
Ralph Sepe Jr., better known as ralphthemoviemaker, is a filmmaker and film critic. In his reviews, he focuses on badly made Hollywood blockbusters, but also looks at awful independent films and ridiculous TV series. His scathing style of critique has attracted well-known fans like Armoured Skeptic, I Hate Everything and YourMovieSucks. He also co-hosts Sardonicast with the latter two.

"Me Ralph. Me makes movies."

"I don't review bad movies. I review products that pretend to be movies."

Ralph's films are made with low budgets and center around dark and dramatic stories based on his life experiences.

His YouTube channel can be found here and his Patreon here.

  • King Candy (2015)
  • Lover (2018)
  • Golden Hour (2019)


  • Paper Bag (2013)
  • The High (2014)
  • Hereafter (2015)
  • Brother's Paradise (2017)
  • Sauce (2017)
Ralphthemoviemaker provides examples of the following tropes:

"...Yeah, it doesn't really have a nice ring to it. I'm glad they went with Vengeance: A Love Story."

"This is it. The Last Stand, I guess, so it has to be epic. This is The Last Stand until Days of Future Past. Then that's The Last Stand. This is The Last Stand and then the next movie is the lastest stand."