Red Oni, Blue Oni/Real Life: Difference between revisions

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Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]] in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:
* Hard drinking, hard fighting [[Christopher Marlowe (Creator)|Christopher Marlowe]] was the Red Oni to [[William Shakespeare]]'s Blue Oni.
== Other Examples ==
* Hard drinking, hard fighting [[Christopher Marlowe (Creator)|Christopher Marlowe]] was the Red Oni to [[William Shakespeare]]'s Blue Oni.
* [[The Virgin Queen|Protestant "Virgin Queen" Elizabeth I]] was the Blue Oni to [[Mary of Scotland|Catholic, several times married (and possible conspirator in one husband's murder) Mary Queen of Scots']] Red Oni.
* Model company [[Tamiya]] has a logo consisting of two white stars; [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|one on a red background, one on a blue background]]. And indeed, [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|the red star stands for passion and the blue one for precision]].
* During the [[Cold War]], communist countries were represented by a red star, symbolizing the passion associated with revolution and subversion of "the system", while capitalist ones were associated with the color blue, representing the "cold" and calculating nature of the capitalist ethos.
** Inverted in American revolution, where the British already had red uniforms and the revolutionaries were left with blue (when they had uniforms, anyway).
** Now in the USA, Red represents Republican states or regions, Blue represents Democratic states or regions. This is an inversion of the "Tory blue" and "left-wing red" of the Commonwealth.
*** An interesting case as this is both played straight as far social issues go, and inverted as far as economics. The red Republicans are as a whole more passionately religious, containing the Christian right, and supportive of laws pushing a certain moral view point, and also support gun rights and are more likely to be War Hawks. Democrats on the other hand support a live and let live mentality concerning social rights, except when it comes to supporting gun control, and are more likely to be Peace Doves. Economically, however, Republicans tend to be staunch supporters of the free market and capitalism, a colder more logical approach, whereas Democrats support a more touchy-feely approach that involves government intervention in the form of taxation to support welfare and works programs.
*** The colors were arbitrarily changed around until the 2000 presidential election, where Tim Russert started talking about "red states" and "blue states" and the monikers stuck.
*** Came to a head in the 2008 elections with [[The Stoic|No-Drama Obama]] and [[Hot -Blooded|Maverick McCain]], or at least, that's what the parties and media went with.
** And reversed in the United Kingdom and Canada, where the main left-leaning parties (Labour and Liberals, respectively) are identified by the colours red and yellow, while their opponents in the Conservative Party are identified by blue. In this case, the use of red is derived from the socialist and social democratic associations of each party, while blue was traditionally associated with the monarchy and other such traditional institutions.
* Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Coca-Cola has survived by its aggressive and continual marketing campaign and bright, memorable advertisements, is incredibly popular, and is sold in red cans. Pepsi has a much more subtle presence in marketing and is sold in blue cans. On the other hand, Pepsi is totally the Red Oni, in spite of the can color. When their ads ''do'' show up, they're all about aggressively taking potshots at Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola's marketing generally involves adorable polar bears quietly enjoying a refreshing Coke.
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* Admirals Halsey and Spruance who regularly exchanged commands of the Central Pacific subtheater in [[World War II]]. Halsey was the Red Oni and Spruance the Blue Oni
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience|The colors are already there for the Republican and Democratic parties]], but several American politicians fit this surprisingly well.
** [[John Mc Cain]]McCain is the Red Oni to [[Barack Obama]]'s Blue Oni. The 2008 election played this out to the book.
** McCain was also a Red Oni to [[Mitt Romney]]'s Blue Oni, and Obama played Blue Oni to [[Hillary Clinton]]'s Purple Oni (some Red Oni traits, some Blue Oni traits) during the respective primaries. Mike Huckabee was arguably another Red Oni, although he doesn't fit it quite as well as McCain (Huckabee is often just as fiery when talking about issues, but otherwise seems quite personable, even to opponents, so he doesn't quite fit the [[Red Oni]] designation as well as McCain). So perhaps he'd be a Green Oni?
** Speaking of Mitt Romney, as of the 2012 Republican primaries, he's now the [[Blue Oni]] to ALL the other candidates' [[Red Oni|Red Onis]]! And not surprisingly, within the Republican Party, those who favor the [[Blue Oni]] approach to campaigning--i.e. focus on the economy and don't bother with the fiery and divisive "culture wars" issues--seem to be lining up behind Romney, while those Republicans who favor the [[Red Oni]] approach, where the "culture war" issues are front-and-center, are divided between Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. Oddly enough, there's also a ''second'' category of [[Red Oni]] in this year's GOP primaries: Representative Ron Paul and his supporters, who, interestingly enough, support a platform that avoids the "culture wars" issues, which ''should'' put them in the [[Blue Oni]] category, if not for the fact that they are ''so'' loudly passionate about it that Ron Paul and his supporters' approach is definitely [[Red Oni]], despite the fact that their actual platform seems more suited to [[Blue Oni|Blue Onis]].
** [[Sarah Palin]] is also a Red Oni to Obama's Blue Oni; McCain would also play Blue Oni to Palin, but only really in comparison. Similarly, Joe Biden is the Red Oni to Obama's Blue.
** [[George W. Bush]], Red Oni to [[Al Gore]]'s Blue Oni.
** Bush was also a Red Oni to Dick Cheney's Blue Oni.
** The 2012 Presidential election has [[The Rival|rivals]] Rick Perry, a Red Oni, and Mitt Romney, a Blue Oni, Michele Bachmann, another Red Oni, and Newt Gingrich, another Red Oni. Herman Cain and Rick Santorum have both Red Oni and Blue Oni qualities, and Ron Paul would be a Yellow Oni. The winner of the primary will go up against Obama the Blue Oni in the general election.
* [ The 2012 Olympic mascots].
* South Korea's flag is the yin-yang with blue and red instead of the usual white and black.
** South Korea itself is the restrained, well-behaved sibling of the boisterous, blustering North.
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* [[Richard Feynman]] and Julian Schwinger. Feynman was rough, energetic, informal, and uncouth. Schwinger was dignified, reserved, formal, and proper. They took completely different approaches to quantum electrodynamics and came up with essentially the same solutions. They (along with Sin-Itiro Tomonaga) shared a Nobel Prize for this work in 1965.
* In [[Australian Politics]], Opposition Leader Tony Abbott plays the Red Oni to the Blue Oni of Prime Minister Julia Gillard (and her immediate predecessor Kevin Rudd).
* [[World War II]] era Generals George Patton and [[Dwight D. Eisenhower]] fit this quite well, with Patton being the [[Hot -Blooded]] and gruff Red Oni and Eisenhower being the careful and calm Blue Oni
** In a similar case is Patton and Montgomery. Patton who is an aggressive newbie, and eager to get to the front while Monty is a reserved veteran and has more experience in fighting the Germans.
** In yet another case, Patton vs Rommel. Again, Patton was the red oni while Rommel was the blue one. The [[Hot -Blooded]] Patton even named Rommel a calm [[Magnificent Bastard]].
* Among America's founding fathers, there are several examples, but the most prominent is [[John Adams]] and [[Thomas Jefferson]]. Adams was [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|obnoxious]] and [[Hot -Blooded|passionate]], while Jefferson was [[The Stoic|unemotional]] and [[The Quiet One|rarely spoke]].
* In the US Congress, the House of Representatives is often considered the Red Oni to the Senate's Blue.
* Among the First Triumvirate in Ancient Rome, the red was Pompey the Great, the fasionablefashionable and charismatic maverick who loved the spotlight, and the blue was Marcus Crassus, the behind the scenes wheeler-dealer who preferred to stay in the shadows. [[Julius Caesar]] fell somewhere between the two.
* [[Josef Stalin]] was a definite blue oni, with Leon Trotsky and later [[Winston Churchill]] serving as the red oni.
* British Prime Ministers William Gladstone (red) and Benjamin Disraeli (blue).
* Cats and dogs can be stereotyped as this, with dogs (Red) being more outgoing and energetic and cats (Blue) being more independent and reserved.
* What? No love for [[Silk Hiding Steel|Chris Evert]] and [[Tsundere|Martina Navratilova]]?
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* In the Chinese Civil war the Communist Party of China who are the red communist, to the blue nationalist Kuomintang. Today they are the People's Republic of China, and the Republic of China respectively.
[[Category:Red Oni Blue Oni]]
[[Category:Real Life]]