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** The series subjects Kousei to [[Amusing Injuries]] too often for some viewers' liking, but Saki hitting him hard enough to cause bleeding is treated with the dead seriousness it deserves.
** Just because your abuser dies or otherwise leaves your life doesn't mean that the trauma she caused disappears at the same time [[And There Was Much Rejoicing]]. Kousei is still struggling two years after Saki's passing.
** On the flipside, Saki may have been an abusive piece of shit, but she was still Kousei's mother, and the death of a parent can be badly traumatising. Kousei has little emotional support; friends, no matter how close, can only be so much help, and Kousei's father is away at work alwaysalmost all the time while he has no siblings. Whatever one thinks of Kaori's methods, this rut wasn't something Kousei could have gotten out of by himself.
** Kaori is an [[Ill Girl]] with {{spoiler|a terminal degenerative illness.}} Late in the series, some hope appears in the form of {{spoiler|a high-risk surgery.}} You'd think that since she's the love interest and made a promise to play together with Kousei again, everyone is going to work out, right? It doesn't, because reality doesn't load the dice even though you check the boxes of narrative convention.