochures for a successor to the MITS Altair called the "Zaltair." The ad copy was filled with absurd claims, like having 18 expansion card slots, a new "BAZIC" programming language that could be rewritten by the user, and a case that will "add to the decor of any living room." People bombarded the MITS stand with questions about the new model, and it wasn't until late in the day that anyone caught on to the joke. Today, these brochures are highly sought-after collector's items.
* [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/coca-cola-garlic/ Garlic-flavored Coca-Cola.] This claim that Coca-Cola was marketing garlic-flavored Coke in Romania was actually a hoax created via photoshopping, probably intended for Halloween (Transylvania is in Romania, garlic repels vampires) but many consumers actually thought it was real. Still, the hoax seems to have inspired a Japanese soda company to [[Defictionalised|make such a beverage]]. [https://www.foodandwine.com/fwx/drink/garlic-cola-japan-s-latest-crazy-beverage No really.]
* The infamous [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hunting-for-bambi/ "Bambi Hunt"] hoax from 2003 is now used by [[Snopes]] as an example of how to dissect and debunk a controversial and suspicious claim. (See the "HOAX HINT" footnotes.) This particular claim was not helped by the hoax's creator, who maintained it was real until threatened with felony charges.
== Real Life ==