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[[File:Private_Snafu_2520.jpg|frame|The man himself.]]
A [[Wartime Cartoon]] series made during the [[The Golden Age of Animation|1940s]], starring the eponymous Private Snafu<ref>An acronym for, as the say in the first short, "'''S'''ituation '''N'''ormal, '''A'''ll ''<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[beat]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>'' '''F'''uckedouled '''U'''p"</ref> set during the struggle of [[World War II]]. Produced by [[Warner Bros]]. for the Army-Navy Screen Magazine, these cartoons showed Snafu's adventures in the Army. They usually ended with various [[Aesop|Aesops]] concerning proper military behavior, via the comfounding insipid acts of the brash but ignorant Snafu. It could be considered a [[Spin-Off]] of the [[Looney Tunes]] and [[Merrie Melodies]] series of cartoons, supported by a few cameos of [[Bugs Bunny]] and usage of [[Mel Blanc]] as the voice of the bumbling Snafu.
''Private Snafu'' was largely sealed away after the end of the war and was not widely seen again until [[Cartoon Network]] offered a peek at several cartoons in [[The Nineties|the late 1990s]]. A few shorts appeared as extras in the ''Looney Tunes: Golden Collection'' DVDs. One of the shorts has been lost; 2528 of the surviving 32 shorts are available for viewing on the Internet Archive (links are provided in the filmography).
A complete chronological DVD release of the whole set of Private SNAFU cartoons newly remastered from the best extant film elements, was released by Thunderbean in December 2010.
Oh and [[Dr. Seuss]] wrote many of the early shorts in his characteristic rhyme.
* [ Coming!! Snafu] ([[Chuck Jones]]): 1943-06-XX
* [ Gripes] ([[Friz Freleng]]): 1943-07-XX
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* [ Booby Traps] (Bob Clampett): 1944-01-XX
* [ Snafuperman] (Friz Freleng): 1944-03-XX
* [ Private Snafu vs. Malaria Mike] (Chuck Jones): 1944-03-XX
* [ A Lecture on Camouflage] (Chuck Jones): 1944-04-XX ''(note: the audio and video are not synchronized properly on this short)''
* [ Gas] (Chuck Jones): 1944-05-XX
* [ The Chow Hound] (Frank Tashlin): 1944-06-XX
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* [[Big Eater]]: Snafu in "Chow Hound".
* [[Booby Trap]]: Has an entire cartoon on the subject, including one [[Gag Boobs|very]] [[Action Bomb|literal]] example.
* [[The Cameo]]: [[Bugs Bunny]] cameos in the shorts "Gas" and "Three Brothers". Plus, Private Snafu himself makes an appearance in ''[[Animaniacs]]''.
* [[Deranged Animation]]: The climax of "Rumors", which features the bologna ([[Visual Pun|meant to represent the gossip growing out of control]]) becoming sentient creatures and reaching the point where the rumor from earlier turns into "We've lost the war". These nightmarish creatures in question look like something ripped out of a Dr. Seuss book--no surprise, since he worked on these shorts.
* [[Distracted by the Sexy]]: At least one short warned of the dangers of accidentally revealing sensitive information to beautiful women who might turn out to be spies. Also parodied in "Booby Traps", where it makes it ''seem'' like he's distracted by a harem of girls--only to reveal that it was a ''piano'' that caught his attention!
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* [[Gossip Evolution]]: Military style! "Rumors" begins with Snafu being informed that it looks like a good day for a bombing, taking this to mean that they're about to get bombed, and spreading to others who in turn spread it until it becomes a rumor that they're about to lose the war. (In a nice touch of visual metaphor, the passage of the rumors is represented by baloney flying out of people's mouths.)
* [[Last-Second Word Swap]]: The narration of the very first cartoon explains the derivation of the name Snafu. As the letters '''SNAFU''' are displayed on screen, the narrator says: "Snafu. Situation Normal, All ..." (the narrator pauses as the letter "F" on screen vibrates) "... All Fouled Up."
* [[Let's Meet the Meat]]: theThe chewwhole houndpoint to "Chow Hound"
* [[Loose Lips]]: The essential aesopAesop to the short, ''Spies'', in which Snafu inadvertently blabs bit by bit all the spies around him need to know about his ship's departure time.
* [[Mime-and-Music-Only Cartoon]]: "Pay Day", by Friz Freleng, is pretty much dialog free, relying on music and timing to accentuate the visual gags. The only dialog is at the very end.
* [[Missing Episode]]: ''Going Home'', which was never officially released because the [[MacGuffin]] resembled an atomic bomb. This one is a bit more interesting; the planned final SNAFU short, "Secrets Of The Pacific", was actually fully aimated before it was shelved at the last minute for unknown reasons, making it the subject of many [[Epileptic Trees]].
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* [[Shout-Out]]: Carl Stalling makes one to his early Disney work by reusing a musical score he composed for the [[Silly Symphonies]] short "Hell's Bells" in the opening of "Hot Spot".
* [[Stealth Pun]]: The short ''Hot Spot'' has the Devil watching the army travel through a desert. Throughout the short, we see him breaking down in the heat as he strips out of his business suit and uses any liquids to keep himself cool. The joke, of course, is that {{spoiler|It's hotter than Hell out there!}}
* [[They Killed Kenny Again]]: Private Snafu is killed in 6 shorts.
* [[The Cameo]]: [[Bugs Bunny]] cameos in the shorts "Gas" and "Three Brothers". Plus, Private Snafu himself makes an appearance in ''[[Animaniacs]]''.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Private Snafu. Of course, since it's a primarily an instructional series, the entire point is to show [[PlotForgot InducedAbout StupidityHis Powers|how]] ''[[Plot Induced Stupidity|not]]'' [[Plot Induced Stupidity|to act.]] That said, it's a wonder he wasn't rejected 4F due to mental incompetence.
* [[They Killed Kenny]]: Private Snafu is killed in 6 shorts.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Private Snafu. Of course, since it's a primarily an instructional series, the entire point is to show [[Plot Induced Stupidity|how]] ''[[Plot Induced Stupidity|not]]'' [[Plot Induced Stupidity|to act.]] That said, it's a wonder he wasn't rejected 4F due to mental incompetence.
* [[Wartime Cartoon]]
* [[Weapons Understudies]]: At least one cartoon was pulled from theaters before exhibition owing to serious similarities to the Manhattan Project, which at the time was a top-secret undertaking.
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* [[Xylophone Gag]]: [[Trope Maker|Originated]] in the cartoon ''Booby Traps''.
* [[Yanks With Tanks]]
* [[Yellow Peril]]: The japaneseJapanese caricatures, natch.
* [[Zettai Ryouki]]: [[Played With]] by Snafu's girlfriend Sally Lou in ''Censored'' when reading his letter. Normally, this trope requires the young lady to be wearing a skirt...
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