Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale: Difference between revisions

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* [[Brick Joke]]: Subtle example. Early on, Tear worries about the shop name sounding like "Racketeer". Later, Charme starts selling you blatantly stolen goods and buying with money she pretty much says isn't hers.
* [[Brutal Bonus Level]]: Crystal Nightmare.
* [[Buffy -Speak]]: Recette dips into this sometimes.
* [[Bumbling Dad]]: Recette's dad is presumably this. And later, {{spoiler|in the 80th floor of Lapis Ruins, he is seen wearing nothing but pants on his head while struggling against a single monster. Recette decides to ignore his existence}}.
* [[But Now I Must Go]]: Tear must leave Recette once the debt has been cleared. {{spoiler|At the end, however, Recette "forgets" to fill out the paperwork and Tear ends up staying with her for the Endless mode}}.
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* [[Cowardly Boss]]: The fight with Tielle has the adventurer chasing her down through three different rooms while clearing a path through various crates to reach her, after which Tielle runs off to the next room. The last room is where the adventurer gets to fight her proper. Justified as Tielle is lost in the dungeon at the time and understandably scared.
* [[Cursed With Awesome]]: The snow trap which makes the ground slippery can, with some practice, actually be quite beneficial to some characters (like Tielle) because it allows them to attack in a different direction than they are moving.
* [[Day Old Legend]]: The descriptions of many fusion items describe their origins or rumors surrounding them. These range from "Found within the ruins" to "Found within a great desert, which was said to be created by the item itself" (for a middling fire-themed bracelet no less!). Possibly these are what [[Honest JohnsJohn's Dealership|Recette]] is supposed to be telling her customers about the item, more likely they're just nonsense.
** Several of these are [[Mythology Gag|Mythology Gags]]/[[Continuity Nod|Continuity Nods]] to ''[[Chantelise]]'', where the descriptions were accurate.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]:
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* [[The Ditz]]: Recette and Louie. It's no surprise that he and Recette get along well and drive Tear crazy.
* [[Doppelganger Attack]]: One of Charme's abilities is to create a temporary shadow that can attack along-side her mimicking her actions. She can create up to five at a time as long as you have enough MP.
* [[Do Well, butBut Not Perfect]]: While the early tutorials encourage players to squeeze every last pix out of each customer's purchases or resales, it is generally recommended to aim for around 104% on purchases and 70% on resales to gain ''Near Pin'' or ''Just Pin'' bonuses to raise the Merchant Level and customer reputation much faster.
* [[DRM]]: Carpe Fulgur specifically refused to use any, instead politely requesting the people not pirate it. They're even uncomfortable about Steam's wrapper which is generally considered the lightest-handed form of DRM out there.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: Charme looks like she dual wields daggers, as her sprite has a blade in each hand. But she only equips one weapon and only attacks once. Well, until [[Doppelganger Attack|you make clones of her]].
* [[Dungeon Bypass]]: Though you have to unlock the dungeons themselves again, each [[New Game Plus|new loop]] remembers which floors you completed and can warp to. By bum rushing the bottom strata of each and triggering events at the earliest opportunity, it's possible to recover weeks of dungeon-diving and recruitment by day 10.
* [[Dungeon Master]]: Not just the trope, but the literal version: {{spoiler|Arma}}.
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* [[Endless Game]]: You may continue playing after you pay back all your debt. The game plays out the same way other than the lack of the debt.
* [[An Entrepreneur Is You]]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: The Guild Master.
* [[Expospeak Gag]]: [[Inverted Trope|Played in reverse]] - Recette is so used to Tear's verbose explanations of things that when Alouette explains Truffles as simply being a rare mushroom, Recette's response is a blank "Huh? That's it?"
* [[Failed a Spot Check]]: There's few things more annoying than having all of your shelves filled with food, then having a customer come up to ask you if you have any food available.
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* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]:
** One night Charme, while drunk, complains that she can't "[[I'm Taking Her Home With Me|take Recette home with her]]" if Tear is around. Tear quickly objects, saying that she'd never let Charme do that.
** Louie [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|asking Recette to take his first adventurer's card]]. Tear tells him he should think carefully about who he wants to give it to, but he insists that Recette should have it.
** One of Alouette's cutting remarks if you overcharge her (which is hard to do!): "Capitalism ho, indeed."
** In a meta example, the guys at Carpe Fulgur note that Tear's exclamations of "[[Foreign Cuss Word|merde]]" doesn't count as profanity for the game's rating.
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* [[He Knows About Timed Hits]]: Recette has no clue what Tear means by "Button 3" or "custom.exe".
* [[Heroic Wannabe]]: Louie.
* [[Honest JohnsJohn's Dealership]]: In this case run by the player. But there is also Euria who fits even better.
* [[Hostile Show Takeover]]: Attempted by Alouette when you finish the main storyline, but she's only able to describe the post-game content.
* [[I Cannot Self -Terminate]]: {{spoiler|so Arma quarantines herself when she's compromised instead. After being released, she realizes she's too attached to Recette and still can't do her job... so she quits.}}
* [[Idiot Hero]]: Louie, emphasis on "idiot".
** Taken to eleven when he attempts to be [[Genre Savvy]] and finds a 1-up mushroom...he winds up eating the POISONED mushroom instead.
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** Of course, that's even more luck based since somebody ''else'' could snatch up your rare and valuable fusion item first...
** And filling the item encyclopedia obviously requires a lot of items which [[Randomly Drops]] from treasure chests.
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me]]:
** Louie has the ability to block certain attacks with his shield. The knight-like enemies do the same.
** Nagi can do the same with her spear.
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* [[Nintendo Hard]]: It's not likely that you'll be able to pay off all of your debts on the first try. Fortunately, if you fail to make a payment, you get to [[New Game Plus|keep all your experience and items]] [[Groundhog Day Loop|and start over from Day 2]].
** More accurate for survival mode, as there is nothing stopping the game [[Blessed With Suck|from 'gifting' you]] with the walnut bread craze random event...which forces you to have a couple of the cheapest item in the game for sale unless you are specifically trying to avoid the housewives.
* [[Noble Demon]]: Griff, both literally and figuratively. {{spoiler|He is disdainful to humans and, by extension, fairies due to their submission to humans}}. Still, he doesn't do much evil even before he gets defeated, and clearly comes off more as a [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] than truly evil {{spoiler|in Obsidian Tower}}.
* [[NoblewomansNoblewoman's Laugh]]: Alouette does her best twelve year old imitation of this at every opportunity.
* [[No Hero Discount]]:
** Can be averted or played straight since you set the prices. Tear expressly advises you to offer this to the heroes you hire personally since they will use gear they buy which saves you from having to equip them yourself. Plus not having to equip them means being able to carry more loot.<br /><br />The heroes actually expect you to do that, as the price range they find agreeable is a lot lower than usual when they could upgrade their equipment with the item on sale.
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{{quote| ... And that's when the hero yelled, "this is the end of my journey!" ... }}
* [[Palette Swap]]: Most [[Mook|mooks]] with the exception of kobolds and pumpkins.
* [[Paper -Thin Disguise]]: Recette and Tear, in an effort to try finding out why Caillou keeps watching the Orphanage, hide behind a built tree that literally says "Totally A Tree" on the front.
{{quote| '''Tear''': Somehow, some way, I feel we're more conspicuous to Caillou like this than we were just standing around. [[Lampshade Hanging|In fact, every single person in the square seems to be staring at us]]. [[Overly Long Gag|I think even the dogs do not know what to make of us]].}}
* [[Parental Abandonment]]:
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* [[Randomly Drops]]: Monsters will occasionally drop fusion ingredients with varying levels of rarity. Good luck gathering the required ingredients to craft Level 5 items.
* [[Randomly Generated Levels]]: All of the dungeons, though every 5th floor is static for boss fights.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Recette gives {{spoiler|Griff}} a great one at {{spoiler|the top of the Obsidian Tower}}... then promptly apologizes for it.
** Griff himself delivers a particularly strong one to Tear. He actually goes so far he manages to anger [[The Pollyanna|Recette]] for the only time in the game. {{spoiler|No wonder why she was harsh with him afterwards. It doesn't last though.}}
* [[Recurring Boss]]: Most of the bosses (except the end boss of each dungeon) are fought multiple times -- sometimes two or three at once.
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* [[Robot Girl]]: Arma.
* [[Running Gag]]:
** Recette once hears about a strange lady who gives helpful advice in the pub. Players get to find out that the lady is actually Charme in the same event (apparently she gives really good advice when she's drunk.) After that scene, there are occasionally mentions of her from various people, including the humanity-hating, [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] vampire assassin Griff:
{{quote| '''Griff''': This is what humans do when they seek to work with another, yes? It's what the woman in that pub suggested, at least.}}
** Caillou will never believe Recette's claims that she is the owner of the store.
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** The Obsidian Tower. Well, in the main story mode, anyway.
** The last group of five floors come across as [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]] within [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]], with unique background music and visual theme, plus an enemy who's not seen anywhere except the last five floors of it and the two bonus dungeons (and a few gauntlet levels), a defensive formation of enemies that you haven't seen before, and an enemy who literally does not appear anywhere else in the game (including both bonus dungeons).
* [[VideogameVideo Game Caring Potential]]:
** Arguably the entire point of the main game. You don't want poor little Recette to end up in a box, do you?
** Admit it, it breaks your heart when a little girl wants to buy something but doesn't have enough for your normal prices. On the other hand, it'll break your heart in other ways when she demands to sell something to you at 110% percent of cost.
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* [[We Sell Everything]]: You can sell almost anything you find in the dungeons either in the shop or at the Guild Master/Market. You'll have to; specializing will bankrupt you fast, as people will march right past your counters full of groceries and demand to purchase a book.
** Or walk past counters full of chocolate and ask for food. [[Fridge Logic|They will happily accept chocolate if you offer them some.]]
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: {{spoiler|Recette's father is never seen again after Lapis Ruins.}}
** Likewise {{spoiler|We don't know what happened to Avall after the battle with The Geddon Device.}}
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]: Recette.