From the 2010 version:

  • Cookie's verbal demolishing of the pound's surly visitor in "Rebel Without A Collar":

(Cookie approaches a muddy canine)
Cookie: Hey there. I'm Cookie, and...
Fang: Cookie? What kind of name is that? Sounds like something a human would think of.
Cookie: Well, as a matter of fact, it is, and I...
Fang: Listen, Cookie, how 'bout you take your adorable human name, turn around, and go bother someone else? We got nothin' to discuss.
Cookie: Oh, really? Well, listen, tough guy, I'm sure the alpha male routine works on some dogs, but I got an operation to run and...
Fang: That's just fascinating. Meanwhile, I got...
Cookie: You did not just interrupt the Cookie! Honey, I don't know who you are or where you come from. What I do know is you're filthy and you smell like a dog park dumpster on a hot day in August!
Fang: Uhhh...
Cookie: Did I ask a question to which the answer is 'Uhhhhh'? Now, hush up and listen! You will come out of that kennel and you will take a bath! And once you're clean, you will drop the attitude, you will smile, and you will help us help you out!
Fang: (Looks up acquiescently) Okay.
Cookie: (surprised) Really?
Fang: No one's ever talked to me like that. (Nods head) I kinda liked it. Name's Fang.

    • (As a note, this is the dialogue that lead to Niblet's reaction under Parental Bonus on the main page.)