Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal: Difference between revisions

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The third game in the ''[[Ratchet and Clank (Video Game)|Ratchet and Clank]]'' series.
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* [[Laughably Evil]]: Dr. Nefarious. Between his repeated breakdowns, his [[Large Ham]] tendencies, and the snark leveled at him by Lawrence, he's easily one of the funniest characters in the series.
* [[Let's Play]]: A fairly good one by Ecwcwwe
* [[Lovable Coward|Lovable Cowards]]s: The Galactic Rangers in ''UYA''.
** {{spoiler|And they still get to pull a surprisingly awesome [[Big Damn Heroes]] monent in the finale.}}
* [[Most Definitely Not a Villain|Most Definitely Not A Lombax]]: Ratchet goes undercover with the Tyrrhaguise.
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[[Category:Platform Game]]
[[Category:Play Station 2]]
[[Category:Third -Person Shooter]]
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