Ranma ½/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** Actually, there is such a thing as ectopic pregnancy - that is, the placenta can implant on any part of the body so long as it can access the mother's bloodstream (though this is generally bad news for the mother). [[Mister Seahorse|Just because his uterus disappears does not mean Ranma will cease to be pregnant.]]
**** Except that requires the zygote to attach somewhere that will exist in Male-Ranma's body. A Uterus doesn't and such, unless Female-Ranma naturally happens to have a ectopic pregnancy, the process of changing back will terminate the pregnancy.
** [[Tropers/Freezer|This Troper]] has seen quite a few fanfics get around this by having the curse [[Mode Lock]] Ranma in female form at the moment of conception.
*** The mode-lock seems a fairly standard thing in a lot of these types of fiction where someone is genderswitched... another variant is as soon as they loose their virginity in one form or the other, they're stuck with it forever (removing that element of "finding out what the other side feels"), and there's both an element of choice (deciding which gender to lose it in, and be stuck with) and of threat (rape, drunken abandon etc).
** Like Takahashi says, "I don't think about that and neither should you!"<ref>see kids even Genre authors can be [[Genre Blind]]</ref>. Although there are more then a couple hints that could infer an answer from. Like previously mentioned the Musk Dynasty uses the Nian-Ni-Chuan water to make animals into their brides, and the Locking Ladle to keep them women. The addition of the Locking Ladle more than likely removes the fanfiction advent of locking the curse if pregnant. What other reason could the Musk Dynasty men have for keeping the animals women other than to bring there children to term? Animals forced to be women can't be easiest brides to take care of (Communication, Toiletry, and nine million other problems) and were most likely abandoned once their purpose was fulfilled. Also not mentioned is the 3 or so months Ranma spent in the Full Body Cat's Tongue, of which he/she was not happy (I believe made mention about it) and quite possible had multiple menstrual cycles. Another item of note that no one ever mentions is the Watermelon Island escapade. During which Ranma is knocked unconscious whilst on Watermelon Island while Kuno is around and has a nightmare about being married and having children with Kuno. I don't know what Frued would say but just for the sheer fact of that thought to be terrifying to Ranma (and nearly beats Kuno to death upon waking) would suggest it a possibility.
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*** "I don't think about that and neither should you!" You opened that can of worms yourself, Takahashi!
*** Takahashi probably just meant that it isn't a healthy mental topic to get stuck on, and she didn't create that kind of manga. She introduced it because it was funny. The short and easy answer is ''yes'' he could get herself pregnant, and might create something close to a clone of himself doing so.
*** The scary thing is that I [[Bile Fascination|saw]] a [http://stfan.free.fr/OneShots/N.htm fanfic] (linked from this site) [[Sick and Wrong|that let Nabiki use this very premise on herself]]. [[Screw Yourself|Yes, that means "Spring of Drowned twins"]] + [[Brain Bleach|temporary "Spring of drowned man powder]], [[Narcissist|as she couldn't love anybody but herself]]... [[Mind Screw|Yes, that actually makes an eerie amount of sense for Nabiki, and presumably resulted a clone of herself running around in 17 years]]... [[Squick|Although the concept of women turning into men for sexual purposes still creeps me out for some reason]]. Oh well, at least there was no "reverse" involved...
** While we're on the subject of babies: If Ranma (or any Jusenkyo-cursed person for that matter) had kids (in either form) would the children share the curse? I know the theory was brought up in a filler episode of the anime, in which Ranma, Genma, and Happosai go to the future and discover that Ryoga and Akane are married, and their kids turn into P-chanites; but it turned out to just be a dream of Ranma's. Thoughts?
*** The Musk Dynasty arc answers this: children conceived by a cursed form would inherit rough traits of the progenitor's original body, but wouldn't be cursed themselves. Since Ranma's already human, they'd probably turn out fine and uncursed if she were to bear children. [[Squick|I don't think the others would bear progeny at all in their cursed forms]] (though the Musk precedent would apply if they did, possibly resulting in either an intelligent animal or very, very vague hominid characteristics in their offspring,) and I don't think they'd pass along porcine/avian/feline traits while in their normal bodies either. In any case, since the children of "Musk Brides" don't change shape, and in fact Herb ''had'' to be cursed independently, I don't think curses are hereditary at all, regardless of the form the progenitor is in at the moment of conception.
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** For that matter, is there a "lukewarm" range of water temperatures between hot and cold that has no effect? Is it absolute temperature or relative temperature that is the trigger? How ''much'' water is required to trigger the curse? Rain works, but tears don't - nor contact with ice in non-cursed form (which would produce meltwater). The questions go on and on...
** Water gun on up triggers the change. And Lukewarm water, judging by the water lady, counts as cold.
** Since Magic does not have to obey scientific logic, there is no reason to expect clearly defined temperature ranges that always trigger the change, irrespective of the circumstances. Magic, being a creation of human fancy, is more likely to adhere to instictiveinstinctive human judgements of what constitutes "cold" and "warm" than to actually measurable temperatures. It could very well be that water of a certain temeraturetemperature would change Ranma into a girl on a hot summer day, while water of exactly the same temperature would change him into a boy in mid-winter.
*** That would be completely right if the manga didn't already say it was completely wrong. During the cat's tongue pressure point arc Ranma clearly thought lukewarm water was boiling hot, yet it didn't change him back to a guy.
**** No. In the manga, when the Full-Body Cat's Tongue was in effect, Ranma DID change back. However, since he felt as though the water was boiling hot, he (or Akane) splashed himself ''IMMEDIATELY'' with cold water again to soothe his burning skin.
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*** Well, it's how the Nyannichuan at least works in [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/26926/1/Destinys_Child Destiny's Child].
*** No, this is incorrect. Ranma's cursed form stays the same age he does (as shown in the magic mushroom story), and also ages normally (as shown by his natural growth in the Bust Battle story). It is not an age-specific curse like Lukkosai's was.
** [[JET 73 L|This troper]] has the personal theory that the springs are only as specific as their name. Spring of Drowned Piglet specifies piglet and not pig-of-no-age-given, Spring-of-Drowned-Girl curse ages along with Ranma, but it might stop at some point that any further age would not be considered "girl" by anyone and has details based on what a human, female version of the cursed would be like, and Spring of Drowned Akane might stay at the same age as Akane, or it might stay at the age Akane was when she was dunked in the spring, and the name may in fact be the only reason the Spring of Drowned Akane works ''at all''.
*** Is P-Chan a piglet or just an uber-small breed of pig like [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8036405.stm these] (Note the breeds's original range would have put them pretty close to Jhusenkyo)? Or Since Ryouga is an adolescent human is it ureasonable to assume he wouldn't become an adolescent pig?
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