Pragmatic Villainy: Difference between revisions

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* He needed [[Wonder Woman]] to point it out, but no, Ares does not support nuclear and biological war. If everyone died, there would be no one left to fight wars anymore.
* [[Darkseid]] will never try to conquer the universe through [[Time Travel]] on the grounds that it is far too reckless.
** [[Enemy Mine|Also the reason he teamed up with the rest of the heroes]] to take down the [[Crisis on Infinite Earths|Anti-Monitor.]] It wasn't out of the goodness of his heart, but if anyone was going to destroy and conquer the universe, [[Only I Can Kill Him|it's going to be him.]]
* Christu Bulat from [[The Punisher|The Punisher MAX]], in total contrast to his [[Ax Crazy|father]]. The relationship between the two is rather strained because Christu views human trafficking as a business and raping girls as just part of the business. He also berates his father for using his bare hands instead of a gun to kill a gang member, as well as for shooting the whole gang. As you could guess from his profession, though, he's still a [[Complete Monster|heartless, raping bastard]].
** His pragmatism is best demonstrated by {{spoiler|his willingness to kill his own father. It doesn't work out, both because he underestimated his father and because he gets disemboweled}}.
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* A Russian mob boss during Chuck Dixon's run on the ''Green Arrow'' comic displayed this trope in spades when his psychotically violent loan shark collector managed to offend the local resident superheroes. Having already decided to cut this guy loose because his excessive love of violence was resulting in decreased revenue (the point is, after all, to beat them up enough to motivate them to pay their debts, not to beat them to death for shits and grins because dead people don't make loan payments), the mob boss walks in on his enforcer while he's managed to get Green Arrow (who was coming after him to investigate his latest murder rampage) trapped in a pit. 'Look at this, boss! We can just throw grenades in the pit and shoot him! I win, yes?' His boss responded by shooting the ''enforcer'' instead, and helping Green Arrow out of the pit.
{{quote|'''Mob Boss:''' Idiot. This man is a superhero. They ''always'' have friends. Kill him and tomorrow I will have ''Superman'' pulling me out of my car.}}
== Fan Works ==