Ratchet & Clank/Fridge: Difference between revisions

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== [[Fridge Brilliance]] ==
* On ''[[Ratchet & Clank|Ratchet and Clank]]'', it was pointed out to me that Clank was slower to pick up on some obvious things despite being very intellegent (mistaking an obvious robot for Captain Qwark in the first game and interpreting Qwark in drag "Qwark's sister" in UYA). Thinking about it a bit got me to realize: wasn't Clank just created at the beginning of the first game? Despite having a lot of book smarts, he's essentially a child, one who hasn't learned to pick up on things that aren't right in front of him just yet. - [[User:Michael JJ]]
** Some of Clank's personality traits are a bit of Fridge Brilliance, to this troper; his quieter, more observational nature, his rarely arguing with the polar-opposite Ratchet, his mild social ineptitude, his childlike trust and naivety... all of which are also {{spoiler|''Zoni traits''.}}
** Appearance of Lombaxes - big fluffy ears and prevalence of yellow fur shades - makes a lot of sense, considering that both the planet Ratchet lived on and homeworld of the species are desert planets. Ears probably act as heat sinks, and [[Captain Obvious|yellow is a good camouflage for the desert]]. - [[User:Unknown Troper]]
*** This also explains why [[Ratchet and& Clank Future: A Crack Inin Time|Azimuth]] lives in Molonoth Fields, a desert wasteland.
*** Also explains how Ratchet can run around, in deserts sometimes, for so long without drinking anything.
** In Ratchet & Clank 2 you visit the destroyed ruins of Gadgetron's facilities in the Bodan Galaxy, where everything is run by Mega-corp. The place is all but abandoned, but even the savages that now populate the place can't account for all the building damage here, right? Sometime later, you get a guided tour through a Megacorp Weapons Facility, where they show off several large bombs, including one that the tour guide states "took out the competition". In a further show of foreshadowing, the Gadgetron site is overrun with "Gadgetron cuddly hounds of death", effectively the same problem {{spoiler|Captain Qwark}} unleashes upon the galaxy much later, but in a different form.
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== [[Fridge Logic]] ==
* ''[[Ratchet and& Clank Future: A Crack Inin Time|]]'': Battery bots.]] Who in their right mind would create sentient, sapient, independently mobile power sources? It's like they designed the most useful and pragmatic power source possible, and then created the very opposite of that.
* In Deadlocked it's said that Vox Industries controls a small part of the Solana Galaxy known as the Shadow Sector. Megacorp controls the entire Bogon Galaxy, has experience fighting large rival corporations, and has 'planet buster' missiles, yet when they sent Vox was able to muscle his way out of paying Megacorp royalties for the Holosheild glove/ launcher.
== [[Fridge Horror]] ==
* ''[[Ratchet and& Clank Future: A Crack Inin Time|]]'': Battery bots.]] They are sentient, they are sapient, and they are used as ''power sources''. When picked up, they yell at you to put them down, they [[Slave Revolt|regularly rebel against those who use them]], and when plugged into a power receptacle, [[Fate Worse Than Death|they scream in what sounds like pain.]]