Pragmatic Villainy: Difference between revisions

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** Also, despite being brain-eating eldritch monsters, illithids generally have good relations with their neighbors. This is because they have the power to astrally project themselves into other planes of existence, and so never actually eat any of their neighbors because their neighbors know where they live. Instead they largely confine their raiding to extra-planar or remote victims who have no practical way to reach their tormentors, or even find out what planet they live on.
** Also, since the illithid method of travel has an imprecise arrival point, illithids have a practical reason to keep a several-mile radius around their home free of predators and other dangers. Between this and their "don't eat where you keep your shit" policy, its actually safer to live right next door to an illithid colony than it is to live next door to pretty much any other sentient race in the Underdark save the good-aligned deep gnomes.
** Illithids will also often make alliances with humanoid of savage natures and limited intelligence, like grimlocks. Since grimlocks eat the flesh of other humanoids, they tend to take care of any brainless corpses the illithids leave behind. 5th edition takes this further, claiming grimlocks are descendants of a human-like species that worshipped illithids back when they ruled large empires.
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