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In many countries, a suspected criminal being arrested must legally be read their rights as a suspect. The exact procedure, wording and overall intention of '''Reading Your Rights''' varies between countries. For country-specific forms of this, see [[You Do Not Have to Say Anything]] for the UK version and [[Miranda Rights]] for the US style.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* ''[[Discworld]]'':
** Parodied in [[Terry Pratchett]]'s book ''[[Discworld/Guards! Guards!|Guards! Guards!]]'' when Carrot makes an arrest, and begins the list of rights with things like "You have the right not to be summarily thrown into a pirahnapiranha tank..." (Of course, this being Ankh-Morpork, the laws there might actually ''say'' that.)
*** Also referenced by Vimes:
{{quote|"Remember, the prisoner has rights. That means you do NOT put the boot in, even where it doesn't show."}}
** In ''[[Discworld/Thud|Thud!]]'', Vimes asks Sgt Colon if he read the prisoner his rights, and Colon replies that he did, but the prisoner didn't want his tea and biscuit. (Rights 5a and 5b. Prisoners only get Right 5c if Colon's remembered to buy the fancy biscuits.)
* In ''[[Perdido Street Station]]'' by [[China Mieville]], New Crobuzon has a style of arrest requiring the presence of witnesses, usually dragooned by the militia into assisting in an arrest rather than acting under their own volition. Interestingly, this style of arrest was detailed in a [[Real Life]] situation in [[Robert Little]]'s ''[[The October Circle]]'' as being in use in communist Bulgaria, complete with press-ganged witnesses.
* The Adjudicators' version of reading your rights in the ''[[Doctor Who]] [[Virgin New Adventures]]'' is pretty close to "you have no rights" anyway, but Roz Forrester still adds her own spin:
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