Ranma ½/Characters/Tendo Household Residents: Difference between revisions

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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kasumi include:}}
* [[Alternative Character Interpretation]]: Fandom is split on why she acts the way she does. Does she [[Cloudcuckoolander|actually not notice]] the craziness going on around her, or is she [[Selective Obliviousness|purposefully ignoring it]] in order to preserve her sanity?
* [[Born Lucky]]: Kind of. Never getting involved or hurt by any of the devious schemes that surrounds the house certainly counts as being lucky.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: To Akane, who adores her.
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* [[I Was Just Passing Through]]: A rare example of someone who can claim this, and actually be believed because there's a very real possibility that he truly was. He tends to unexpectedly pop up whenever someone he knows/the plot has need of him.
* [[Kudzu Plot]]: Akari + Ryōga's lack of control when emotional + Ryōga's [[Super Strength]] = ...[[And Call Him George|Let's all hope that Akari is the toughest female in the series]].
** Akari breeds sumo pigs. She has to be pretty tough to do that.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: As impossibly strong and durable as he is, he still manages to be fairly fast.
* [[Love Makes You Dumb]]: Ryōga's romantic desires sometimes run away with his common sense. There have been several occasions when he's actually gotten a chance to take Akane on a date, only for him to ruin things because he got so overexcited: he once contemplated staying in a [[Kimodameshi]] forever because Akane was asking him for protection while they were there, and he only allows Akane to think of him as P-chan because he's got a crush on her and he believes he can use it to protect her... despite being more or less harmless in [[Baleful Polymorph|piglet form]].