Preacher (Comic Book)/YMMV: Difference between revisions

Yeah, not sure you've read either/both of those. Ignoring that Garth Ennis is pretty consistent about his views, the word "bigoted" combined with the context of your edit summary implies the blatantly false equivalency of anti-Christian views with anti-Islam ones. That ignores the several other themes Preacher actually explores in favor of comparing it to a work that actually exists for nothing else but an Islamophobic screed. Apples and oranges comparison motivated by apparent personal offense.
(Ennis' view of organized religion is a prejudiced one, and Preacher is similar to the anti-Islamic comic "Holy Terror" by Frank Miller (unlike Garth Ennis though, Miller was apologetic over his comic))
(Yeah, not sure you've read either/both of those. Ignoring that Garth Ennis is pretty consistent about his views, the word "bigoted" combined with the context of your edit summary implies the blatantly false equivalency of anti-Christian views with anti-Islam ones. That ignores the several other themes Preacher actually explores in favor of comparing it to a work that actually exists for nothing else but an Islamophobic screed. Apples and oranges comparison motivated by apparent personal offense.)
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* [[Acceptable Religious Targets]]: One of the main reasons this series exists is to make fun of and/or piss off Christians and Christianity, in a display of bigotry on the author's part.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Marie L'Angelle is utterly ''terrifying'', and in Preacher that is quite an accomplishment.
** Allfather D'Aronique is also utterly repulsive, in [[Big Eater|more]] [[Fat Bastard|ways]] [[Gonk|than]] [[We Have Reserves|one]], as is [[The Napoleon|Odin Quincannon]].
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* [[Crosses the Line Twice]]: Repeatedly.
** More like it crosses the line six times and is still looking for the next line to cross, with no sign of stopping.
* [[Designated Villain]]: God, until Alamo. The main reason Jesse goes after him is to make God apologise for earth being a [[Crapsack World]] even though it's pointed out humans have complete free will and made the world the way it is. However over the course of the comic, God isn't presented as a bad person, really just a coward. In fact he only attacks Jesse for attempting to use the Word, so it's actually self-defence considering Jesse does kill and hurt with slight provocation. It isn't until Jesse's conversation with the Saint at the Alamo that we discover any real crime. {{spoiler|God started the war in Heaven and made a earth the way it was just to see who would love him.}}
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Arseface.
* [[God Mode Sue]] / [[Villain Sue]] (Until his quasi [[Heel Face Turn]]): The Saint. ''Nothing'' can kill him and he can kill everything. At least Jessie getting him once with the Word of God showed he wasn't completely invincible.
** Possibly justified, given that, well, he's ''[[The Grim Reaper|Death]]''. Being unkillable and able to kill anything sort of comes with the job decription.
* [[HSQ]]: Just keeps going ''up'' and ''up'' in the War of the Sun arc. {{spoiler|The Saint goes from ''kicking a tank'' to being hit with a ''nuke''!}}
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Herr Starr. Even after being nigh-completely mentally and physically destroyed, he's still just about the baddest motherfucker in the valley. (Okay. Second baddest.)
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: The Saint crossed it when he [[Shoot the Hostage|Shot A Hostage]].
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* [[Narm]]: Done deliberately for Arseface. And it works.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: Angelville and it's inhabitants. Jesse's childhood. Starr's [[Start of Darkness]].
* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome]]: {{spoiler|The Saint of Killers takes on the ''entire'' Heavenly Host. We only see the aftermath.}}
* [[Squick]]: Odin Quincannon's meat shed. Ew.
** Try everything in the series. Every kind of Squick you can think of, ever, is PROBABLY in Preacher somewhere.
*** [[But You Screw One Goat!|You sluts!]]
* [[Values Dissonance]]: In the Arseface origin story. Both kids suffer pretty much ever textbook case of bullying, at home and at school, without even a hint of help of escape coming from anyone or anywhere. After they try to kill themselves, resulting in one death and one horrible disfigurement, the survivor gets yelled at: He should just have been tougher!
** [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: After his [[Happily-Failed Suicide]], Arseface’s best friend’s sister asked him why he and her brother were [[Driven to Suicide]]. Arseface answers (writes) [[Wangst|''Nobody cared'']]. To the only person who cared enough to visit him in the hospital and whose brother is dead. After she delivers a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] ''“If you two did you this to yourselves, then you didn’t care neither!”'', Arseface has a [[Heel Realization]] and his ephiphany let him become the only decent human being in the main cast who truly [[Earn Your Happy Ending|earned a happy ending]].
* [[The Woobie]]: Arseface - his father is an abusive [[Jerkass]] and most of his peers aren't much better. Then he is horribly disfigured by a botched suicide attempt and it goes downhill from there...