• Santino Rice and his impersonation of Tim Gunn from Season 2.

Tim: Santino, I'd like to discuss these "impressions" you've been doing of me.
Santino: (facepalms) Oh, no...

(Tim motions for the camera to follow him to Santino's work station.)

Santino: (to cameraman) No, you don't want to see this.

Tim: Yes he does.

    • Andrae's reaction to the whole incident: "Is there anyone out there like Santino? In the world? I don't think so. And if there is, don't call me, please. Because one is enough."
  • Season 2: Santino Rice sings "Lighten Up, It's Just Fashion".
  • While not from the show itself, Santino hosting the radio call-in show "Ring My Bell" is hilarious. Especially when he gets a call from...well, you just have to see it. (Warning: NSFW)
  • Andrae's 9 minute 50 second crying jag on the runway. It's all in the reactions: some of the models and designers are crying, too...and then you get to Santino, who has barely contained church giggles, and then as we hit the 5 minute mark more and more people just looking bored and hoping for a break in the crying so they can move on.
  • During Season 2's "Social Scene" challenge, Tim and Lupe discuss her design:

Gudalupe: (to Tim) I thought it looked like crap.
Tim: I'm not going to debate that.
Gudalupe: Yeah, it looked like crap.
(They stare at the design.)
Tim: ...I'll leave you alone.

  • Season 8, Episode 11: Ivy begins harassing Michael Costello, accusing him of cheating, and ends her voiceover/interview by warning him that karma will get him. Cut to a scene of Ivy nearly getting hit in the eye by a flying needle. Also counts as a Crowning Moment of Awesome for the editing staff.
  • Three words: Animal Wooly Balls.
  • Michael Kors' contagious laughter. The fact that it's so out of character for Michael made it even funnier.
  • Tim Gunn chasing Swatch the dog through Mood. The .gif of this moment became extremely popular on Tumblr.
  • Three words: Anthony Ryan. Banana.
  • Tim Gunn making Team Nuts & Bolts do a prayer circle. The other designers didn't know how to react to that one.
  • When Olivier asks Tim Gunn about D cup boobs, Tim's hilariously deadpan reply that he doesn't have any personal experience with them, so he doesn't know.
  • Tim's deadpan declaration that "Jackie Kennedy would not have camel toe."
  • In "Sew '70s," Rich Bitch Laura Kathleen goes on an extended rant about how Nina doesn't understand her taste and style. The editors cut to Viktor Luna looking up from his sewing machine with the most priceless look of disbelief.
  • During the Sheepdogs challenge, when the designers had to make outfits for a group of male rockers:

Tim Gunn: [The zipper on these men's pants]... it really draws your eye to the crotch.
Josh M: Right. {{[[[Author Appeal]] smiles}}]

  • Michael Kors' horrified scream upon seeing the back of Josh M's first look in "Sew '70s," made even funnier by the shots of Anthony Ryan and Viktor struggling to hold down giggle fits as Kors lights into the outfit.
    • Even funnier is that if you listen closely you can actually hear Joshua tell his model "Don't turn around" when Michael asks her to.
    • Also the shot of Michael Kors gearing up to ream the outfit as Josh introduces it. And Bert's "dear God" facial expression when Josh claims his outfit captures the joy and exuberance of the '70s. And Josh's pissy "ahem" as Viktor(?)'s giggles start to get the better of him. And best of all, the fact that this is all happening to the biggest Jerkass in the cast.
  • During Season 4's "What's The Skinny?", Tim tells Chris that he should make all his decisions early while his brain is still fresh, rather than in the middle of an all-night work session:

Tim: I’ve made more bad decisions at three o’clock in the morning than I can list.

(Several contestants begin to giggle.)

Steven: Can you give us names? We want names!

(Tim turns bright red.)

Tim: (takes off his glasses and laughs) I really am an old fart. My old brain didn’t even go there.

    • And then, as Tim leaves the workroom, Steven asks him if he's coming back at 4; Tim replies, "I just may. After I’ve made my bad 3 o’clock decision."
  • Season 5 finale. Guest judge Jennifer Lopez is not available due to a foot injury. So the new 4th judge is none other than...Tim Gunn! Yes, the same Tim Gunn that Kenley Collins had been rude to all season long. Oops! Needless to say, Kenley did not win! Nice girl Leanne won. Nice woman Korto got a very close 2nd place.
  • In Season 7, the Odd Couple pairing of Anthony Williams and Seth Aaron Henderson for a team challenge was pretty much an episode-long CMoF, a highlight being when Anthony chided Seth Aaron to "Stop acting up in front of company" during their consultation with Tim Gunn. A few moments can be seen here.
  • Season 2, Episode 7: When Emmett walks out in a neon pink skating outfit.
  • Season 2: Anything Santino does is basically golden. 0:31-0:43 What happened to Andrae?
  • Season 5: It's Tim Gunn! What more do I have to say?
  • Season 8: Tim is at it again!
  1. (once available on Bravo's website, but sadly lost when the show jumped networks)