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** Kira follows a similar, more dramatic character arc. Her absolute hatred of the Cardassians was pretty justified, since she spent her entire life fighting against their horrifically brutal occupation of her planet. Over the course of the series, she came to accept that not all Cardassians are evil, and even began to sympathize with them when ''their'' planet is occupied.
*** Kira's actually focused more tightly than that; she only hated military Cardassians (which is, to be fair, the majority of them.) See the season 1 episode Duet for an example of her quickly getting over her fantastic racism once she got to know the man personally.
** To make this understandable, it should be noted that the Cardassians as a species are not very far from [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]. Their [[Those Wacky Nazis|regime is horrible]], and most Cardassian characters are representatives of that regime in one way or another (though we do meet some genuinely noble ones).
** Commander [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Worf]] is openly racist toward Romulans, to the point that simply admitting that Romulans fought honorably in their failed [[Gunship Rescue]] is treated as legitimate character growth in ''[[Star Trek: Nemesis]]''.
*** Worf once refused to donate blood to a critically wounded Romulan, {{spoiler|resulting in his [[What the Hell, Hero?|death.]]}} He's also portrayed as quick to violence and slightly sexist.
**** It's interesting to note that while fans, and the episode itself, focuses on Worf's refusal to donate blood, given much less attention is that the ''Romulan says he doesn't want Worf's blood''. The Romulan is just as openly racist towards Worf, if not moreso, and essentially refuses treatment... not that the patient's express wishes ever stopped Doctor Crusher from doing whatever she wanted.
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== Theatre ==
* ''[[Fiddler Onon the Roof]]'' is set before women's lib caught on in the Ukrainian hinterland. Tevye is, undeniably, a big ol' chauvinist, but he's the nicest incarnation of it that you'll find.
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** Maybe because of the fact that the orcs are not really evil but were manipulated at the time? If they stopped with the racism, they might actually learn to live together and solve far more of the worlds problems than they are able to right now, take a look at the battle of Mount Hyjal, for one.
** Proudmore lived and fought through the Second War. His eldest son was killed by an orc-controlled dragon. It's no wonder he hates them so much.
** A bunch of orcs enslaved Varian Wrynn while he was amnesiac and made him fight as a gladiator. Then during a peace talk with Thrall a brainwashed Garona -- the very same half-Orc assassin that killed Varian's father -- tried to kill him. Varian's belief that orcs are [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] is pretty understandable.
* ''[[Duke Nukem]]'' is the embodiment of this trope. He's a hyper-masculine tough guy who hates aliens, loves beer and strippers, and doesn't give a rats ass about political correctness.
* Jonatham Ingram in ''[[Policenauts]]'' comes across as one of these in the fan translation, due to casually using the word 'faggot' and calling [[Gender Bender|biovestites]] 'so-called "women"'. The heroes are all rather bigoted towards the Frozeners (genetically-altered humans with paper-white skin and unblinking eyes), and it is not really challenged.