Reality Ensues: Difference between revisions

Forbidden Real Life examples, one of which with a bogus intensifier and another one which Read the noreallife descrpition.
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(Forbidden Real Life examples, one of which with a bogus intensifier and another one which Read the noreallife descrpition.)
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[[Negated Moment of Awesome]]. Commonly found in the company of [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]. Not to be confused with [[Hilarity Ensues]], although they can overlap, depending on usage. Compare [[Magic A Is Magic A]]; it's very important that these instances are ''consistent'' with the setting. Contrast [[This Is Reality]], where a character ''believes'' that reality will ensue, but it doesn't. '''Reality Ensues''' may also be defined as forgoing [[Genre Consistency]] in favor of [[External Consistency]].
{{noreallife|That would just beit's [[Department of Redundancy Department|redundant]]. Weas we all know that reality is not a work of fiction, [[Wild Mass Guessing]] notwithstanding. Reality already ensues all the time in [[Real Life]].}}
{{Unmarked Spoilers}}
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* In the animated film ''[[Wizards]]'', good wizard Avatar confronts his [[Evil Twin]] Blackwolf. {{spoiler|At first everything seems to set up for a Wizard's Duel. Then Avatar, who up to this point has been a pacifist, suddenly pulls a gun and shoots Blackwolf dead, adding [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|"I'm glad you changed your name, you son of a bitch!"]] }}
* Although less violent than most examples, this ends up happening in ''[[Ratatouille]]'' -- {{spoiler|after everything seems set for a [[Happily Ever After]], it gets derailed into more of a [[Bittersweet Ending]]. Despite everyone's efforts to revive Gusteau's, it's shut down for good when the Health Inspector is entirely unmoved by the fact that the rats in the kitchen are perfectly sanitary and are cooking the food. Remy, Linguini, and Colette ''do'' bounce back and open up another restaurant, though, keeping it from falling into a full [[Downer Ending]].}}
** There was also one earlier;, where {{spoiler|Linguini reveals his secret to the kitchen, only to have everyone, even the waiter and his girlfriend, walk out.}}
** Linguini and Colette's [["Falling in Love" Montage]] is [[Mood Whiplash|rudely interrupted]] when Remy falls off Linguini's head, and is abruptly faced with the very real danger of being a rat in the middle of the street.
* In the [[Final Battle]] of the first live action ''[[Kekko Kamen]]'' film the title character is fighting a very butch mook who is revealed, with much gloating from the [[Big Bad]], to be immune to all of her powers. The heroine then picks up a gun from a fallen mook and uses it.
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* Used numerous times in the ''[[Dresden Files]]'' book ''Changes'', nearly always as [[Trauma Conga Line|yet another way to horribly torture Harry]]. Example: the [[Our Vampires Are Different|Red Court]] sends in assassins to take him out. Rather than attacking him directly the way that, say, the gruffs did, they {{spoiler|pay lesser thugs to try to kill him ''over and over'', then set his house on fire. He barely manages to get his elderly neighbors out... then falls off a ladder and breaks his back, leaving him paralyzed. He has to make a [[Deal with the Devil]] [[Fair Folk]] to fix it.}}
** In the short story ''Day Off'', Harry goes home to find a group of weak-talented wizard wannabes waiting outside his home. Apparently, Harry dispelled a bad luck curse they'd placed on some lady (which was so weak that Harry was mostly convinced wasn't real, and dispelled it to give her peace of mind). They sneer and threaten him, with the leader demanding that Harry prepare to defend himself, before he and his posse begin gathering their power to attack him. Harry responds by shrugging, drawing his .44 revolver, and pointing it at them. At their shocked disbelief, his response is "I'm a'fixin' to defend myself."
* In the ''[[Gaunt's Ghosts|Gaunts Ghosts]]'' novel ''His Last Command'', this is how a scout takes down a stalker, an [[Implacable Man]] that can soak up ridiculous amounts of damage and keep coming. Chaos -enhanced beastie or no, it's still an animal that can be paralysed by hamstringing and slain by getting shanked in the brain through the base of the neck.
* In ''[[The Witcher]] Saga'' Geralt tells a story about when he was young, he wanted to pose as a knight when dealing with thugs mugging a merchant and his daughter. The downright brutal method he used to dispatch the thug's leader ended in daughter fainting from horror, and merchant running away from him along with the bandits.
* In ''[[Wearing the Cape]]'', Hope/Astra is given a lesson in momentum and force and why it's a good idea to know how tough something is before you fly yourself into it like a missile. The book is actually full of little reality-checks, like superheroes getting warrants before going after supervillains, villains who's lawyers get the charges dropped, and strangers committing random acts of badness.
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'''Peter:''' Aaahhh!! It's not a liquid! It's a great many pieces of solid matter, that form a hard floor-like surface! Ahhh!! }}
* ''[[Mighty Max]]'': In one episode, a barbarian has recently rampaged through a village, killing everyone. Max the [[Kid Hero]] goes inside a house to check the carnage and immediately hops out, vomiting. He's seen gore all the time on television, but realizes it didn't prepare him for this.
* ''[[G.I. Joe: Resolute]]'' had this, when Storm Shadow asks why his uncle/sensei won't teach him his famed Seventh Step, which is basically instant death for anyone it hits. His uncle says he is not ready, and Storm Shadow pulls off his mask dramatically, symbolically divesting himself of his attachment to the dojo. {{spoiler|It's actually a signal for an assassin to snipe his uncle, so Shadow can take over the dojo. When he sees the assassin, Snake Eyes runs forward, and the assassin shoots him first. The sensei turns around, puzzled, and since he's standing still, it's much easier for the killer to hit him.}} Oh, andAnd it the miniseries was written by—wait for it--[[Warren Ellis]].
* ''[[Beast Wars]]'' had a scene seemingly parodying the one from ''[[Raiders of the Lost Ark]]'': Optimus is going all over the place showing off his sword moves, and Megatron just shoots him.
** This Megatron is a [[Combat Pragmatist]]. He'll do anything if it means his goals are met. Hell, when his plan to simply {{spoiler|kill off the proto-humans}} fails and he later {{spoiler|finds the Decepticon battleship ''Nemesis''}}, the first thing he does with it is {{spoiler|try to blow all proto-humans off the face of the Earth}}.
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{{quote|'''Chiro''': * Slams his fists into the ground* That's IT! I give up!
'''Sprx''': If this was just some TV show, kid, we could give up. [[This Is Reality|But THIS is the REAL WORLD!]] }}
** If you don't understand how this is Reality Ensues, it's because afterAfter being faced with all the odds, Chiro, the main protagonist in the show, is actually ready to give up, whereas normally in this sort of show they would immediately start looking for another way.
*** Either that or the fact that the TV superheroes didn't ''actually'' use a [[Humongous Mecha]] while on set.
* A magnificent example from ''[[The Spectacular Spider-Man]]''. During their first tête-à-tête confrontation the crime boss Tombstone offers Spider-Man a chance to work for him. Spider-Man refuses and calls him out to "finish this". "Very well," sighs Tombstone... and then [[Villain with Good Publicity|calls the cops]] and [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|accuses Spidey of invading his personal space, attacking his guards and threatening him]]. Spider-Man probably suffered cognitive dissonance at that point from the fact that ''[[In Soviet Russia|the villain was legitimately siccing cops on him, the hero]]''!
** Perhaps even better was his fight against [ Sandman and Rhino] , where Spidey uses Rhino's weight against him rather than fighting him directly (the relevant part is at 1:52). Also a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] ''and'' a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] at the same time.
** Speaking of the Rhino, Peter attempted to use the old cartoon clitche of knocking over a shelf and tripping him the the contents. Rhino just steps on them.
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'': After two episodes of turmoil, Aang finally unleashes his Avatar State. The assaulted army stops, watching in awe as the Avatar prepares to unleash his spiritual wrath upon them- and then gets shot down immediately. With Azula, [[Transformation Is a Free Action|transformation is]] ''[[Subverted Trope|NOTnot]]'' [[Transformation Is a Free Action|a free action.]]
** One flashback sequence revealed that Avatar Roku tried to use [[The Power of Friendship]] to prevent Sozin from taking over the world. To say that it didn't end well would be a ''[[Evil Former Friend|HUGE]]'' understatement.
*** Interestingly, it ''almost'' worked. Roku had gotten Sozin to halt his plan. Later, a volcanic eruption threatened the village Roku lived in. Sozin showed up to help his old friend, who was rescuing the villagers...then Sozin had the sudden epiphany, that if he just left and ''let'' Roku die, he could resume his plans of world conquest.
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*In ''[[Frisky Dingo]]'', Killface and Xander run against each other for presidency for most of the second season before it's pointed out that neither of them are eligible, as Killface wasn't born in the US and Xander is under 35.
==[[Real Life]]==
*Kazuyuki Fujita fought Mirko Cro Cop twice. Fujita is a fighter known for his pitiful defense and general clumsiness. Cro Cop is a fighter known for his devastating striking. Reality ensues. Twice. Painfully.
**Not sure if "reality" and Cro Cop can even be used on the same page; before this, Fujita had beaten a few high-profile guys by simply outlasting them (i.e. letting them tire themselves out from beating him up too much).
**Arguably their fights could count as subversions as Fujita [[Made of Iron|was never knocked out in neither of them despite absorbing inhumane amounts of punishment]] and lost due to a cut in first and a decision in a second one. For a straighter example look at Fujita vs [[Scary Black Man|Alistair]] [[Lightning Bruiser|Overeem]]. Over-the-hill Fujita tries to use his old tactics against [[Seanbaby|265 pounds of death-dealing emasculation]] and [[One-Hit Kill|is dropped unconscious by a knee a little over a minute into the fight]].
*Fred Ettish vs. Johnny Rhodes, UFC 2. Ettish performs a textbook snap kick on the opponent to no effect. He is then brutalized to the extreme.
*Verizon got whipsawed by this big time with its attempt to monetize [[tumblr]] in 2018: Buy a blog site, a quarter of whose traffic is generated by adult content and another quarter by its supportive communities for alternative sexualities, for its revenue stream. Ban the adult content and tell the members of the LGBTQ communities they're unwanted. [[Step Three: Profit|Expect revenue to go up.]] [[Losing Horns|Sorry, no...]]