Punch-Out!!/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== Opponents introduced in ''Super Punch-Out!!'' (SNES) ==
=== Gabby Jay ===
Yet another weak French boxer who, along with Glass Joe (his only career win), holds the WVBA record for most career losses.
Appears in: SNES
* [[Butt Monkey]]
* [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys]]: His trainer was even fellow Frenchman Glass Joe, whom his only win was against.
* [[Determinator]]: "I'll never retire! I can win at least once more. C'mon!!"
* [[Jobber]]: To the point of having the ''exact same record'' as Glass Joe.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: Replaces Glass Joe in ''Super Punch-Out!!''. Of course, Joe's his trainer, so it makes more sense than a Japanese boxer (Piston Hondo) replacing a Cuban boxer (Piston Hurricane).
=== Bob Charlie ===
A Jamaican boxer with rhythm, Bob can shuck and jive past opponents and deliver a nasty helicopter punch.
Appears in: SNES
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Of [[Street Fighter|Dee Jay]]
* [[Confusion Fu]]
* [[Dance Battler]]
* [[Everything's Better with Spinning]]: His Whirlwind punch.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]] / [[Shout-Out]]: To Bob Marley
=== Masked Muscle ===
A Masked Mexican wrestler who frequently resorts to using dirty tactics in the boxing ring, such as spitting and headbutting his opponents.
Appears in: SNES
* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[Cool Mask]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Spitting in the face of an opponent, doing a massive headbutt.
* [[Gratuitous Spanish]]
* [[Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught]]: Oh brother, does use this trope.
{{quote|Cheater? I don't know what you're takling about, amigo.}}
=== Aran Ryan ===
A rather unpredictable Irish fighter. In his Wii incarnation, he stands still even less, and comes back in Title Defense mode with a ''clearly illegal'' loaded-hidden-boxing-glove-on-a-rope.
Appears in: SNES, Wii
Voiced in the Wii game by: Stephen Webster
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Wii version
** In the cutscene before the fight, he's putting horseshoes into his gloves. Then before round 2 or 3, he's seen punching himself to psyche himself up, presumably with the horseshoes still in the gloves.
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: SNES Aran Ryan: no personality to speak of. Wii Aran Ryan: ''complete lunatic.''
** Presumably he stopped taking his medication between games.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]] - All he has to do now is [[Groin Attack|kick Little Mac in the crotch]] and he'll have broken every rule in the book.
* [[Confusion Fu]]
* [[Determinator]] / [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: In Super Punch-Out, Aran counters the super punch by charging at Mac, grabbing him and draining his energy. Unfortunately if he keeps getting super punched (timing is important here) he'll be stuck in pre-charge until he gets knocked down.
* [[Fighting Irish]]
* [[Foe Yay]]: "You're pretty like my sister!"
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: The SPO!! manual states that his mother demanded on the rather unusual spelling of his name, which in turn lead to him being teased and bullied at school, which in turn... Long story short, it all ends with Little Mac getting clobbered in the face with a horseshoe in a boxing glove.
** "[[Metroid|Aran]] [[Samus Is a Girl|is a girl's name!]]" "[[Action Girl|So?]]"
* [[Improvised Weapon]]: His boxing glove whip.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: If you hit him at just the right time when he's about to pull one of his dirty tricks, he'll go flying back into the ropes and automatically be knocked out.
* [[Lucky Seven]]: In the Wii game everything with him seems to go by a [[Rule of Three|rule of seven]]. For instance, when he gets up after being knocked down, it's always on the count of seven.
* [[Nightmare Face]]: The cutscenes in between rounds end with Aran making some pretty crazy looking facial expressions.
* [[Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught]]: The whip glove in TD mode.
** And the headbutts and the elbow slams and bouncing off the ring's ropes...
* [[Oireland]]: ''"Ye don't look Irish!"''
* [[Produce Pelting]] (to which he threatens the audience with bodily harm in his Title Defense version)
* [[Punny Name]]: His first name, Aran, sounds like the name for Ireland in the Irish language. However, the Wii game, which has dialog in multiple languages, shows that his primary language is English (not surprising, since Dublin isn't part of a region of the country that predominately uses Irish).
* [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]]: Super Punch-Out only.
* [[Screaming Warrior]]: The first time you fight him:
{{quote|'''Aran''': AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHH! Let's go! LET'S GO!}}
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: Was a [[Palette Swap|head swap]] of and had the same moves and win loss record as Pizza Pasta in Super Punch-Out. Oh what [[Divergent Character Evolution]] can do for a guy.
* [[Taking You with Me]]: When the Wii version is knocked down, he tries to take a wild swing at you as he spins around.
=== Heike Kagero ===
A Japanese kabuki fighter who likes to use his hair as a weapon.
Appears in: SNES
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Dance Battler]]: A practitioner of Nihon Buyo
* [[Doppleganger Spin]]: His "Mirage Dance" attack makes him much harder to hit.
* [[Gorgeous George]]
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: He [[Whip It Good|whips]] you with his [[Hair Flip|hair]].
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Noblewoman's Laugh]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Pretty being a relative term.
=== Mad Clown ===
A not-so-nice Italian clown who incorporates backhand punches and juggling balls into his act. Borrows a bit of his repertoire (including an infuriating invulnerability to body blows) from Bear Hugger.
* [[Acrofatic]]: Mad Clown will retreat by doing a few backflips.
Appears in: SNES
* [[Acrofatic]]: Can do backflips and frontflips, and will retreat by doing a few backflips.
* [[Fat Bastard]]
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: When his trainer announces it's "SHOW TIME!", Mad Clown goes absolutely ''ballistic'' on you.
* [[Monster Clown]]
* [[Stout Strength]]
* [[Unmoving Pattern]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Green Hair]]
=== Narcis Prince ===
British pretty-boy pugilist who hates being decked in the face. Guess what his weakness is?
Appears in: SNES
* [[Angry Eyebrows]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: His is in easy reach. All it takes is one smack to the face.
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Chest Insignia]]: The "V" on his sweater.
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[The Fighting Narcissist]]
* [[Gorgeous George]]
* [[Minor Injury Overreaction]]: Getting punched in the face.
* [[Not in the Face]]!: His [[Berserk Button]]. Pushing it causes him to fight much more aggressively (compared to his defensive style when he's calm) and leave himself open to more punishment (and facepunches) for roughly 20 seconds or when someone falls down, whichever comes first.
* [[Royal Brat]]
* [[Sleeves Are for Wimps]]
* [[Warrior Prince]]
=== Hoy Quarlow ===
An old Chinese master who's seen his share of fights over the years. Never leaves home without his trusty walking stick.
Appears in: SNES
* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Most of his attacks involve him either kicking you or attacking you with his stick.
** In fact, it's rather surprising that the WVBA accepted him, since what he least does is ''punching''...
*** [[Fridge Brilliance|Maybe he's practicing Chinese Boxing?]]
* [[Elderly Sensei]]
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Simple Staff]]
=== Rick Bruiser ===
An appropriately-named champion-level boxer in the Special Circuit. His only career loss has come at the hands of his brother, Nick.
Appears in: SNES
* [[Affably Evil]]: He's a lot more talkative than Nick, and he actually smiles.
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Counter Attack]]: After a super punch
* [[Different As Night and Day]]: From Nick. Brash, aggressive and egotistical, but also [[Worthy Opponent|accepts losing to Little Mac]] [[Graceful Loser|in the end]].
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Ground Pound]]
* [[The Paralyzer]]: He can disable one of your arms for 10 seconds, preventing you from blocking or punching with that arm.
* [[Parts Unknown]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Red Oni]]{{context|reason=Who is the blue oni?}}
=== Nick Bruiser ===
Rick's older brother. Speaks a lot less, and hits a ''lot'' harder. Rules over the WVBA with a pair of iron fists.
Appears in: SNES (champion)
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Blue Oni]]{{context|reason=Who is the red oni?}}
* [[Different As Night and Day]]: From Rick. Quiet, quick and calculating. He's never lost before Mac beat him so he's having a hard time accepting it.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Now It's My Turn]]: After letting himself get attacked.
* [[The Paralyzer]]: also has it. Unlike Rick, he will do this to ''both'' your arms. And even losing use of one prevents you from comboing him after a stun.
* [[Parts Unknown]]
* [[The Quiet One]]
* [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]]: Unlike Piston Hurricane's and Aran Ryan's versions, it is not advised that you try to block the entire move, since Nick's is capable of doing damage when blocked (and is the only move aside from your super punches able to do this.)
== Opponents introduced in ''Punch-Out!!'' (Wii) ==