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{{quote|"Well, whaddaya know? It's the fat boy, the Jew, and the sissy. Four eyes and the patch girl, too. Nigger, you know how to pick them: the Loser's Club."|Henry Bowers, from ''[[IT|Stephen King's IT]]''}}
|Henry Bowers, from ''[[IT|Stephen King's IT]]''}}
Want to show that your [[Evil Overlord]], or someone within [[The Empire]] is a genuine bad guy, regardless of their rank in [[The Empire]] or how minor a character they are? Simple, all you have to do is have them [[Kick the Dog]], right? Well, what if there isn't a handy dog around? Have them kick whatever minority race/species or [[Heteronormative Crusader|gender/sexuality]] or [[Kill the Poor|lower class scum]] is around instead to show that they're a ''really'' bad guy. Bonus points if either the heroes or some highly sympathetic character is a member of said minority.
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It doesn't always work as well with the [[Magnificent Bastard]] [[Evil Overlord]] types, particularly if introduced late into their run as an antagonist. Because honestly, if the fandom hasn't turned against the Overlord after the character in question may have murdered thousands or even [[A Million Is a Statistic|millions]], enslaved people in [[The Empire]] wholesale, and so on and so forth, is having the character be a little sexist or racist ''really'' going to automatically turn people against them? (In particularly bad cases of [[Misaimed Fandom]] where the fans were already using every scrap of evidence and threadbare argument to argue that the bad guys weren't that bad, you may risk the character's fans declaring this to be a [[Discontinuity]], and possibly even [[Broken Base|splitting the fanbase]]). In these cases, to make it work, you might have to do a purposeful [[Flanderization]] to your character and make them all about their bias. Of course, that will also mean you've gone and derailed your own plot if you need to do it to that extent...
A notable key to this is that the racism, sexism, [[Fantastic Racism]], or whatever displayed by the character is often completely gratuitous or extraneous to the rest of their villainy. Usually, whatever their goal might be, they don't have to be a racist, speciesist, or sexist to accomplish it -— but they are.
This is the reason why [[Those Wacky Nazis]] are at the bottom of the villain food chain, and it's a good bet that the Politically Incorrect Villain will be the one going down in an [[Even Evil Has Standards]] team-up.
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Compare [[Evil Is Petty]]; Contrast [[Equal Opportunity Evil]]. May lead to [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?]] if this character type is thought to be more evil than outwardly flamboyant villains. This should also not be confused with [[Values Dissonance]], where the ''heroes'' behave in this manner (and the narrative [[What the Hell, Hero?|may]] or [[Moral Dissonance|may not]] acknowledge that their attitudes are unjust).
== Anime &and Manga ==
* This is a major reason why Nina of ''[[Code Geass]]'' was considered [[The Scrappy]]. Despite the fact that it would be safe to assume that some Britannians are racists, she's the only major character to hold such opinions and thus comes across badly. Though she originally doesn't tout any personal supremacy, she's "just" paranoid that any Eleven might be a terrorist. Later, after {{spoiler|Princess Euphemia's death}} she becomes rather unhinged, and starts considering the use of a weapon that's for all thoughts and purposes a nuke against one man.
** [[Large Ham|Jeremiah Gottwald]] isn't paranoid like Nina, but he's easily the most racist out of everyone in Britannia's army, given that during his brief stint as Margrave of Area 11, he takes a little ''too'' much joy in executing the Japanese. His racism begins to dwindle as he [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|begins to lose his sanity due to public humiliation]], and it more or less mellows out after he encounters [[Meido|Sayoko]] several times.
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* This seems to be a common trope in [[Jidai Geki]] / whenever there are ronins around. In ''[[Tsukikage Ran]]'', the female ronin protagonist gets a lot of these comments and always trounces those who make them.
* Similarly, ''[[Samurai Champloo]]'' also has a very similar scene to the Kenshin one in its first episode, where a boorish nobleman is sexually harassing the waitresses at the restaurant Fuu works at and generally attacking very threatening. After being promised free food to intervene, [[Sociopathic Hero|Mugen]] slaughters the guy's guards and performs [[Mutilation Interrogation]] on him.
* In ''[[Shitsurakuen]]'', the terms "villain" and "misogynist" are pretty much synonyms.
* During Jadeite's final battle against the [[Sailor Moon|Sailor Senshi]], he [[What an Idiot!|out of nowhere makes a number of sexist and disparaging remarks about them, their intelligence, and their fighting abilities]]. [[Car Fu|They then run him over with an airplane.]]
** Later, [[Filler Villain]] Ail/Alan makes a remark about "[[Loves the Sound of Screaming|the screaming of young girls are music to my ears!]]" Yikes....
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* 5th Espada, Nnoitra Gilga from ''[[Bleach]]'' gets a mention because his blatant sexism is a huge part of his personality. He openly attacked Nelliel because she was a woman that ranked higher than he did (although she beat him rather soundly every time). Even saying that a woman being of a higher position than a man on the battlefield was a disgrace. He even went into a huge, convoluted plan just to get rid of her that entails some of the most cruel activities done by any of the Espada. He seems to hold this toward Harribel as well, as during their introductions, the first thing he does is piss her off by apparently trying to pick a fight with her.
** And this is implied to be the case with the final arc's new enemies, {{spoiler|the Vandenreich. Just ''listen'' to their '''name''', and the implications sink in.}}
* ''[[Hajime no Ippo]]'': To add to the huge list of [[Jerkass|jerkasseryjerkass]]ery of Bryan Hawk, he's also shown to be racist against Japanese. In an [[Ax Crazy]] rant, he basically tells the Japanese that if they want to be world champion so badly, they should send him all of their women so he'll give them his genes. In twenty years, Japan would be crawling with world champions.
* A lot of unpleasant characters in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's]]'' fit, at least in the first season, seeing as the upper class of Neo Domino City tended to look down on the lower class of Satellite. The term "Satellite scum" is a common slur. {{spoiler| However, Rex Godwin, the first [[Big Bad]] of the series does not, and for good reason; he is secretly a native of Satellite himself.}}
** [[Upper Class Twit|The Commons]] and the town government in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V]]'s'' version of Neo-Domino are ''much'' worse, barely acknowledging the lower class as human. Even when the mastermind's true plan is revealed (making the Commons as much victims as everyone else) it is [[Unintentionally Unsympathetic|very hard to feel sorry for them.]]
== ComicbooksComic Books ==
* As far as Comic Books in general go, this Trope is [[Older Than They Think]]. Hard to name a superhero during [[The Golden Age of Comic Books|the Golden Age]] who did ''not'' count [[Those Wacky Nazis]] among their foes.
* The Homelander, a twisted [[Captain Ersatz]] for [[Superman]] in ''[[The Boys]]'' is a ginormous racist, as well as a misogynist and a rapist. In two separate issues he shouts a racial epithet just before (or just after) killing a minority villain. There's also the [[Captain Marvel]] knock-off, Storm Front, who is an actual Nazi.
** Most of the superpowered people in the Boys universe are either racist, misogynistic or homophobic just to drive home how screwed up they are.
* Variant in ''[[The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen]]'', the [[Big Bad]] of the first book is depicted as a homophobe just to bump up his villain credentials (despite the fact that this would have hardly made him unusual in the Victorian era). Likewise, in the third volume, the more misogynistic qualities of [[James Bond]] and the more reactionary qualities of [[Bulldog Drummond]] are played up.
* When first introduced, [[Red Skull]], arch-enemy of [[Captain America (comics)|Captain America]], was indeed a Nazi agent, but was written more as an "enemy of America" than a "Nazi" per se. Over time, however, he has been given more and more racist and eugenic dialogue, making him the rare Marvel villain who became ''less'' sympathetic over time. In fact, one could argue that he no longer truly fits this Trope, as he [[Hates Everyone Equally]].
** One script during [[Mark Waid]]'s run ofon ''Captain America'' was written from the Red Skull's POV and contained a number of racial slurs. The racially-charged comments (among other things) were heavily edited out of the published issue, with the final issue being so radically different that Waid asked his name be taken off the credits. The issue's original script built up to a scene where the Skull, in a roundabout way, basically equates Cap to Hitler himself. [https://web.archive.org/web/20131022212344/http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2007/01/18/comic-book-urban-legends-revealed-86/ Link here.]
*** In an interesting case, the Ultimate Red Skull who is far more of a [[Complete Monster]] than even the mainstream version seems to have lost all his racial supremacist connotations, given that's he's worked for dictators and terrorists of every possible colour and creed. He believes in true equality: He wants to kill EVERYONE''everyone''.
** A lot of [[Captain America (comics)|Captain America]] villains are like this. Arnim Zola, Crossbones, Baron Zemo, and Hydra in general. This is, of course, because Cap's career as a costumed hero began, both figuratively and literally, during '''[[World War II]].''' There exists more than one cover featuring Cap punching out Hitler or (a racist caricature of) General Tojo. The man was used to sell War Bonds, ffs.<ref>As hard as it is to say in this day and age, Cap got his start as a blatant propaganda tool.</ref>
**** This is, of course, because Captain America's career as a costumed hero began, both figuratively and literally, during the '''[[World War II]].''' There exists more than one cover featuring Cap punching out Hitler or (a racist caricature of) General Tojo. The man was used to sell War Bonds, ffs.
** It's worth noting the Red Skull has since renounced Nazism in favor of his own brand of nihilism. Why? He thought Nazism was ''too morally restrictive''.
*** Similarly, in the recent[[Marvel movieCinematic Universe]], Red Skull defectsdefected from the Nazis because he wants to [[Take Over the World]] all for himself.
* Captain Nazi, one of [[Shazam|Captain Marvel's]] foes. Really and truly, his name says it all, doesn't it? Although he's [[Retcon|apparently]] some kind of [[Anthropomorphic Personification|anthropomorphic personification of Nazism]] (or so he now claims), so it's integral to his character rather than a gratuitous trait. Even Mr. Mind (his accomplice, no less) hated him.
** It was never a gratuitous trait -- ittrait—it's his whole motivation and origin.
* A one-shot [[Axes At School|killer-schoolkid]] character in [[Grant Morrison]]'s ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'', in explaining why he killed a mutant and harvested his organs, included the aside "Yes, he was gay, but that's incidental to my cause."
* Whether he's presented as a violent [[Anti-Hero]] parody or a snarky bad guy, ''[[Lobo]]'' is presented as misogynist and a pervert in the same way guys like [[All in The Family|Archie Bunker]] are, because it's funny and he's ''not'' the type of guy fans are supposed to emulate. He's made lewd comments to most of DC's female power players and in one story, ripped Starfire's top off as "payment for services".
* Close to all of the villains in ''[[Wanted (Comic Book)|Wanted]]'' are this. The Future is definitely the worst though, as he is an unapologetic Nazi and misogynist.
* Marvel's The Swarm is, as the ''[[Runaways]]'' put it, "A super-Nazi...[[Bee-Bee Gun|made of bees]]" ([[Memetic Mutation|My God]]). He takes the time to ask Victor which of the "mongrel races" he belongs to during their fight - Vic's mom was Mexican, his dad {{spoiler|Ultron}}. You'd think someone made out of bees would be open -minded.
* If somebody says anything even remotely homophobic in the [[The Authority|Midnighter's]] comic book series, they're evil. Period.
* In the ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' comics [[Anti-Villain|Dracula]] is portrayed as simply politically incorrect, without malice behind it, his attitudes being mainly [[Racist Grandma|a result of extraordinary age]].
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* Writers who don't like presenting [[Doctor Doom]] as a [[Noble Demon]] will sometimes make him more unsympathetic by having him voice racist and sexist sentiments. This is at odd with Doom's more frequent characterization as having egalitarian views (in the anti-bigotry, not (obviously) in a pro-democracy sense), and who loathes bigotry on account of his Roma ancestry. Fans [[Fanon Discontinuity|tend to conclude]] that bigoted Dooms were [[Actually a Doombot|actually malfunctioning Doombots]].
* [[Norman Osborn]] is one. He is sexist, violent xenophobe, admires Hitler and the [[Red Skull]]. White supremacists believe he is a true hero of white Americans.
* The Norsefire Party in ''[[V for Vendetta]]''. Whether they are opportunists who simply took advantage of the apocalyptic disaster (as they were in the graphic novel) or purposely caused it (as in the movie) this organization are [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|Nazis by Any Other Name]], seizing control of Britain after using minorities, gays, and other "undesireably" groups as scapegoats.
** Downplayed with their leader, as while both are incredibly evil, his motives depend on the version. Adam Susan (from the comic) is indeed a fascist who is devoted to his extremist ideas. Adam Sutler (from the film) is simply a greedy, power-hungry despot who seems to be a zealot, but would abandon the ideals of the Norsefire Party if they proved unsuccessful. Exactly which version is worse is debatable.
* Call-Me-Kenneth, from ''[[Judge Dredd (comics)|Judge Dredd]]'', the leader of [[Turned Against Their Masters| a robot rebellion]] who was literally inspired by Hitler and the Nazis, though he tended to treat robots the way he did everyone else - like garbage.
== Fan FictionWorks ==
* In ''[[Lilly Epilogue (Good End): Family Matters|Lilly Epilogue Family Matters]]'', Lilly's father, while less a villain than a [[Jerkass]] who is an obstacle to Lilly and Hisao's relationship, refers to Hisao and Hanako as "cripples" ([[Insult Friendly Fire|which should also apply to his blind daughter]]), and Yamaku as a "cripple school". He even ''[[Kick the Dog|deliberately insults Hanako by making fun of her burn scars]]'', even though he was warned about it in advance, which is almost a [[Moral Event Horizon]] crossing.
== Fan Fiction ==
* The Council of ''[[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]]'' wants to kill homosexuals ([[Even Evil Has Standards|which even Ronan finds to be awful]]), and also persecutes non-Christians. Ronan himself, being sexist, homophobic against gay men, hateful towards all religions and even agnostics, and willing to kill anyone who disagrees with him, is a [[Politically Incorrect Hero]] whose sense of morality is so warped he comes off as a [[Villain Protagonist]].
* In [[Lilly Epilogue (Good End): Family Matters|Lilly Epilogue Family Matters]], Lilly's father, while less a villain than a [[Jerkass]] who is an obstacle to Lilly and Hisao's relationship, refers to Hisao and Hanako as "cripples" ([[Insult Friendly Fire|which should also apply to his blind daughter]]), and Yamaku as a "cripple school". He even ''[[Kick the Dog|deliberately insults Hanako by making fun of her burn scars]]'', even though he was warned about it in advance, which is almost a [[Moral Event Horizon]] crossing.
* The Council of [[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]] wants to kill homosexuals ([[Even Evil Has Standards|which even Ronan finds to be awful]]), and also persecutes non-Christians. Ronan himself, being sexist, homophobic against gay men, hateful towards all religions and even agnostics, and willing to kill anyone who disagrees with him, is a [[Politically Incorrect Hero]] whose sense of morality is so warped he comes off as a [[Villain Protagonist]].
* The man in black from ''[[Futari wa Pretty Cure Dragon]]'' may very well be the most blatant example of this trope in the entire franchise. Even [[Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star|Moerumba]] doesn't stereotype Mexicans left and right like he does. This gets to the point where he's the most hated villain in any [[Pretty Cure]] fanseries, both by the readers and by the characters in-series.
== Film ==
* ''[[The Shining]]'': where Grady tells Jack that the [[Magical Negro]] that helps the family is "a nigger".
* Frank Costello of ''[[The Departed]]'' mentions a distaste for "niggers" in his opening monologue. While it is shown to have historical significance this racism fails to show up in any significant way within the plot - it is only used to establish, mere seconds into the movie, that this guy is not a good man.
* In ''[[The Gift]]'', [[Keanu Reeves]] plays a brutal, wifebeatingwife-beating thug who is menacing the [[Psychic Powers|psychic]] heroine with insults and threats and apropos of nothing at all he announces, "You ain't no better than a Jew or a nigger!" {{spoiler|He is of course a Red Herring for the murderer and even ends up becoming somewhat sympathetic, sending him into subversion territory.}}
* ''[[Blazing Saddles]]''. Just... ''Blazing Saddles''.
** Oddly, [[Big Bad]] Hedley Lamarr doesn't show as much blatant bigotry as his henchmen, Mr. Taggart and Lyle. Hell, he doesn't show as much racism as the [[Innocent Bystanders]] that the black sheriff is protecting! When hiring outlaws the [[Big Bad]] advertises himself as an [[Equal Opportunity Evil|Equal Opportunity Employer]] and specifically mentions in his famous [[Long List]] that he wants criminals of many different races and backgrounds working for him. On the other hand, he doesn't hesitate to [[Would Hit a Girl|slap Lily around]] and insult her German ancestry when she does a [[High Heel Face Turn]].
** He also is in charge of appropriating land in Colorado from the local Indians, justifying this by claiming "they're such children." (His boss, Governor Le Petomane, doesn't object, even adding that the Indians are "little red devils." And he's supposed to be a ''good'' guy!)
* Velma Von Tussle in the ''[[Hairspray]]'' movie is not only racist, but makes cruel comments to the heroine about her weight. Granted, the movie (and original film) show that lots of people were racist during this time period, but it is an extra [[Kick the Dog]] for her.
* One of several reasons why the ''[[Wild Wild West (film)|Wild Wild West]]'' film was poorly rated, is that the somewhat likable Loveless of the television series was transformed into a racist bigot who is constantly making racial slurs and jokes against [[Will Smith]]'s Jim West. Also troubling is that the original Loveless was a midget and this one is an amputee, the subject for [[Pay Evil Unto Evil|West's slurs against him]]. [[Hurricane of Puns|Lots of]] [[Dude, Not Funny]] on both sides.
* Gaston in ''[[Beauty and the Beast]]'' is very quickly established as a chauvunisticchauvinistic pig -- "It's not natural for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas and thinking ..." This is proved later to be the tip of the iceberg for a thoroughly nasty piece of work.
* Speaking of Disney villains, who could forget Claude Frollo from ''[[The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney film)|The Hunchback of Notre Dame]]''? He wins extra points for being a [[Complete Monster|''genocidal'' racist.]]
** To be fair, while it is an unnecessary addition to the ''original'' character, the movie actually bends the plot around his racism - it launches the plot by being the reason he gets stuck with Quasimodo in the first place (he chases and treats Quasi's mother coldly because he's racist); his attempted genocide helps to bond Esmeralda and Quasimodo while also pushing Pheobus to betray him; and it adds an extra layer to his crisis of faith about his lust for Esmeralda.
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** Jack Woltz, while not a true villain in the movie (in the book he's a much more distasteful individual), he quickly loses any sympathy he may have had by throwing literally every slur in the book against Italians at Tom Hagen ''in a single sentence''.When Tom points out that he's actually part Irish and part German, Woltz then refers to Tom as "My kraut-mick friend."
*** For some, the sheer ''number'' of slurs [[Crosses the Line Twice]] into [[Refuge in Audacity]].
* The first ''[[Harold and& Kumar Go to White Castle]]'' movie has the [[Jerkass]] cop, and then the sequel tops it with one of the most racist characters in film history: Homeland Security official Ron Fox.
* It doesn't play a part in the plot, but in ''[[Stand by Me]]'', Ace seems to associate female sexuality with religion. When Jack complains that he can't get to second base with his girlfriend (even though he's only been seeing her for "just over a month" and she'll "only" let him fondle her breasts), Ace tells him, "She's a Catholic, man. They're all like that. If you wanna get laid, you gotta get yourself a Protestant."
* Calvin Candie in ''[[Django Unchained]]'', a Mississippi plantation owner and utterly unrepentant bigot. He's the only villain created by director [[Quentin Tarantino]] that Tarantino has gone on the record saying he despises and it's easy to see why by watching the movie. Cruel even by slave-owner standards, he forces his slaves into bloody [[Fight Clubbing]] matches to the death and kills them by feeding them to his dogs, justifying his mistreatment by referencing the - debunked - science of phrenology. Ironically, [[The Dragon| his black servant Stephen]] is also his [[Boomerang Bigot| most loyal, and just as bad]].
* Cyrus the Virus from ''[[Con Air]]'' says a lot of racist comments toward Pinball and Baby-O.
* While their support for slavery makes them inherently politically incorrect villains, the Confederate States in the [[Alternate History]] ''[[CSA: Confederate States of America]]'' is also highly sexist, and while like the actual United States, it had Chinese laborers in the 19th century, they chose to enslave theirs. They also decided to be Christian-only, and thus their Jewish population either fled or were allowed to live on <s>ghettos</s> reservations.
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** {{spoiler|Which makes his eventual [[Death by Racism|decapitation by train]] less disturbing than it could have been.}}
* In ''[[Trading Places]]'', the [[Eddie Murphy]] character overhears the Dukes comment how, of course, they can't "have a nigger run our family business". Before that, you could see the Dukes as affably dotty. That reveal tells the audience that the Dukes deserve whatever they get (impoverishment, and in one case, a life-threatening heart attack).
* It's more a sign of the times (the 1860's1860s) but Bill the Butcher from ''[[Gangs of New York]]'' is profoundly racist, especially against the Irish but also against pretty much anyone who isn't white and Protestant.
* Miles Quaritch from ''[[Avatar (film)|Avatar]]'' expresses [[Fantastic Racism]] in the sense that it applies to another species than another race. That said, the very nature of his remarks ''very'' closely resembles conventional racism.
* Arty Clay, who runs [[The Mafia]] in ''[[King of New York]]'', is a vocally anti-black racist, in stark contrast to the [[Equal Opportunity Evil]] of the title character.
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* In ''[[Snatch]]'', the fence Avi continually refers to [[The Mafiya|Boris]] as a "Cossack."
* An unusual example in the first ''[[Kill Bill]]'' movie: Boss Tanaka, a member of the ''yakuza'' crime council, does not believe that a half-Chinese, American-born woman (O-Ren Ishii) should be the leader of a Japanese criminal syndicate. Unusual in that O-Ren is ''herself'' a villain and even displays politically incorrect tendencies of her own later on (against Caucasians), and also in that Tanaka is not gleeful or bullying like many of the other examples on this page, but ''genuinely upset'' that the council members are causing their ancestors to "weep in the afterlife" by appointing a "half-breed bitch" their leader (and it should be noted that the other gang bosses do not agree with Tanaka at all, and [[The Complainer Is Always Wrong|even mock him]]). O-Ren promptly [[Death by Racism|slices off Tanaka's head]], explaining that she is willing to take criticism but that any questioning of either her nationality or her ethnic heritage [[Berserk Button|will not be tolerated]].
* In [[John Wayne]]'s anti-Communist movie ''[[Big Jim [[Mc LainMcLain]]'', one of the [[Dirty Communists|Communist]] villains is an anti-black racist, who pushes Wayne's [[Berserk Button]] by using the n-word.
** The most frustrating thing about this portrayal is that the Communist International was actually ''anti-racist'', so much so that black civil rights leaders were warned not to cozy up to Communists, because [[Don't Shoot the Message|that would validate the charge that civil rights was an exclusively Communist enterprise, and thus anti-American]].
* ''[[Coonskin]]'' by [[Ralph Bakshi]], being an animated [[Blaxploitation Parody]] film, had many racist characters and racial stereotypes throughout the movie. But we see the most blatant example in Officer Madigan, a cop of the mobs payroll. He's both racist and homophobic even towards the son of his mob boss who is a blatant homosexual. He goes as far as to refuse to bathe before meeting with some black street level thugs who also work for his boss (In his words, they ain't worth it). He gets a combo of [[Death by Racism]] and [[Color Me Black]], when "Brother Rabbit" drugs him with some acid leaving him in full blackface, armed, and wearing a dress. This caused him to fly off the handle and shoot it out with some other cops and get riddles with bullets.
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''Doorman:'' Any whites. }}
* The horror film ''[[Frontiers]]'' features a family of neo-Nazis who frequently use racial slurs.
* ''[[The Avengers (film)|The Avengers]]'' provides another example of [[Joss Whedon]]'s tendency to create [[Straw Misogynist|Straw Misogynists]]s with Loki calling Black Widow the archaic term for [[Country Matters|a certain female body part]].
== Literature ==
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** There was the Diversity Alliance an [[Anti-Human Alliance|anti human]] terrorist organization who plan on killing all humans with a [[Depopulation Bomb|bio-weapon]] that only targets humans.
* In ''[[Layer Cake]]'', as he sells out his employees to a [[Dirty Cop]], gangster Jimmy Prince makes racial slurs against black associate Morty and is homophobic towards the protagonist, who while not gay, is not sufficiently "manly" for Jimmy's standards. Thanks to a [[Magnificent Bastard]] fellow gangster, Jimmy's crew are made privy to a tape of these comments {{spoiler|and the protagonist shoots him in the head}}.
* In the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' books, anyone racist is going to be evil. Most of the Slytherins are bigoted against [[Muggle|Muggles]]s, with [[Rival Turned Evil|Draco Malfoy]] serving as the first one we meet. [[Big Bad|Voldemort]] is a thinly-veiled Hitler-analogue, though. One of the most egregious racists in the story is [[Tyrant Takes the Helm|Dolores]] [[Sadist Teacher|Umbridge]], who treats anyone without a pure wizarding heritage as a lesser being, and anyone with a mixed-human heritage as something to hunted down. {{spoiler|She ends up becoming [[The Quisling]] just to have an excuse to have Muggle-borns locked up. According to [[Word of God]], this earns her a life sentence in Azkaban after the events of ''[[Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (novel)|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]]''.}}
* In the [[Dan Brown]] novel ''[[Deception Point]]'', Senator Sexton at one point thinks to himself while discussing toning down his condemnation of same-sex marriage for campaigning purposes "If it were up to me, the faggots wouldn't even have the right to vote". His actions only get more despicable from there.
* In ''[[Ciaphas Cain]]'' novel ''The Traitor's Hand'' commissar Tomas Beije goes from a slightly annoying mix of [[Divided We Fall]], [[Unknown Rival]], and [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]] who barely has any time in the main plotline to being quite hateable the moment he starts throwing out sexist insults towards Colonel Kasteen.
* Earning it [[Discontinuity]] status, the fourth ''[[Earthsea Trilogy|Earthsea]]'' novel, ''Tehanu'', turns a villain who was previously defined by [[Immortality Immorality]] into a raging misogynist.
* ''[[Warrior Cats]]'': Tigerstar. ''very'' much Tigerstar. As well as his [[Ho Yay|#1 follower]], Darkstripe. [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|Tigerstar parallels Hitler]] in ''several'' ways, and has attempted genocide in the form of public executions during a propaganda rally where he called [[Fantastic Racism|halfClan cats "filth"]]. Although probably the most flagrant example, it certainly isn't the only one.
* General Metzov of the ''[[Miles Vorkosigan]]'' novel ''The Vor Game'' is not only a hardliner ultra-nationalist, but he is a sexist jerk as well. He is paired with the much smarter female villain Cavilo, but in a [[Just Between You and Me]] moment tells the heroes that he's just manipulating her, since no woman would be smart enough to lead. His political incorrectness leads to his death (and an example of [[Eviler Than Thou]]) when his last words (before Cavilo shoots him in the head) are "open your legs to me bitch". Note, Cavilo is actually ''more evil'' than Metzov, but because of his [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]] traits, it's hard not to give her some sympathy or at least applause at the moment she kills him.
* The Republic of Gilead in ''[[The Handmaid's Tale]]'' is already in this territory given their attitude toward women, but for further dog-kicking, is their attitude toward other religions. When expelling Jews from America, they [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|sent large numbers of them on boats supposedly destined for Israel. The boats were deliberately sunk in the middle of the water.]]
* Patrick Bateman in ''[[American Psycho]]'' is an insane, sadistic serial killer, and also racist, anti-semitic, sexist and homophobic.
** All his friends and colleagues are too. Those qualities were meant to be a reflection of the 1980's Wall Street high society in which he lived rather than a flaw specific to Bateman alone. Other than the serial killing, of course (maybe).
* Present, and lampshaded in, one of the ''[[Captain Underpants]]'' spin-off books. In a comic book created by the book's [[Genre Savvy]] main characters, Harold and George, an [[Mad Scientist|evil scientist]] wants to create a [[Distaff Counterpart|female clone]] of an evil monster toilet so that he would have a servant to attend to all his domestic needs. His assistant lampshades this trope by pointing out: "You know, that's not very politically correct," to which he replies that he doesn't care because he's [[Card-Carrying Villain|the bad guy]]. [[Genre Blind|Needless to say,]] [[Turned Against Their Masters|this doesn't end well for them.]] (Also, the [[Fridge Logic|hygienic implications]] of [[Squick|having a toilet doing housework]] are apparently not even thought of...)
* In ''[[Lucky Starr]]|Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn]]'', Sten Devoure, the product of supposedly-superior Sirian genetics, reveals himself as a despicable person right away by referring to Lucky's sidekick Bigman Jones, a rather short and ugly Martian, as "that thing" and "it". The insult becomes dangerous when {{spoiler|he tells a group of robots that [["Three Laws"-Compliant|Bigman is not human]], and orders them to "break it."}}
* Henry Bowers of [[Stephen King]]'s ''[[IT]]'' is one of these in a nutshell. He hates Stanley Uris because he's Jewish, Mike Hanlon because he's black, Eddie Kaspbrak because of his asthma, Bill Denbrough because of his stutter, Richie Tozier for his glasses and his smart mouth, Ben Hanscomb because of his weight, and Beverly Marsh because she's female. Really, he's pretty much an all-around asshole.
** This will of course cross over into [[Freudian Excuse]] territory, but Henry ''is'' beaten by his father at home, and (in his embittered mind, anyway) needs weaker people (''especially'' if they are outcasts) to bully in order to cope with his rage. Also, his father is a racist, who blames black people for all of his misfortunes. It doesn't excuse his actions, but it does lend some deeper meaning to this trope.
** [[Stephen King]] ''loves'' this trope. Nearly all of his villains are racist or sexist in some way. Even the [[Hell Hotel|Overlook]] [[Genius Loci|Hotel]] from [[The Shining]] refers to [[Magical Negro|Halloran]] as a "jungle bunny." [[Everything Is Racist|Even the buildings are racist in the King-verse]].
* ''[[The Last Hurrah]]'' (both the novel and the film) has newspaper editor Amos Force, who runs a paper that is [[No Communities Were Harmed|most definitely not the Boston Globe]]. He is an old-money WASP who despises Irish Catholics in general and Frank Skeffington in particular. If you know anything about the history of the Boston Globe, this [[Truth in Television|is not the least bit implausible]].
* [[Flashman]] is this in spades, and it's just one of his [[Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist|many endearing features]]. He's a serial adulterer who lies outrageously to woo other mens' wives, he treats the lower classes with condescension, and he's a shameless racist to boot.
* [[Complete Monster|Captain Shannon]] in ''The First Casualty'' by [[Ben Elton]]. His racism, misogyny, and homophobia are some of his ''nicer'' traits.
* Zaroff of ''[[The Most Dangerous Game]]'' got bored of hunting animals and decided to [[Hunting the Most Dangerous Game|name a trope]]. He justifies this by mostly hunting what he considers "lesser races." (Incidentally, he applies this racism to himself--ashimself—as a Cossack, he believes that savagery is an essential part of his nature.)
* The ''Sisterhood'' series by [[Fern Michaels]]: This sort of villain has popped up a number of times. FBI assistant director Mitch Riley refers to Harry Wong as a "slant-eye" at one point in the book ''Hide And Seek''. Deputy Clyde calls Harry Wong by that racial epithet in the book ''Under The Radar'', which Harry happily repays by tweaking the scum's nose and knocking him out. Before the book ''Lethal Justice'', Alexis Thorne reveals in her thoughts that her employers chose to frame her for their crimes because she is black. Strangely, that is never brought up in the book where Alexis pays them back.
* One of the easier ways to pick out the villain in an ''[[Honor Harrington]]'' novel is to find the guy whose inner monologue puts her down for being either a woman, or not born nobility, or both.
* While ''villain'' might be too strong a word for her, [[City Mouse|Ada Haskill]] from ''[[In the Face of Danger]]'' is snobby, unpleasant, ungrateful and doesn't hesitate to look down on Megan, a 12-year-old girl, for being Irish.
== Live-Action TV ==
Line 164 ⟶ 169:
** The ''Doctor Who'' episode "Human Nature" features an already fairly unlikeable snobby public schoolboy who then snidely comments to Martha, who's working undercover as a maid, "with hands that colour, how can you tell when anything's clean?". This was more to cement his unsympathetic nature rather than his evil nature, as a few scenes later he dies at the hands of some aliens in such a way that [[Asshole Victim|the audience is not meant to feel sorry for him]].
* [[Mutant Enemy]] productions indulge in this from time to time, but the most obvious is in the ''[[Firefly]]'' episode "Heart of Gold" where the Villain of the Week, Rance Burgess, is misogynistic to such an extent that he apparently forces a traitorous prostitute to well... suck him off in front of his lynch mob, in order to prove his superiority over women.
** Not to mention superpowered, psychotic misogynist priest [[The Dragon|Caleb]] from ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''.
** There's Warren Mears, too. Being a misogynist in a Whedon work is a bad career move.
** Billy from ''[[Angel]]'' could even uncover the latent homicidal hatred women of other men like a virus.
*** Which has [[Unfortunate Implications]] as it's saying all men secretly hate women, but then this is Joss Whedon.
** Mostly played for laughs, but the head of the Italian W&F branch had a lot of spite towards gypsies.
Line 176 ⟶ 181:
** The guy from the ''[[Law and Order SVU|Law & Order: Special Victims Unit]]'' episode "Execution" spoke in a similar manner, actually calling his first victim "the thing" once or twice.
* ''[[Mitchell]]'' starts out with John Saxon's character murdering an unarmed minority burglar, then planting a gun on the body in order to claim self-defense. When the police shows up, he tosses out a "wetback" comment for good measure.
* System Lord Baal, the long-running [[The Starscream|Starscream]] on ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'', was perhaps one of the show's more appealing villains, in that his approach was somewhat more subtle and frank than the usual [[Exclusively Evil]], [[Lawful Stupid Chaotic Stupid|Chaotic Stupid]] rhetoric of the series various [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s. This was balanced out by him being a blatant misogynist, making several sexist comments (usually directed at Colonel Carter) throughout the show's run.
** He finally got his comeuppance in "The Quest, Part II" when Carter got fed up and punched him in the face. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|CMoA]], indeed.
* Inverted in ''[[That Mitchell and Webb Look]]'' with Captain Todger, the [[Politically Incorrect Hero|racist, sexist, homophobic superhero]] and General Drayfox, the evil but incredibly PC supervillain.
{{quote|'''General Drayfox:''' [[Kneel Before Zod|Let him kneel before me!]] Unless of course he's an Orthodox Jew and has an issue with kneeling for religious reasons, in which case I'd be happy for him to pay his obeisance in whatever way he finds culturally appropriate. [[Evil Laugh|Mwwahahahaha!]]}}
* On ''[[The Wire]]'', any time a gangster refers to Omar using an anti-gay slur instead of his name, [[Drinking Game|take a shot]].
* ''[[Glee]]'' has resident [[Smug Snake]] [[Invisible to Gaydar]] [[Alliteration|Sebastian Smythe]] cement his descent to full-on villain by insulting [[Camp Gay]] Kurt Hummel's fashion choices with a sexist slur, and offering to have his father, an [[Amoral Attorney]], throw [[Spicy Latina]] Santana Lopez 'in prison with the rest of her relatives.' [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Or deliver them a piñata.]]
== Professional Wrestling ==
* After Rodney Mack was kicked off of ''Smackdown'', Theodore Long became his manager, stating that WWE, its fans and society in general were unkind to Rodney because he was black. He held challenges to demonstrate Rodney was a better wrestler than the white people that the booking favored. Teddy later took in other black wrestlers Mark Henry and Jazz, forming the stable Thuggin and Buggin Enterprises but also took white wrestler Chris Nowinski, [[Character Development|deciding it wasn't right to be hateful toward white people]]. When injuries and show trades destroyed Thuggin and Buggin Enterprises, Teddy Long moved on to manage another white wrestler, Mark Jindrak, stating that Mark was underappreciated by WWE, its fans and society in general, who couldn't see he was the "Reflection of Perfection". Later, Theodore Long became Smackdown's general manager and [[Heel Face Turn|did his best to give wrestlers equal opportunity]].
* Around 2004/2005, Chavo Guerrero came to the conclusion that his Hispanic heritage was a disadvantage he needed to reject to "reach his full potential". Chavo died his hair blond, used makeup to make his skin appear "less Mexican" then changed his name to Kerwin White. Kerwin set out to prove his whiteness by wearing khaki pants with collared polo shirts, golfing and ''attacking black wrestlers''. To insult fans, Kerwin justified his behavior by noting on the day of his first appearance in the WWE his WWE.com page had three times the traffic that [[That Man Is Dead|Chavo's]] had the previous month. Kerwin also periodically updated fans on how he was adjusting to life in "Middle Class America".
* And then there's Paul Heyman, who in his run as a heel manager was very much disparaging of Hispanic wrestlers. In an episode of Smackdown, after a match between Rey Mysterio and the late [[Eddie Guerrero]], Heyman showed up in order to deliver a bigoted speech to them about how they can "forget about being drafted" and how he hopes that the two of them and their families get deported before ranting on about his "vision" for Smackdown. Heyman got his comeuppance quickly when he made the mistake of closing his rant with [[Tempting Fate|"...and there's not a man alive who's gonna stand in my way,"]] which prompted [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KfOIr1HGtc the Undertaker to show up and kick his ass.]
Line 193 ⟶ 197:
** He actually inverted the trope in a sense when on one episode of ''Monday Night Raw'' R-Truth (who is black) came down to the ring dressed as a ''Confederate general'' (to make the point that he wanted to "secede" from WWE). Justified in that R-Truth had pretty much gone insane by this point (and also in that [[Reality Is Unrealistic|there]] ''[[Reality Is Unrealistic|were]]'' [[Reality Is Unrealistic|black Confederate soldiers toward the end of the American Civil War]], but that's neither here nor there).
* [[John Bradshaw Layfield]] in his JBL gimmick was racist against Asians and Latinos, and a misogynist to boot. He also couldn't stand foreigners of any kind, even if they were white. However, this did not stop him from loudly supporting ''all'' the heels, even the nonwhite ones, when he was an [[Affably Evil]] color commentator alongside [[Michael Cole]] for a year or so, and even calling Cole a "xenophobe" when Cole tried to criticize foreign heels. Whether this was intended as [[Hypocritical Humor]] or was just a [[Zig-Zagging Trope]] is hard to determine.
== Tabletop Games ==
* The Coalition States from ''[[Rifts]]'' are the go-to bad guys of the setting due to their xenocidal attitude toward Dimensional Beings and creatures of magic. Their promotion of illiteracy and their seeking to destroy magical artifacts doesn't endear them too well to the rest of the setting either.
* Just about everyone in ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' is one of these, [[Politically Incorrect Hero|including the heroes]] ([[Black and Grey Morality|if they can even be considered heroes]]).
** Orks will kill anything that isn't considered orky enough. Including other orks.
== Theater ==
Line 206 ⟶ 208:
** (Partially?) averted when a song points out that everybody is a little bit racist.
* ''[[Finian's Rainbow]]'' has Rawkins, a bigoted Senator, who due to a wish made on top of Leprechaun's pot of gold is turned into an African-American.
* ''[[Othello]]''{{'}}s Iago is racist, sexist, xenophobic -- you name it. This is obviously to establish him as a bad man but he still [[Misaimed Fandom|inexplicably has his fans]]. His stooge Roderigo is also disgustingly racist.
== Video Games ==
== Videogames ==
* Copperfield and the Creeper from ''[[The Suffering]]: Ties That Bind.'' One's a slave hunter with an approach to work taken from ''[[The Most Dangerous Game]]''; the other's a misogynistic ex-pimp serial killer who uses the corpses of his victims as [[Combat Tentacles]].
* The titular [[MacGuffin]] of ''[[Syphon Filter]]'' is a virus designed to target specific races.
* In ''[[Prototype (video game)|Prototype]]'', Hope, Idaho was used for an experiment {{spoiler|to ''develop'' a virus that might as well be [[Syphon Filter]]}}.
* Lord Nemesis in ''[[City of Heroes]]'' is such a [[Magnificent Bastard]] that it comes as a shock to some players when they come across evidence of his racism -- after all, he started as a Prussian tinkerer in the Civil War. His [[Moral Event Horizon|more despicable acts]] include {{spoiler|killing off an entire alternate Earth full of people, who '"didn't count'" because they were black}}, and in [[Player Punch|a more personal moment]], {{spoiler|killing an African member of Longbow who's been your sympathetic ally}}. He's also sexist but that gets [[Played for Laughs]] when he talks down to [[Lady of War|Lady Grey]].
* General Sarrano from ''[[Bulletstorm]]'' is one, on top of being a genocidal and EXTREMELY''extremely'' foul-mouthed [[Complete Monster]].
* Quite a bit of [[Karma Meter|Renegade]] choices in ''[[Mass Effect]]'' follow this trope, ranging from [[Evil Is Petty|insulting your non-human teammates]] to actual genocide and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|supporting a "humans first" political party]].
* Ad Avis, one of the main [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s in ''[[Quest for Glory]],'' has this as part of his backstory. He went out to train under the Dark Master, one of the most powerful wizards in existence. When he finally tracked him down, he learned it was a ''she''. He was immediately insulted at the thought of a woman being better than him, and challenged her to a duel. [[Humiliation Conga|He lost, was enslaved for fifty years, and then cursed to become a vampire upon death.]]
* The Watcher in ''[[Darksiders]]'' isn't content with merely being a [[Jerkass]] to War. He also talks down to the Archangel Uriel, calling her "wench" and "whore" while ordering War to finish her off. In a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], War refuses to obey despite the Watcher's attempts to force obedience. Like the rest of his jackassery, this bites the Watcher in the ass when {{spoiler|Uriel chops off his hand and breaks the Seventh Seal, freeing War in the process.}}
* In ''[[Anchorhead]]'', the [[Big Bad]] {{spoiler|Croesus, possessing the protagonist's husband Michael}} uses sexist insults against the female protagonist.
* Caesar in ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]] ''believes that only men are capable of being warriors; women in the Legion, unless they are chosen to be his '"priestesses'" and indoctrinate children into his ideology, are only useful as slave labor.
** They also are racist to Ghouls and Super Mutants, something that almost no one else cares about, however they at least don't shot them on sight.
** Lead Designer Joshua Sawyer has noted that ''everyone'' in the legion is Caesar's slave.
* Zed, the first boss in ''[[Lollipop Chainsaw]]''; the insults he launches at Juliet include calling her a "bitch", "slut", "whore"... pretty much every misogynistic slur in the book. Notable in that he can [[Words Can Break My Bones| use his foul language as a literal weapon]] in the [[Boss Battle]].
== Web Comics ==
* Dr. Nofun from ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' has comically intense misogyny, alternately painting women as stupid and useless, and evil schemers out to destroy all men. {{spoiler|Subverted when it turns out to be just an act -- the weak-willed women and terrified men that would want to work for someone who shows this kind of behavior are easy to manipulate.}}
* [[Villain Protagonist]] Black Mage from ''[[8-Bit Theater|Eight Bit Theater]]'' demonstrates a ludicrous level of racism in one strip, acting like an offensive Japanese stereotype while impersonating Black Belt. White Mage points out that not only is it offensive, but Black Belt isn't even Asian to begin with.
** He also practices fantastic racism. His only qualms about eating his teammates is that he "just didn't want to eat that greasy, foreign" elf. Thief returns the sentiment and also hates the dwarves, because just about everyone in ''8-Bit'' is evil, so just about everyone is racist. Of course, Black Mage is the worst by far.
* General Tarquin from ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'' is [[Affably Evil]] incarnate at first glance, but is [[The Bluebeard]] under the surface. So far, he's had no less than nine wives, one of whom died 'of mysterious circumstances' ({{spoiler|it turns out that Tarquin actually had nothing to do with that, as she was killed by a spell that wiped anyone related by blood to her her first husband's family, and she got hit with the blood relation due to having a child with said husband}}) and at least one of whom was tortured into accepting (i.e, he had her feet frozen in a block of ice).
** Of course, he treats men about as badly--itbadly—it's just that he's not interested in having sex with them, so they're more likely to just be imprisoned or executed.
* [http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2453#comic This] ''[[Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]]'' portrays an accidental example.
== Web Originals ==
Line 243:
'''Goku:''' AAAAGH! That was in terrible taste!
'''Vegeta:''' Don't care! Evil! *Crushes* }}
* A lot of people quoted on FSTDT''[[Fundies Say the Darndest Things]]'' are like this, but [https://web.archive.org/web/20131030055600/http://fstdt.com/Search.aspx?Fundie=Doom&Page=1 Doctor Doom] ([[Doctor Doom|no relation]]) from Free Conservatives is probably the most politically incorrect.
* [[Played for Laughs]] by ''[[Mastermind (web animation)|Mastermind]]'' who, among other things, schedules an appointment with one of his lackeys ''just'' to harass him for being named "Gaylord."
{{quote|'''Mastermind:''' Because your name ''doesn't'' have the word "gay" in it.
'''Gaylord:''' It also has the word "lord"!
'''Mastermind:''' Because it's not that you ''like'' to have a gay [[This Trope Is Bleep|(bleep)]] up the ass!<br />
'''Gaylord:''' [[Berserk Button|Did. You. Actually. Need. Me. For something. Sir??]] }}
== Western Animation ==
Line 255 ⟶ 254:
* The Monarch from ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'' dabbles in this from time to time. He is never outrageously offensive, but the intent is there when he uses the word "retard" in front of the mentally challenged Ned. [[Word of God|Doc Hammer]] said that the dialogue exchange was inspired by his mother lecturing him about using the word in the show, but Hammer saying the point is that The Monarch is a villain and doesn't care about political correctness.
* Eric Cartman from ''[[South Park]]'' could be considered a politically incorrect [[Villain Protagonist]].
** Kyle's mom becomes somewhat of a [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]] towards Canadians in [[The Movie]], despite the fact that her own adopted son is Canadian.
*** ...Which is perfectly in character for her. It is established quite early in the series that she's something of a hypocrite.
* In ''[[Celebrity Deathmatch]]'', there's a fight where [[wikipedia:John Rocker|John Rocker]] battles Derek Jeter. Unsurprisingly, John Rocker doesn't get the most sympathetic of portrayals and is electrocuted to death by the match's end.
Line 268 ⟶ 267:
* ''[[Generator Rex]]'': the Constortium, who are part of the [[Big Bad Ensemble]] in season 3, are incredibly obvious misogynes. Of course, since their lieutnant [[The Starscream|Black Knight]] is a [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bitch]] and a [[Dark Action Girl]], this ends up bitting them VERY hard in the ass...
* ''[[Ben 10: Alien Force]]'' gives use the Highbreeds, who are bascally an alien version of the Nazis. In the same vein, the Forever Knights were portrayed as a paramilitary, [[Fantastic Racism|anti-alien]] group with fanatical behaviour during the Alien Force/Ultimate Alien era (though they were more stoic and rationnal scientists in the original series).
* While bad jokes about minorities are common on ''[[Family Guy]]'', few members of the cast can rarely be called actual bigots, but some minor characters stand out:
** Francis, Peter's asshole of an adoptive father. An old curmudgeon with exaggerated [[Fundamentalist]] views, he despises anyone who isn't Roman Catholic, and vehemently objected to his stepson marrying Lois for that reason. He went so far as to tape a sign under the "Just Married" sign on their car at their wedding that said "to a Protestant whore".
** Carter, Lois' ''actual'' father (and often regarded as the main antagonist of the whole series), is little better. Descended from slave owners, Carter is depicted as a stereotypical conservative billionaire, he disapproves of gay marriage (saying, "next they'll be wanting to vote!") and employs Mexican immigrants working as gardeners at substandard wages. Also, despite marrying a Jewish woman (Lois' mother, of course) he is very anti-Semetic, and forced his wife conceal her faith so he'd be accepted in upper class social clubs with "exclusive" membership requirements. Note this is far from the only reason Carter is scum.
** Quite a few one-shot villains too, such as Sheriff Nichols from "Cool Hand Peter" ([[Dirty Cop| a not-so-noble bigot with a badge]]) and Franz Schlechtnacht from "German Guy", an actual Nazi; confronting him was likely the most admirable thing [[Dirty Old Man| Herbert]] ever did on the show.
* Princess Clara in ''[[Drawn Together]]''; embodying the worst of [[The Fundamentalist|Christian Fundamentalism]], she is blatantly anti-Semitic, believing and spreading well-known anti-Semitic [[Conspiracy Theories]] like well-poisoning. Ironically, her voice actress, [[Tara Strong]], is Jewish.
[[Category:Prejudice Tropes]]
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[[Category:Politically-Incorrect Villain{{PAGENAME}}]]