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== Music ==
{{quote|''"All of us get lost in the darkness''
''Dreamers learn to steer by the stars''
''All of us do time in the gutters''
''Dreamers turn to look at the cars"''
|'''[[Rush]]''', ''The Pass''}}
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|Pioneer FM deejay '''Charles Laquidara.'''}}
{{quote|"''[The Canadian radio industry] frustrates me so much. I want to see it flourish, I want to hear great material being produced by quality radio hosts, but instead it’s amateur hour all throughout the country as the corporations slash budgets and hire people fresh out of school (or who never even went to school) who aren’t ready to be in front of the mic in markets that should only be hiring seasoned veterans…"veterans...''
|'''A Dose of Buckley''', ''[https://adoseofbuckley.wordpress.com/2013/06/20/radio-hypocrisy/ Radio Hypocrisy]''}}
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|'''Rikana''', ''Mix Ore''}}
{{quote|''"You can't talk yourself out of loneliness, it doesn't work that way.''
''You can't be the one writing both the questions and the answers, then there's no movement! Then there's no circulation!''
''If all of your anxieties are being channeled into your work, then if the work ever fails you have no backup and you're just going to crash."''
|'''[[Author Avatar|Davey Wreden]]''' of ''[[The Stanley Parable]]'' fame, on the dialogue of one of Coda's games, ''The Beginner's Guide''}}
{{quote|''"Their catch phrase for EOS Online is "For the [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]] that you've lost." The only thing that I have lost while testing this game is interest."''
|[http://steparu.com/reviews/mmo-rpg-reviews/1016-eos-online-review ''Steparu Review'']}}
{{quote|"While [[Clannad (visual novel)|Clannad]] certainly has a bunch of the generic "lol Japan is perverts", I'd be hard-pressed to call it a game designed for porn. I mean, if you enjoy masturbating to your own tears, that's not the game's fault."
|'''Ad__Hominem''', ''[[Reddit]] [https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3vx6cl/so_abc_tv_show_good_game_just_did_an_episode_on/ (r/KotakuInAction, So the ABC tv show Good Game just did an episode on sex in games...)]''}}
{{quote|''"Who'd of thought it, huh? A bunch of small towners like us wrapped up in an adventure like this."''
|'''Olivia''', |''Minecraft: Story Mode''}}
{{quote|''"It's one of those games that [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|seems to do exactly what it set out to do]]. Neverending Nightmares does indeed trap you in a seemingly never-ending cycle of wandering halls and avoiding monsters. It just does it in a far more tedious and uninteresting way than your own mind would."''
|'''Audish''', ''[[Steam]] review of [http://steamcommunity.com/id/maudish/recommended/253330/ Neverending Nightmare]''}}
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|Randall Munroe|''[[xkcd]]'', "[https://xkcd.com/1216/ Sticks and Stones]"}}
{{quote|''Well, it's not like communications are difficult and being polite is never a waste of bandwidth. ''
|Florence, |''[[Freefall]]'' #[http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff3600/fc03557.htm 3557]}}
{{quote|''My job is to protect the world. Not the status quo.''
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|''[[Freefall]]'' #[http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff3600/fv03597.htm 3597]}}
{{quote|'' If microgravity caused rapid fat loss instead of muscle loss, humans would have had a vastly overfunded space program and been an interplanetary species by the 1970's.''{{sic}}|Sam Starfall, ''[[Freefall]] #[http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff3700/fv03628.htm 3628]}}
{{quote|'''Kengarff''': I'm sorry about Commander Teff, sir.