Ranma ½/Characters/Tendo Household Residents: Difference between revisions

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* [[You ALL Share My Story]]: There certainly are times when Ryōga clearly arrives in Nerima by accident. However, there are definitely other times when he appears at a coincidentally perfect time to take part in the adventure.
== HapposaiHappōsai (八宝斎) ==
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Ichiro Nagai]] (JP), [[Paul Dobson]] (EN)}}
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* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: In the anime, one late episode is set during the rainy season and the constant damp renders HapposaiHappōsai's favored Happo Fire Burst technique useless. So, he sets to trying to come up with new variants, creating several failures (resulting in explosions of garbage, creepy-crawlies, banners and pigeons/doves) before he comes up with the Happo Mold Burst, which makes his bombs unleash paralyzing, suffocating clouds of mold.
* [[Badass Boast]]: [[Large Ham|You're the one who's got it coming! How dare you use that tone. I won't allow it. For the sake of all mankind I promimsed I'd never again use this technique, but... By the power invested in me as Master of the founding School of Anything-Goes Martial Arts, I Happosai do hereby invoke my most powerful and mighty Technique. Happo Fire Burst!]]
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the series as a whole. To prove the point, Ranma in the author information book declare him his ARCHRIVAL. While he consider Ryōga and the others as only sparring partners. Also the only one character other than Saffron that Ranma has actually outright(without feeling ashamed) try to get killed in the manga.
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* [[Fair Weather Mentor]]: Was very much like this for Soun and Genma: all of their flashbacks/recollections of their training consist of Happosai abusing them and using them as scapegoats for his own misdeeds, rather then actually training them. Could be considered to be doing the same thing to Ranma, even though he claims to actually want to train him.
* [[Five-Finger Discount]]: Besides panties Happosai will and has stolen other items (forced Soun and Genma to help as well).
* [[Jerkass]]: Big time: HapposaiHappōsai just causes havoc [[For the Evulz|because he loves doing so]].
* [[Kaiju]]: When using his [[Battle Aura]] to its fullest potential. Even at lower settings, the mere ''projection'' can stun Ranma.
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Once he digs it up again, his favorite technique is the Happo Fire Burst, which is basically slinging ridiculously powerful homemade bombs around. While they are invariably [[Non-Fatal Explosions]], the blast is still powerful enough to render Pantyhose Taro's monster-form unconscious in one hit.
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* [[Old Master]]: One of the two by-far most skilled characters in the series, and likely easily ''the'' most powerful chi-user. Subverted in that he's very easily distracted, seldom serious, and pretty much anyone can defeat him by throwing female lingerie in his path.
* [[Panty Thief]]: And HOW. The guy ran out on a duel he was on the verge of winning, and which would have had Ranma's female form modelling a bra for him, to go after a Furinkan girl sports team so he could take their gym shorts! He does draw the line at granny-style bloomers though, even if his life is at stake.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: In both canons, HapposaiHappōsai has a very strong soft spot for children and will happily play with them or otherwise try and help them if he meets them. However, due to his selfish and twisted nature, he's not above using them for his own gains, such as tricking two kids who believe he is Santa Claus into assisting him on his panty raids, or even "helping" them in ways that ends up causing more harm than good. For example, his usage of Hinako as a weapon against the nurses may have helped her get well, but may have also caused her to turn out... well, the way she is now. And then there's the matter of Natsume and Kurumi, where he gave them the martial arts skills they needed to survive... and told them they were Soun Tendo's daughters and that they should grow up, become strong, and then come and take over the Tendō dojo.
* [[Poke the Poodle]]: Most of his crimes are "so silly that it is hard to begrudge him", as Nabiki put it, like filling a random Tendo girl's shoes with tacks or drawing on people's faces (both of the above were because he was angry at Ranma for giving back all of the underwear he had stolen).
* [[The Scottish Trope]]: Before he actually broke free from confinement, Soun and Genma were terrified of even mentioning his name on the off chance it might bring him back.
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: Spent an ambiguous amount of time sealed in a cave, possibly since Soun and Genma's youth. They try to box him up and mail him to the North Pole when he's weakened by a "woman-repellant" incense that deprived him of his source of power (groping women), but Ranma thought this was too cruel.
* [[Soap Opera Disease]]: At one point in the anime, HapposaiHappōsai takes to his bed and doesn't respond to [[Stripperiffic|any]] stimuli, wasting away to death. He gets better.
* [[Story-Breaker Power]]: Because Happōsai is one of the greatest martial artists in the entire series (and is the grandmaster of Anything Goes, to boot), it's difficult to enjoy episodes/chapters involving him because, since he can't be beaten in a serious match, there's virtually no way to disrupt the status quo.
* [[Trickster Mentor]]: He's supposed to be Ranma's master, but will annoy him to no end, foist all his troubles onto him, and generally treat him like dirt for as long as he can get away with. Ranma never learns anything ''from'' him, directly, but by having to come up with ways to ''thwart'' him.